The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1617 The nature of monsters, the strong are respected!

Chapter 1617 The nature of monsters, the strong are respected!

You must know that the dragon power on the dragon horse is the real dragon and dragon power. It is very pure. Unless it encounters a real dragon, or any other monsters arrive, they will be suppressed by the blood to the extreme, and their strength will be at least 50% lost!

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Yu was able to lead his troops to station here.

Of course, there are also many monsters coming from behind, wanting to attack them, and the deterrence of Longma has become somewhat precarious under the leadership of some holy-level monsters.

But at this time, the Kingdom of Nanyan cooperated with the North Tiger Demon Lord in the Million Mountain, and asked the North Tiger Demon Lord to take care of him. Naturally, there were no monsters coming around.

Moreover, the North Tiger Demon Lord knew that Lu Feng killed the emperor crocodile, so he was very afraid of Lu Feng's strength, and at the same time wanted to maintain a cooperative relationship with Lu Feng.

Therefore, the North Tiger Demon Lord not only ordered those monsters not to intrude on Zhou Yu and others, but also let several holy-level monsters guard the periphery to ensure that no one would find Zhou Yu and others.

When Zhou Yu first knew this, Zhou Yu was also shocked.

After all, the dignified Northern Tiger Demon Lord, the Demon Lord among the monsters, is super powerful, how could he do such a thing.

But when he heard that His Majesty beheaded Gongyang Xu, who had reached the seventh level of the Holy Spirit, in the northern grasslands, he was not surprised.

To put it bluntly, in the world of Kyushu Continent where warriors are respected, strength is still respected.

Lu Feng's strength has reached the level that the North Tiger Demon Lord has to put down his body to maintain the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Because, there is not only a demon king in the million-dollar mountain, but in the entire Yuzhou, only the forces of Nanyan can provide the elixir that the demon beasts need.

If the Northern Tiger Demon Lord does not cooperate, then there will be Nanhu, Donghu, Beihu and other monsters who will come to Lu Feng to cooperate.

A force with a saint-level mid-grade alchemist has this qualification.

An emperor who can behead a seventh-level celestial warrior is even more qualified!

Since then, the Demon Lord of the North Tiger will often come to Zhou Yu to drink tea and discuss the Dao. The implication is to let him say good things in front of Lu Feng and strengthen the cooperation between the two sides.

Generally, the Northern Tiger Demon Lord will come every few days,

But he just came yesterday, and he comes again today.

Zhou Yu guessed that it should be the North Tiger Demon Lord who also got the news of the Great Emperor's ruins, so he will come back today.

"Haha, General Zhou, your spirit tea is something I can't forget!" The Northern Tiger Demon Lord laughed.

Listen to this.

The Northern Tiger Demon Lord has no idea how many spirit teas there are in this million-dollar mountain, among which there are no less than fifty kinds of precious spirit teas by Zhou Yu.

But I just got the news from Yuzhou, so I have to come over and contact the relationship. It is best to know what good things Lu Feng got from the Great Emperor Ruins.

Speaking of the Great Emperor Ruins, Beihu Yaojun was very depressed.

Because of the news of the Great Emperor Ruins, he did not know it until after the Great Emperor Ruins was closed.

Before that, he had never heard any news about the ruins of the Great Emperor. The forces in Yuzhou were hiding too deeply!

"Your Majesty, please."

Zhou Yu invited the Northern Tiger Demon Lord to enter the building boat.

"General Zhou, I heard that His Majesty the King of Nanyan has gained a lot from the Great Emperor Ruins this time. I wonder if there are any treasures that can be traded?" As soon as the tea was drank, the Demon King of the Northern Tiger couldn't hold back his temper and asked aloud.

Zhou Yu smiled in his heart, as expected.

He smiled lightly and said, "The Yaojun is asking the wrong human being."

"Your Majesty is the king, and I am the minister. How can the minister know about the king's affairs?"

"If you want to make a deal, you have to go to Nanyan City to find Your Majesty and talk to His Majesty."

Beihu Yaojun listened, feeling helpless for a while, after hearing Zhou Yu's words, he knew that it was impossible to get anything from Zhou Yu.

There was also depression on his face.

Zhou Yu saw the expression of the Demon Lord of the North Tiger, and knew what he was thinking, and then smiled slightly and said, "I have some news here that may be of use to the Demon Lord."

"Oh? What news?" The North Tiger Demon Lord looked at Zhou Yu curiously.

"Your Majesty has decided to establish a dynasty at the beginning of next month. I think you will get the news soon, Yaojun." Zhou Yu said with a smile.

When the North Tiger Demon Lord heard this, he was stunned at first, followed by overjoyed.

He wasn't interested in whether the Nanyan Kingdom was going to become a dynasty. What he was interested in was that it gave him an excuse to go to the Nanyan Kingdom.

Because of the relationship between humans and monsters in the continent of Kyushu, there was an agreement early on that the realm of human warriors surpassed the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, and they were not allowed to enter the millions of mountains without permission.

Once you enter and are discovered by monsters, you will be besieged by monsters. If you are killed, your forces will never allow retaliation. Once you retaliate, you will be chased and killed by the entire Kyushu continent.

The same is true for monsters. Monsters whose realm exceeds the sixth level of the Holy Venerable are also not allowed to enter the human world without permission.

Once entered and killed, the monsters in the million-million mountain also do not need to retaliate, or they will be surrounded and killed by all the monsters in the million-large mountain.

The reason is to prevent the outbreak of war between the two sides.

This is also the reason why every revenge beast tide, no holy-level monsters will participate in it.

And this rule was set by the martial arts emperors of both humans and monsters as early as ancient times, and no one can violate it.

But you can't do it privately, it's different if someone invites you.

This time, when Lu Feng established the dynasty, he was invited to enter the human world, and he could negotiate some deals with Lu Feng face to face.

After all, there are some things that cannot be completely handed over to subordinates to do.

"General Zhou, I would like you to speak to His Majesty and give me an invitation." The Demon Lord of the Northern Tiger said to Zhou Yu.

"Don't worry, you will definitely have a place in the invitation," Zhou Yu said with a smile.

Zhou Yu still didn't know that Li Dynasty would invite those people, but it was certain that there would definitely be the Northern Tiger Demon Lord.

After all, the Nanyan Kingdom and the Northern Tiger Demon Lord have maintained a cooperative relationship now, and a grand event like the establishment of a dynasty will definitely invite a large number of forces from all sides.

The North Tiger Demon Lord will definitely be invited.

"Haha, that's very good." The North Tiger Demon Lord laughed and said, "General Zhou, then I won't bother, I'll come to you for tea later."

He had to go back and prepare well. After all, he was going to negotiate a deal with Lu Feng himself, so he would definitely have to go back and prepare well.

Transactions naturally have to come up with something of value.

Zhou Yu looked at the back of the North Tiger Demon Lord leaving and smiled slightly.

As far as the North Tiger Demon Lord is currently, there is no doubt that Nanyan Kingdom will take the initiative in cooperating with him in the future.

The reason is simple, strength!

The North Tiger Demon Lord is very aware of this, and he has now involuntarily placed his identity on the disadvantaged side.

This is due to Lu Feng's strength.

After all, although the Northern Tiger Demon Lord is not weak, he is still a monster after all.

There is still the nature of monsters in the bones, and the strong are respected.

Even if his identity is not simple, he still cannot change his nature.

The most bullish emperor system in history

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