The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1618 Your Majesty, I will give you a satisfactory gift at the end!

There was laughter and laughter in the tent of the main general of the Duxiongguan Barracks.

The generals in the account were all excited.

"General, Your Majesty asked us to prepare a present. What kind of present do you think we should prepare?" Deputy General Meng Taoming asked with a smile.

They already knew the news of Lu Feng's great victory in the Great Emperor Ruins.

They also know that His Majesty the Emperor will have a grand event in the Eighth Dynasty at the beginning of next month.

And that's why they're so happy.

After the Nanyan Kingdom became a dynasty, these Nanyan generals naturally rose.

Gao Shun looked at the generals under his command, smiled slightly, and said, "What do you think is the most suitable gift for His Majesty?"

"Haha, it is naturally the head of Zhang Liyuan, Emperor of the Liyang Dynasty!"

"Yes, winning the Liyang Dynasty is the best gift to His Majesty!"

"well said!"

Gao Shun stood up abruptly, looked at his generals, and said loudly: "Go down immediately to mobilize the army, and launch a general attack on the Liyang Dynasty one day later!"


The generals are ordered to go down and prepare immediately.

Gao Shun looked at it with a smile on his face, and murmured in a low voice, "It's time for the Liyang Dynasty to perish!"

When he received an order from Lu Feng to ask for a gift, Gao Shun knew what Lu Feng meant.

The land of Yuzhou, one dynasty, ten dynasties.

At the beginning of next month, since the Eighth Liyang Dynasty was going to be a dynasty, it would have to destroy a dynasty.

The Liyang Dynasty is the Dynasty that will be destroyed!

With more than a month to go, Gao Shun is still very confident in his army.

After Gao Shun's order went down, the army in Duxiong Pass immediately started.

In just one day, all the offensive preparations have been made.

"Set off!"

Gao Shun led the 100,000 trapped camp and 2 million Nanyan elite troops from Duxiong Pass to Liyang City, the capital of the Liyang Dynasty.

When the army on Gaoshun's side just set off, the Liyang Dynasty got the news.

In the royal study room, Zhang Liyuan, who looked decadent, sat on the dragon chair with a sad face.

These days, he has been thinking of various ways to escape from Liyang City, but unfortunately, he has no way.

There is no way.

Whenever there is a little movement from him, the news of the gathering of Gao Shun's army will immediately come from Duxiongguan.

Zhang Liyuan was so frightened that he had to stop any action, for fear of angering Gao Shun, he directly led the troops to attack him.

Although Gao Shun had never really attacked Liyang City these days, Zhang Liyuan was very clear that it was only a matter of time.

If the Nanyan Kingdom wanted to establish a dynasty directly, it would definitely need to destroy a dynasty.

Because the luck of the land of Yuzhou can only support the existence of one dynasty and ten dynasties.

There cannot be another eleventh dynasty.

Therefore, when the emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, wanted to turn the country he ruled into a dynasty, it was the day of the demise of the Liyang Dynasty.

Zhang Liyuan didn't want to sit still, but he could only sit still.

"Your Majesty, it's not good."

"The big thing is bad."

A eunuch broke into the imperial study, his face full of panic.


Zhang Liyuan chuckled, full of self-deprecation, and said, "What else can be good now?"

"Tell me, which minister left Liyang City with his family."

These days, Zhang Liyuan heard the most news that the ministers he had trusted very much left Liyang City with his clan, and then either went to Beiguan Camp or Dongguan Camp.

"No... it's not the minister, it's... it's Duxiongguan!"

"What? Duxiongguan?"

Zhang Liyuan's expression changed, and he asked anxiously, "What happened to Duxiongguan?"

"The spies are here to report that Gao Shun led more than two million troops from Duxiong Pass and headed directly to Liyang City!"


Zhang Liyuan was so frightened that he collapsed on the dragon chair and murmured in a low voice, "It's over, everything is over, it's over."

"The army of Gao Shun is here, the Liyang Dynasty is over, it's over."

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Zhang Liyuan's appearance, the eunuch said anxiously: "Your Majesty, you are the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, you are the backbone of all of us, you must not give up!"

"Don't give up? How not to give up?"

Zhang Liyuan's face was full of bitterness, and he said, "Who else can protect me now?"

"There has been no news from the Beiguan camp for a long time. The Dongguan camp is also in violation of the positive and negative, and the Nanguan camp is ignored. In such a situation, what hope is there for me?"

"How can you not give up?"

"Your Majesty, you still have the Liyang Changhen Army!" the eunuch said anxiously.

"Liyang Chang Hate the Army?" Zhang Liyuan heard it, stunned, and asked, "Are they still in Liyang City?"

"Your Majesty is here, and the Liyang Changhen Army is here!"

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the imperial study.

Immediately after, a general in armor walked in, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the last general is willing to lead the 200,000 Liyang Changhen Army to block the enemy's pace, and please evacuate quickly!"

"General Joe."

Zhang Liyuan looked at the generals who came out, his eyes were very complicated.

This person's name is Qiao Shuxin, a general of the Liyang Changhen Army.

It's just because Qiao Shuxin and his uncle, the side-by-side king in Beiguan Camp, were very close, so Zhang Liyuan didn't like Qiao Shuxin very much.

But because the appointment of the generals of the Liyang Changhen Army was decided by the ancestors of the dynasty, he couldn't dismiss him even if he didn't like it.

The only thing that can be done is to hide the part of the Liyang Changhen Army led by Qiao Shuxin. All the weapon configurations are several years ago and have not been replenished for too long.

I thought that by virtue of Qiao Shuxin's relationship with his uncle, he should have led his troops to the Beiguan camp long ago.

But I didn't expect that the person who stayed in the end was the one I didn't trust the most!

"General Qiao, I'm the one who blamed you." Zhang Liyuan looked at Qiao Shuxin with an apologetic expression on his face, and said, "I will let someone open the arsenal and replenish you with the latest equipment."

"It's too late." Qiao Shuxin shook his head and said, "The end general has already received the news that Gao Shun is taking the trapping camp as the vanguard, and his marching speed is extremely fast. We will be able to reach Liyang City in less than half a day, and we have already had extra time to delay. "

"Your Majesty, please evacuate Liyang City quickly, and the last general will lead his troops out to block Gao Shun's trapped camp!"


After finishing speaking, Qiao Shuxin kowtowed on the ground and said solemnly: "The last general is gone, please take care of your majesty!"

When the words fell, Qiao Shuxin got up and walked quickly to the outside of the imperial study.

Zhang Liyuan looked at Qiao Shuxin's figure with very complicated eyes.

He is very aware of the combat effectiveness of the Nanyan Kingdom's army, especially the combat effectiveness of the trapped camp.

Although Qiao Shuxin has 200,000 Liyang Changhen Army, it is difficult to stop the attack of the trapped camp.

Going this time, there are more misfortunes than good luck.

But Qiao Shuxin went without hesitation.

This is the general!

A general who is truly loyal to the Liyang Dynasty!

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