The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1622 The defeat is complete and clear

"Do not!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Qiao Shuxin's face was gloomy. If Gao Shun was a top-ranking military general, then the Nanyan Kingdom would not have to wait so long.

With the commander-in-chief of three supreme generals, it is enough to make the Nanyan Kingdom a great dynasty.

Even the Cangchu Dynasty is absolutely incomparable.

Gao Shun is definitely not a superb general!

It's just that this scene in front of me...

Qiao Shuxin looked at Gao Shun, who was completely integrated with the trapped camp, with a solemn expression on his face.

While he was pondering, Gao Shun was already leading the trapped camp to advance rapidly.

With its super strength, the trap camp, led by Gao Shun, completely crushed the Liyang Changhen Army.

The attacks of the Liyang Changhen Army fell on the trapped camp and were useless.

But the weapons of the soldiers who were trapped in the camp fell on the soldiers of the Liyang Changhen Army, but they took away their lives.

In just a short while, the Liyang Changhen Army was already in retreat.

"General, what should I do?"

The lieutenant's face was pale.

The Liyang Changhen Army, which was invincible in the past, has been defeated by the trapped camp in just a short time today.

This made it difficult for the lieutenants of the Liyang Changhen Army to accept. They could only pin their hopes on Qiao Shuxin, hoping that Qiao Shuxin would have a good solution.

It's just that now Qiao Shuxin is also panicked, because in the face of such a trapped camp, there is very, very little he can do.


Looking at the constantly advancing trap camp, and then looking at the Liyang Changhen Army, which was still in retreat despite its rising strength, Qiao Shuxin took a deep breath and said, "Gao Shun, I want to see if your trap camp is not. It is truly invincible!"

"God Town Flag, burn!"

Qiao Shuxin quickly made two handprints and landed on the Zhenshen flag in the void.


The Zhenshen flag trembled for a while,

Make a buzzing sound.

Immediately after that, a large number of faint blue flames ignited on the Zhenshen flag.

Soon, the Zhenshen Banner was completely ignited by the faint blue flame.


At the same time, Qiao Shuxin vomited blood, and his face became extremely pale.

The Zhenshen Banner and his soul figured it out. Now that the Zhenshen Banner is burned, it is also a heavy blow to his soul.

"That's enough!"

Gao Shun looked surprised when he saw it.

Burning the town god flag can make the soldiers under the town god flag burn the blood in their bodies and greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

But there are limits. If the number of soldiers exceeds 100,000, the increase in combat power is very limited.

At present, the soldiers of the Liyang Changhen Army have been damaged several times, and now they are only about 100,000. In the case of the burning of the Zhenshen flag, they will completely stimulate their blood in their bodies and maximize their combat effectiveness.

But these soldiers paid a very heavy price.

For these ordinary soldiers, blood essence is equivalent to life.

Burning a lot of blood essence is equivalent to burning a lot of their lifespan. After this battle, even the soldiers who survived by chance will undoubtedly lose within three to five years.

Qiao Shuxin made it clear that he wanted to gamble with the lives of these Liyang Changhen Army soldiers, betting that they could break the army formation that was trapped in the camp.


Those soldiers who were burning blood essence, their eyes became blood red in an instant, their aura increased a lot, and they attacked the soldiers in the camp crazily.

It's just a pity, no matter how they increase their combat effectiveness, the weapons in their hands are also battle armors made of fine iron and stone that are difficult to smash, and they can't hurt the soldiers trapped in the camp at all.

On the other hand, Gao Shun, looking at Li Yang Changhen Jun, took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Thorn!"

With a wave of his hand, the army of the trapped camp suddenly condensed in the sky, turned into a sharp sword, and stabbed towards the Liyang Changhen Army.


The sharp sword stabbed the soldiers of Liyang Changheng's army, but it did not cause fatal damage to them, but at the moment when the sharp sword fell, the morale that was finally lifted up by the Zhenshen Banner collapsed instantly.

Even if the blood essence was burned, those soldiers lost their momentum in an instant and looked very sluggish.


"This Gao Shun is actually a superb general!"

Qiao Shuxin's pale complexion became very gloomy.

The formation of the military formation is a skill that only top military generals have.

At this time, Gao Shun was able to use the trapped army to consolidate his formation, which was undoubtedly proving his status as a top military general.


At this time, Gao Shun took advantage of the opportunity that the morale of the soldiers of the Liyang Changhen Army was severely damaged, and led the trapped camp to quickly charge over.

With the help of the Zhenshen Banner, these soldiers could not stop the trapped camp, let alone now that they have lost their morale, and they are even more powerless to resist the attack of the trapped camp.

A large number of soldiers were trapped in the camp and beheaded under the sword.

However, within two quarters of an hour, the soldiers of the Liyang Changhen Army were already shrouded in despair. Under the attack of the trapped camp, they retreated even more, and they were only one step away from defeat.


At this time, Gao Shun suddenly broke away from the trapped camp army, holding the earth spirit knife and slashed the soldiers of the Liyang Changhen Army.

At this time, the Liyang Changhen Army had no military formation at all, and for Gao Shun, whose realm had reached the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens, there was no suppression at all.

The huge sword energy slashed, and the Liyang Changhen Army was cut out of a vacuum.

The soldiers around him died instantly and couldn't die any longer.

With just such a sword qi, at least thousands of soldiers of the Liyang Changhen Army were taken away.

It is also the fall of this sword qi that makes Liyang Changhen Jun no longer have the will to resist, and their hearts are completely shrouded in fear.


A large number of soldiers dropped their weapons, turned and fled.

Facing the trapped camp, they really lost the desire to attack and just wanted to escape.

Li Yang Chang Hate Army, completely defeated!

"General, what should I do?" Looking at the defeated Liyang Changhen Army, the lieutenant next to Qiao Shuxin looked at him with bitterness on his pale face.

"You go!"

Qiao Shuxin looked at the defeated Liyang Changhen Army, sighed, and said, "After all..."

"The strength is difficult to surpass, we are defeated."

In this battle, he lost completely and clearly.

Also defeated.

In the face of Gao Shun, who had reached the level of a top military general, he would not lose face in defeat.

It's just that he was also a little unwilling, and he was also thinking in his heart, if Gao Shun's camp did not have a battle armor made of fine iron, would he still have some hope?

But that can only be thought.

As a general of the Liyang Changhen Army, Qiao Shuxin knew very well that equipment was also a part of the strength of the army.

Otherwise, the Cangchu Dynasty would not be the head of the ten dynasties that everyone agrees with, because they have the Holy Crossbow in their hands, which is a fatal threat to the warriors of the holy realm. This is the fundamental reason why they can become the head of the ten dynasties. .

Now that the Liyang Changhen Army is defeated by the more well-equipped trap camp, there is nothing to say.

"General, let's go together." The lieutenant looked at Qiao Shuxin and said, "General, as the general of the Liyang Changhen Army, you have done everything you can. Let's retreat now, go to the Beiguan camp, and join us. King, we still have a chance."

"General, let's go together!"

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