The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1648 Since it's out, go to hell!

"Qing Kuang Jie was developed by us for a long time, it is credible." Jiang Kai said.

"How is his ability?" Gao Shun asked again.

"He is the confidant of Ye Xun, the commander of the Nanguan camp, and he is very capable," Jiang Kai replied.

"In this way, we don't have to worry too much about Nanguan Camp..."


Before Gao Shun could finish speaking, a buzzing sound suddenly came from Jiang Kai's body, interrupting his words.

Jiang Kai frowned and immediately took out a jade pendant of his own.

This is the way of emergency communication between the Jinyiwei spies.

Unless something very important happens, or this jade pendant will not be used.

Now that this jade pendant makes a sound, it means that something major has happened.

He immediately checked the information inside.

Soon, his face changed greatly.

"Jiang Wanhu, what happened?" Gao Shun looked at Jiang Kai's complexion with confusion.

"The spies from the Nanguan Camp came to report that they accidentally discovered the trace of the Bloody Clothes Building!" Jiang Kai said solemnly.

"Blood Clothes Building?"

Gao Shun frowned slightly and said, "The saints in their power are dead, why are they still coming out?"

"I don't know that either, the information in the jade pendant doesn't have that." Jiang Kaidao.

Gao Shun pondered slightly, and said, "Go to Nanguan Camp immediately and check this matter."


Jiang Kai left immediately.

"It seems that the Blood Clothes Building is not the grasshopper of the autumn queen. They still have some actions." After Jiang Kai left, Gao Shun murmured in a low voice.

After pondering for a while, he took out a jade pendant and entered the information, passed it to His Majesty the Emperor, and asked the Dragon Servant Imperial Army to take action.

In the dynasty, only the emperor Lu Feng could mobilize the Dragon Servant's Imperial Army, and he only obeyed Lu Feng's orders.

The power of the Bloody Clothes Building belongs to the power of the sect, and it is more suitable for the Dragon Servant Imperial Army to take action.

Generals like Gao Shun and the others focus more on the dynasty and the dynasty.



Lu Feng left Nanyan City and went directly here. Zhang Liao, who had been notified earlier, was already waiting here.

"Last General Zhang Liao, see Your Majesty."

"Long live my emperor, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live!"

Zhang Liao led several lieutenants in the field to kneel to the ground.

Because Lu Feng didn't come here for inspection, so Zhang Liao didn't bring too many people, just a few important people in the military field.

"Be flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhang Liao took the lead, and several people stood up.

They looked at Lu Feng with awe, excitement, and admiration in their eyes.

Although they were far away in the westernmost military field of the Nanyan Kingdom, they knew the news ahead very clearly.

First, he killed the ancestors of the five-layered heavenly ancestors of the Baiguo Academy in the Baiguo Academy, and then he killed the ancestors of the seven-layered ancestors of the Wuzu saints in the northern grasslands.

Immediately after that, he killed the military generals of the dynasty in the ruins of the emperor, forcing the dynasty to endure this matter until now, and dare not take action against the kingdom of Nanyan.

It is because he is afraid of the strength of His Majesty the Emperor!

For these generals, Lu Feng's behavior is simply unbelievable.

They are proud to follow such an emperor's majesty.

You must know that before they joined the Nanyan Kingdom, everyone talked about the dynasty and the Hundred Kingdoms Academy only with fear, let alone against them.

Not only was Lu Feng not afraid of them, but he chose to fight them, and he had the absolute upper hand.

For them, such a monarch, a monarch they should follow at this time!

It is the real Your Majesty!

Under the leadership of Zhang Liao, Lu Feng quickly arrived at the main general's tent inside the military field.

"Wenyuan, tell me about the situation in the military field now." Lu Feng looked at Zhang Liao and asked.


Zhang Liao pondered slightly and said, "Earlier, under the instigation of the prime minister and the general, at the end of the day, the people in the original land of the kingdoms were relocated, and the people who were scattered before were gathered together.

The extra place to build a military field. "

"The range of the military field is very wide, and it can train 30 million troops at the same time! However, under the advice of the admiral, the military field has maintained the number of troops of 25 million for a long time, of which 5 million recruits can participate in the battle now. Among them, there are 2 million elites; 10 million soldiers who have undergone three months of training can go to the battlefield, but their combat effectiveness is weak, and the last commander does not recommend that they go to the battlefield now.”

"In addition to the 15 million troops, the remaining 10 million troops are the 10 million recruits who have just been recruited. They have just been recruited and have only undergone short training. If they want to go to the battlefield to meet the requirements of the military formation, they will also It will take about five months.”

After a short pause, Zhang Liao continued, "In addition to this, the last commander also led his troops to remove all the selfish families and sects in the original land of the kingdoms. Now the entire land of the kingdoms has been calm."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Wen Yuan, you have done a good job in the military field, you have worked hard."

At the same time, Lu Feng was also stunned for a while. He was less in the Nanyan Kingdom during this period of time. It was not that he did not know the number of troops in the military field in time, but he did not expect that there were 25 million troops in the military field.

You must know that in addition to the military field, Nanyan Kingdom also has Luoshanyuan Barracks, which is also an infantry training barracks, a naval barracks, and a cavalry barracks outside Beiguan.

These four military camps together, the number of troops must be more than 40 million.

In addition, the standing army of the northern grasslands, the standing army of Tianxiandao, and the standing army of Liyang City.

At present, the number of troops in the Nanyan Kingdom is a very terrifying number.

However, this is also thanks to the fact that Lu Feng has brought in a lot of supplies during this time. Otherwise, it would be a big problem to support so many troops.

After a short pause, Lu Feng looked at Zhang Liao and said, "Also, the number of troops is important, but we must also remember one point. It is better to have a shortage than to waste. The troops you train must ensure that they can really fight on the battlefield, or they absolutely cannot. sent out."

"I will understand at the end!" Zhang Liao responded immediately.

Lu Feng nodded and said nothing.

The purpose of his visit this time was not the military field, but the poisonous forest in Dazhou, so he did not stay in the military field for a long time, so he planned to leave the military field and go to the poisonous forest.

However, just before he left, he received news from Gao Shun.

"Blood Clothes Building?"

Looking at what was said in Gao Shun's news, Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, "It seems that these mice still like to run around, so let's go to hell!"

He immediately gave Jian Jiu an order to lead the Dragon Servant Imperial Army to solve the matter.

If you meet the people in the blood-clothed building, you will kill Wushe directly, no need to talk nonsense.

As for Zhongzheng Juggernaut, after returning from Chunyang Sect, his realm was on the verge of breaking through, and now he has begun to retreat.

After arranging the Dragon Servant Forbidden Army, Lu Feng went to the Dazhou Poison Forest.


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