The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1624 The Imperial Jade Seal

"Captain, are we still doing it?" The dark guard whispered.

"Don't worry." The captain of the dark guard sneered and said, "Since the people from the Chunyang Sect are here, let them go to fight with the people from the Liyang Dynasty first, and we can just wait to be the oriole."


The Dark Guard stood still.

They were not worried about being discovered.

Because all the dark guards have practiced a unified hidden secret method, which is the level of the saint-level low-level, unless they are exposed by themselves, or the people from the dynasty and the pure Yangzong, they will not be able to find it for a hundred years.

"Lou Jianbasket!"

Zhang Liyuan looked at the person from Chunyang Sect in front of him, and his face became very gloomy.

Because he knew the leader, the second elder of the Chunyang Sect elder group, Lou Jianlan, the strength of the emperor Jiuzhongtian, was also a well-known existence in the Liyang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, long time no see." Lou Jianlan looked at Zhang Liyuan and smiled.

"Lou Jianlan, I have an agreement between the Liyang Dynasty royal family and the Chunyang Sect. You are not allowed to enter Liyang City without the consent of the Liyang Dynasty royal family!"

Zhang Liyuan stared at Lou Jianbasket and said coldly, "You broke the rules!"

"Rules? Haha..."

Lou Jianlan listened, suddenly laughed, and said, "Your Majesty the Emperor, don't you know that the rules are established based on the strength of both parties, and now you have the strength of the Liyang Dynasty royal family to speak the rules with my Chunyang Sect? "


"Don't you, you don't have the strength and qualifications." Lou Jianlan interrupted Zhang Liyuan's words and said with a smile: "If I were you, just lower your body and ask me now. What kind of price can I pay to let my Chunyang Sect spare you."

"Do you really think your Pure Yang Sect is invincible?" Zhang Liyuan had a gloomy face.

"For now, isn't it?" Lou Jianlan looked at Zhang Liyuan with a smile, and said, "Of those old guys from the Liyang Dynasty, two were damaged by the sword of the Nanyan Kingdom, and the other one was left. There is still no news about entering the Great Emperor Ruins, do you think he can still come out alive?"

"He's just a mere half-saint.


Lou Jianlan shook his head and said, "For something like the Great Emperor Ruins, with our level of power, what qualifications are there to participate in? And you put all your hopes on the Great Emperor Ruins, which is ridiculous!"

"By now, can your Nanyan Kingdom still find two warriors from the Emperor Jiuzhongtian?"

Compared with the Liyang Dynasty, the Chunyang Sect was very conservative. They knew that the Great Emperor Site was not something that forces of their level could participate in, so even if they knew that the Great Emperor Site was about to open, no one would go in.

In the end, just as they thought, there were many people who thought about entering the ruins of the Great Emperor, but only ordinary people went in.

The rest are killed or injured.

Only the one who stands at the real top is considered the treasure.

When Zhang Liyuan heard Lou Jianlan's words, his face became even more gloomy, but he was speechless.

Just as Lou Jianlan said, the ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty put all their hopes on the Great Emperor Ruins, but the Great Emperor Ruins have ended, but the ancestors have not returned.

Clearly it's bad luck.

Otherwise, it will not come back when the dynasty has reached the moment of demise.

In fact, the strength of the Liyang Dynasty is not so strong that even the two emperors of the Nine Heavens cannot be found.

In the Beiguan Camp, Dongguan Camp, and Nanguan Camp, the commanders and generals were all military generals from the Emperor Jiuzhongtian, and their strength was not weak.

It's a pity that they're not here now, and they don't follow orders very much.

This made Zhang Liyuan very helpless.

Now the most powerful master around him is just an old eunuch of the emperor's eighth heaven, hiding in the dark and unable to do anything.

Because he is not Lou Jianlan's opponent either.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Liyuan stared at Lou Jianlan and said, "Tell me, what can you do to let us go."

"It's very simple, Chuanguo Jade Seal." Chunyang Sect looked at Zhang Liyuan with a slight smile and said, "As long as you hand over the Liyang Dynasty's Chuanguo Jade Seal to us, we promise to leave immediately and will never delay your retreat. ."

"The Imperial Jade Seal?"

When Zhang Liyuan heard it, he was stunned for a moment. He thought Lou Jianlan wanted the treasure of the Liyang Dynasty, but he didn't expect that he wanted to pass on the jade seal of the country.

It can be said that the National Jade Seal is of great use to those who want to become emperors, but to the sect, it is of no use at all.

He looked at Lou Jianlan and asked, "What is your Chunyang Sect doing to pass on the National Jade Seal?"

"You don't have to worry about what you do, just leave it to me." Lou Jianlan said lightly, "Your Majesty should make a decision quickly, after all, the Liyang Changhen Army can persist under the attack of Gao Shun's camp. Soon."

"Ha ha."

Suddenly Zhang Liyuan sneered and said, "You guys are holding the Imperial Jade Seal, you probably want to join that dynasty, right?"

The royal seal of the dynasty contains the fortune of the dynasty.

If the royal seal of the Liyang Dynasty falls into the hands of other dynasties, then the other dynasties can take the fortune of the Liyang Dynasty as their own.

You must know that the fate of a dynasty is absolutely fundamental to a dynasty.

A dynasty with a strong fortune can not only ensure good weather in the dynasty, but also allow some talented warriors to appear in the dynasty, which is of great benefit to the development of the dynasty.

If the fortune of a dynasty is deprived by another dynasty, it means that the dynasty is over!

The national wars that often occurred on the Kyushu mainland were all to pass on the dynastic luck contained in the jade seal of the country.

Zhang Liyuan hadn't figured out what Chunyang Sect wanted to pass on the National Jade Seal before, but now he thought about it.

In addition to the dynastic luck inside, the Chuan Guo Yuxi is just a symbol of an emperor. It is naturally beneficial to an ambitious person like the king of Beiguan Great Camp, but for Chunyang Sect, it is of no use.

Lou Jianlan was not surprised when Zhang Liyuan broke his purpose, but just smiled: "Then I don't know whether His Majesty the Emperor will give it or not?"

"Take the fortune of the Liyang Dynasty and use it as your Pure Yang Sect's vote for someone else's name, do you think I will give it to you?"

Zhang Liyuan sneered: "I can only give you two words for this: Never think about it!"


"Since Your Majesty is toasting and not eating and drinking, then you will be offended." Lou Jianlan sighed, looking at Zhang Liyuan and his party's eyes gradually becoming cold: "Kill!"

When the voice fell, more than a dozen warriors from the Emperor Wuzhongtian behind Lou Jianlan quickly shot and rushed towards Zhang Liyuan's guards.

"Fire arrows!"

Zhang Liyuan drank it, and the guards quickly shot one after another gas-breaking arrows, trying to kill Lou Jianlan and others.

It's just that they are too close, and the arrows have been avoided by the martial arts of the emperor's fifth-level heaven before they hit them.

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