The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1614 Hold back when you are angry!

Ji Yinfu was angry, completely angry.

He wants to kill Lu Feng, and he wants to use the power of the dynasty to kill Lu Feng!


His voice fell, but Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting both knelt on the ground, not taking orders for a long time.

"Why are you two still kneeling here? Why don't you hurry up and give orders!" Ji Yinfu stared at the two and roared.

Ji Yanghong raised his head with difficulty, looked at Ji Yinfu, and smiled bitterly: "Ancestor, think twice!"

"Yeah, ancestor, now we are fighting with the Nanyan Kingdom, and the last laughs can only be the other dynasties in Yuzhou, we can't do it first!" Ji Yangting also hurriedly said.


Ji Yinfu cursed loudly, but fell silent after finishing the curse.

Before he abdicated, he was also the emperor of the Ji Dynasty, so he was not a fool, and he knew what Ji Yanghong and the others meant.

Before the Qinglei Warlord was damaged, the Dynasty wanted to destroy the Nanyan Kingdom, and it should still be possible to pay some price.

But now, in the case of destroying the Qinglei Warlord and the other masters of the dynasty, and then attacking the Nanyan Kingdom, the final outcome is really not necessarily that the Ji Dynasty will win.

The current Nanyan Kingdom is no longer the former Nanyan Kingdom.

The fact that Lu Feng was able to kill so many masters from the Qinglei Warlord and the Dynasty proved that his strength must have been improved again.

This is a huge threat!

A threat that made the dynasty not dare to act rashly!

Previously, Ji Yinfu was angry and didn't think of this, but after mentioning it by Dynasty Shuangjue, he also reacted.

Start now, the other dynasties in Yuzhou will wake up laughing from their dreams.


Taking a deep breath, Ji Yinfu said solemnly, "How are they recovering?"

Ji Yanghong knew that Ji Yinfu was talking about the two seriously wounded generals,

Immediately said: "Although this kid Lu Feng is hateful, there is no problem with the formation he gave us. With the help of the formation, the two generals have recovered from their injuries."

"In another two months or so, you should be able to fully recover."

"it is good!"

Ji Yinfu's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Give the order to the people below, and prepare to fight immediately after the general's injuries have recovered."

"This..." Ji Yanghong looked at Ji Yinfu and said, "Ancestor, if Yuzhou hadn't been in chaos at that time, would we have to do it?"

"It can't be messed up yet."

Ji Yinfu sneered and said: "This time the Great Emperor Ruins closed so quickly, there must be some people inside who didn't get any good things, but there must be some people who got a lot of good things."

"For those forces that haven't gotten the treasures that have improved their strength, the longer they drag on, the more the remaining forces that get the treasures will increase in strength."

"Therefore, in two months at most, Yuzhou will definitely be in chaos, and then we must decide the world in one fell swoop!"

After regaining his senses, Ji Yinfu was still very shrewd and could see the current situation in Yuzhou.

"As ordered!"

The Ji Yanghong brothers immediately took orders.

Ji Yinfu nodded and said, "Go down!"


The Ji Yanghong brothers resigned.

After they left, the cold light in Ji Yinfu's eyes was even sharper, and he murmured in a low voice, "Lu Feng, wait for the deity, and when the deity's secret method is completed, the deity will definitely pull your head off!"


There is another force similar to the Ji Dynasty.

Cangchu Dynasty!

Their ancestor Chu Mingjian was directly killed in the Great Emperor Ruins.

For the Cangchu Dynasty, they didn't have five generals like the Dynasty, and their ancestor Chu Mingjian was their only support.

Now that the news of Chu Mingjian's death came back to the Cangchu Dynasty, the entire Cangchu Dynasty was in complete chaos.

"What should I do now?"

In the secret room of the Cangchu Dynasty, several ancient ancestors of the Cangchu Dynasty were sitting in it, and all of them looked bad.

"Brother, when the ancestor died, you are the strongest in the Cangchu Dynasty. You speak, we will listen to you." Chu Shengping looked at the old man sitting first on the left and said.

The old man's name is Chu Shengming, he is Chu Shengping's own brother, and his own strength is also very strong. He has reached the peak of the fourth-layered heaven, and is only one step away from the fifth-layered heaven.

"That's right, Brother Ming, now we all listen to you." The rest of the people looked at Chu Shengming and said immediately.

Not everyone is willing, but now that Chu Shengming is the strongest, they dare not say anything.

Chu Shengming looked at these people, nodded, and said, "Since everyone said so, then I'm here."

At will, he sits on the Lord's seat.

The moment he sat down, the aura in his body spread and enveloped the people around him.

"Brother, your strength..."

Chu Shengping felt this aura, he was stunned at first, and then his face was full of surprise, and said, "Brother, have you broken through to the fifth heaven of the saint?"


Chu Shengming nodded and said with a smile: "Before I left, my ancestor gave me pointers, helped me to overcome the bottleneck, and successfully broke through to the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable, but..."

The smile on Chu Shengming's face gradually disappeared, and it became extremely cold. He said coldly: "It's just that I didn't expect that my ancestor would die at the hands of that damn boy Lu Feng."

"Hmph, that damn Lu Feng!"

Chu Shengping snorted coldly and said, "We now have brother your leadership, and we will definitely avenge our ancestors."

"Brother, what do you think we should do now?"

Chu Shengming pondered slightly, and said: "We can't hide the news of the death of our ancestor, and it will definitely be spread in the future. We will hold our troops for now, and when some forces can't hold back their actions against us, we will destroy them with thunder. Get rid of them and start our first battle to dominate Yuzhou!"

"it is good!"

"Brother, I listen to you." Chu Shengping said immediately.

After speaking, he turned to look at the others and asked, "Do you have any other ideas?"

"No, no." Everyone else shook their heads quickly.

"By the way, who do you think will attack us first?" Chu Shengping asked

"Nanyan Kingdom!"

Chu Shengming said without thinking: "The Kingdom of Nanyan defeated us once before, and now it has killed the ancestors again, and their morale is high. When they think we are seriously damaged, they will definitely be the first to attack us. "

"At that time, we will catch them off guard, and we will definitely be able to give them a big surprise!"

Chu Shengming's face was full of sneer.

Hearing that, Chu Shengping also sneered and said, "I'll wait for that idiot Lu Feng to bring it up!"

Among the crowd, Chu Yekong looked at the two brothers, Chu Shengming and Chu Shengping, and sighed in his heart, this idea is indeed a good idea, wait for others to attack, then kill the enemy and re-establish his majesty.

If he was not under the control of Lu Feng, the Cangchu Dynasty would definitely gain a lot from such actions.

But alas... alas!

Chu Yekong smiled bitterly in his heart. After he went out, the news would be passed on to Lu Feng. Otherwise, if Lu Feng knew about it, he would surely die.

Chu Shengming and the others don't know this, they are now looking forward to the future.

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