The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1615 Establish a dynasty!

On Lu Feng's side, after traveling for a few days, he returned to Nanyan City.

"Chen Jia Xu."

"My minister Xun Yu."

"Chen Liu Ji."

"My minister, Sun Wuji."

"My minister Guo Jia."

"Meet Your Majesty, Long Live My Emperor, Long Live Long Live."

As soon as Lu Feng returned to the palace, he informed his five advisors and let them come to the imperial study.

"Chen and others, congratulations to Your Majesty for his great victory in the Great Emperor Ruins and a rewarding achievement." Jia Xu was the first to speak, congratulating him with a smile.

The other four were also all smiles.

The matter in the Great Emperor Ruins has already been spread, and they have already received the news.

Slash Chu Mingjian and destroy the saints of the dynasty.

This not only made Lu Feng's reputation unparalleled in Yuzhou, but also greatly reduced the strength of the Cangchu Dynasty and the dynasty, which was of great benefit to the next actions of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Since you all know the news, let's talk about what we should do now."


Several people responded, paused slightly, looked at Xun Yu, and said with a smile: "Lord Xun Yu, you can talk."

Xun Yu smiled, but did not refuse, took a step forward, and said with hands: "Your Majesty, the high-end combat power of the Cangchu Dynasty is seriously damaged, although the army is still elite, but there has been a previous battle, we are not afraid of them. army."

"Therefore, I think that we can send troops now to capture some of the cities of the Cangchu Dynasty and prepare for the future attack on the hinterland of the Cangchu Dynasty."

"My minister agrees."

Liu Ji took a step forward and said: "This time the ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, Chu Mingjian, was killed by your Majesty, not only the high-end combat power of the Cangchu Dynasty will be damaged, but it will also affect the factions within the Cangchu Dynasty. fight."

"At this time, it is absolutely feasible for us to send troops to take a few cities as outposts.


Jia Xu, Guo Jia and Zhangsun Wuji also nodded.

For the Nanyan Kingdom, now is definitely an opportunity.

Once the outpost was established in the Cangchu Dynasty, the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom would be transported continuously, ensuring that there would be no worries about the Cangchu Dynasty in the future.

As for Lu Feng's beheading of the dynasty's many masters, whether the dynasty would be outraged and lead to the attack on the kingdom of Nanyan, Xun Yu, Jia Xu and others were not worried at all.

If the Dynasty hadn't lost so many masters this time, it might have been possible to attack the Kingdom of Nanyan.

But now that so many masters have been damaged, unless the dynasty is an idiot, or it will never choose to shoot at this time.

Their best choice now is to wait, wait until the other forces in Yuzhou are in chaos, and then fish in troubled waters to consolidate their status as the hegemon of Yuzhou.

Although these people in the dynasty have declined, they are definitely not idiots in power, and they cannot make choices that are unfavorable to them.

Therefore, Xun Yu and the others were not worried at all about the dynasty.

Now they only need to focus on the Cangchu Dynasty.

Lu Feng nodded slightly when he heard their words.

There are words to kill you while you are sick.

Now that Chu Mingjian has been beheaded by himself, the impact of it is huge. There must be turmoil within the Cangchu Dynasty, and this is the opportunity for his own Nanyan Kingdom.

Take the opportunity to take several cities of the Cangchu Dynasty as outposts and plan for the future.

He looked at Jia Xu and asked, "Where is Zhou Yu?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Zhou Yu has already led his troops to the position, and we only need to wait for our order to launch an attack immediately." Jia Xu replied.

As early as in the battle of Tianxian Dao, Zhou Yu had already led a million navy to leave the territory of Nanyan Kingdom and headed to Luan'an City.

Luan'an City is located in the southwest of the Cangchu Dynasty and the northeast of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Earlier, Jia Xu and others had ordered Zhou Yu to lead the navy to Luan'an City.

Zhou Yu's army had already arrived at the position, but because the timing was not right, they did not launch an attack.

Now, it's time!

"So good."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Send an order to Zhou Yu and ask him to immediately attack Luan'an City. We must establish an outpost in the southern part of the Cangchu Dynasty within a certain period of time as our..."

Before Lu Feng could finish speaking, he suddenly frowned and took out a jade token.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

Jia Xu and the others looked at Lu Feng with some doubts.

Lu Feng shook his head slightly, just looking at the jade card in his hand, which was glowing with light blue light.

The jade card is the contact information between Lu Feng and Chu Yekong. Lu Feng told Chu Yekong before that if there is any movement in the Cangchu Dynasty, he must send back the news as soon as possible.

After making two fingerprints, the jade card radiated brilliantly, and soon a message entered Lu Feng's mind.

"It seems that we can't be cold to the Cangchu Dynasty for the time being." After reading the information, Lu Feng sighed lightly.

When Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others heard it, they were all taken aback and asked, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

"Just now, the spies I arranged in the Cangchu Dynasty received news that although Chu Mingjian is dead, Chu Shengming, a fourth-level celestial martial artist in the Cangchu Dynasty, has broken through to the fifth-level celestial realm and has stabilized the situation. "

"There is no chaos in the Cangchu Dynasty today!" Lu Feng sighed.


Xun Yu, Jia Xu and others, if you look at me, I look at you, they didn't even count this.

If the Cangchu Dynasty was not in chaos, it would definitely not be able to send troops now.

Once the troops are dispatched, it will immediately attract the attack of the large army of the Cangchu Dynasty, which is a very big pressure for Zhou Yu's army.

For the Nanyan Kingdom, it is not possible to start a full-scale war with the Cangchu Dynasty now.

"Your Majesty, isn't the identity of the spy you arranged very special?"

At this time, Jia Xu took a step forward and asked aloud.

Lu Feng looked at Jia Xu and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"Your Majesty, if the spy you arranged has a special identity, then the news he knows may not necessarily be known to other forces, because we Jinyiwei have not received any news in this regard."

"The spies of other forces may not know about this. At this time, if Your Majesty can let your spy move around in the Cangchu Dynasty and create signs of infighting, it will definitely cause other forces to covet the Cangchu Dynasty."

"When the time comes, our Nanyan Kingdom will take the opportunity to make a move, and we will definitely gain a lot!" Jia Xu said respectfully.

Lu Feng's eyes lit up, Jia Xu deserves to be Jia Xu, he thought of another way in a short time, he immediately said: "Okay, according to what you said, I will now let him do things according to your requirements."

After speaking, Lu Feng sealed his meaning in the jade card with a secret method.

There is a formation in the jade card, which can be passed on to Chu Yekong.

After finishing, Lu Feng said with a smile, "Let's wait and see a good show next!"

"Your Majesty, this matter is arranged, then we have to consider another matter." Zhangsun Wuji stepped forward and bowed to report.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.


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