The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1623 Pure Yangzong takes action

"Beiguan Camp?"

When Qiao Shuxin heard this, he shook his head and said, "I am the general of the Liyang Dynasty, not the general of the Beiguan Camp."

"Today, the Liyang Changhen Army has been defeated, and the capital of Liyang City has been broken, and the dynasty has been declared dead."

"As the general of the Liyang Dynasty, I should live and die with Liyang City!"

"I won't run away, you go."

"But the general..."

"This is an order!" The lieutenant wanted to say something, but Qiao Shuxin said coldly, "Do you want to disobey?"

"Don't dare!" The lieutenant said quickly.

Just looking at Qiao Shuxin, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Qiao Shuxin shook his head again.


The lieutenant sighed, turned and left quickly.

Qiao Shuxin rode a war horse, still standing in place.

And beside him, the defeated Liyang Changhen Army kept running back.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qiao Shuxin was the only one standing here in the Liyang Changhen Army.

Around, there are many corpses of Liyang Changhen Army soldiers, no less than 150,000.

All were beheaded by the trapped camp.

"General Qiao, why don't you run away?"

Gao Shun came over, looked at Qiao Shuxin and asked.

"A military general of the Liyang Dynasty, how can he escape from the battlefield?" Qiao Shuxin smiled indifferently, looked at Gao Shun, and said, "General Gao, I underestimated you, I really didn't expect that the Nanyan Kingdom would be apart from Yue Fei and Huo Qubing. In addition to the top military general, there is actually a top military general like you!"

Gao Shun smiled slightly. In fact, in a strict sense, he was not a top military commander.

Because he can only enter the realm of the top military general when he leads the attack of the trapped camp, and can control the army of the trapped camp at will.

When leading other armies, if you want to control the army formation at will, let the formation condense,

It's a little reluctant.

Therefore, in the strict sense, he is not the ultimate military commander.

But when he was leading the trapped camp, he was the ultimate general!

"General Qiao, I know your ability, and I also know your ability. Being a suppressed general of the Liyang Changhen Army in the Liyang Dynasty is really a bit of a condescending talent for you."

"Come to the Kingdom of Nanyan, I will recommend you to Your Majesty, as long as you are loyal to His Majesty, you will definitely be used!" Gao Shun said looking at Qiao Shuxin.

"Ha ha."

However, Qiao Shuxin laughed and said, "General Gao, you should also know that the final belonging of a general is not waiting to die on the hospital bed, but dying in battle!"

"I, Qiao Shuxin, the general of the Liyang Dynasty, will only die in battle for the Liyang Dynasty, and will never surrender to the Nanyan Kingdom."

Gao Shun frowned slightly and said, "General Qiao, do you want to die in vain with all your skills?"

"This skill will only belong to the Liyang Dynasty!" Qiao Shuxin said in a deep voice.

Gao Shun didn't answer immediately, but looked at Qiao Shuxin deeply.

To be honest, he never thought that there would be such a general in the Liyang Dynasty.

You must know that the reason why the Liyang Dynasty's combat power ranks at the bottom of the top ten dynasties in Yuzhou is because they have many military commanders and factions.

In addition to maintaining absolute control over the capital and the Xiguan camp, Emperor Zhang Liyuan, the rest of the Beiguan camp, the Dongguan camp, and the Nanguan camp, were more or less oblivious to the emperor. mean.

In particular, the king side by side of the Liyang Dynasty in Beiguan Daying, Zhang Liyuan's uncle, paid no attention to him as an emperor.

In this case, the Liyang Dynasty's comprehensive strength naturally cannot be very high.

The generals in it can't be so powerful, and it's hard to say how loyal they are to the Liyang Dynasty.

The only one Qiao Shuxin, because he has a good relationship with Beiguan Camp, but because he is the general of the Liyang Changhen Army, he must be in the capital and is suppressed by the emperor, so it is difficult for him to develop.

But now, Qiao Shuxin, who was suppressed by the emperor, has become the most loyal one to the Liyang Dynasty.

"General Gao, the reason why I don't run away is because there is one thing I beg you." Qiao Shuxin looked at Gao Shun and said.

"What's the matter?"

Qiao Shuxin looked at Gao Shun with a complicated expression, and said, "I know that the capital will definitely be destroyed today, and the Liyang Dynasty will also become a thing of the past."

"But there are hundreds of thousands of people in Liyang City. They are all ordinary people, not the powerful. I hope that General Gao will not disturb them after the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom enter the city."

Qiao Shuxin sighed softly and said, "I wonder if General Gao can grant me a request before I die?"

"The army of the Nanyan Kingdom will never intrude on the common people. General Qiao can rest assured." Gao Shun said.

"Then I have nothing to worry about."

Qiao Shuxin smiled slightly, and suddenly drew his sword and put it on his neck, killing himself!

Looking at Qiao Shuxin who fell from the battle horse, Meng Taoming behind Gao Shun sighed and said, "Qiao Shuxin is a real military general!"

Gao Shun nodded and said, "Go on and let Qiao Shuxin be buried in a good life. Don't be sloppy."

"Yes!" Meng Tao took the order.

Gao Shun looked at Qiao Shuxin's corpse and sighed in his heart, if Qiao Shuxin chose to surrender, with his ability, he would definitely do something in the future.

It's just a pity that he chose to be loyal to the Liyang Dynasty.

Haosheng's placement of his body was Gao Shun's last respect for a real general.

After the arrangement, Gao Shun continued to lead the troops forward.


From the east city of Yangcheng, Zhang Liyuan's motorcade had just retreated here from the palace.

There are quite a few people in the group, plus the guard army, there are about 50,000 people.

At this time, he was walking quickly to the outside of the city.

"Captain, as expected by the general, Zhang Liyuan is here."

In the shadows, there are fifty people hiding.

They are the secret guards of Jinyiwei and Shadow Secret Guardian. They are powerful, and everyone is at least the realm of the emperor's triple heaven.

Their existence is for assassination!

Now they have received an order from Gao Shun and are here waiting for Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, and his party.

Now, Zhang Liyuan's army is here.

The captain of the dark guard here is a warrior of the emperor's seventh heaven. He looked at Zhang Liyuan and his party with killing intent in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, all the dark guards were ready.

Just wait until the captain of the dark guard gives an order to start.

"Tsk tsk, the dignified emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, why did he flee in a hurry today?"

Just when the dark guard was about to make his move, a chuckle suddenly came.

Immediately after, more than a dozen warriors from the fifth level of the emperor appeared at the city gate of Dongcheng and stopped in front of Zhang Liyuan and his party.


When the captain of the dark guard heard this, he frowned and said, "Has the General arranged other people?"

"I didn't get the news." A dark guard next to him shook his head.

"Captain, the swords on those people seem to be the elders of the Chunyang Sect." Another dark guard suddenly said.

"Pure Yangzong?"

The captain of the dark guard stared at the group of people, saw their swords clearly, sneered, and said: "It really is a member of the elders of the Chunyang Sect, it seems that the Chunyang Sect is not as safe as we thought!"

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