The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1649 Intention to control the poisonous forest

After half a day, Lu Feng had reached the poisonous forest in Dazhou, which was close to the military field.

"The threat to the warriors here is really great."

Feeling the poisonous gas from the poisonous forest, Lu Feng sighed softly.

These poisonous gases are extremely ferocious. If they are not at the realm of the Holy Venerable, the true energy formed by the warriors cannot stop the penetration of the poisonous gases.

This is why in the Dazhou Poison Forest, even the warriors in the realm of the emperor are talking about it.

Only the warriors of the holy realm can be fearless in this poisonous forest.

After a little sigh, Lu Feng took out the Crane Snake Spirit Ring.

"Sure enough, Dulin is the home of my Crane and Snake family."

The voice of the crane and snake soon came from the Crane Snake Spirit Ring.

Although he can't leave the spirit ring now, as long as Lu Feng doesn't stop him, he can still feel the outside world.

"Master, if I stay in this poisonous forest for three hundred years, I will be able to restore my soul and stabilize the realm in the first level of the emperor." Crane Snake said.

"I will let you out now, do you dare to come out?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.


The crane snake paused for a while, not knowing what to answer.

In his current state, Lu Feng released him from the spiritual ring, which was not a good thing for him, but a terrible bad thing.

In his current state of soul, he will die if he leaves the Crane Snake Spirit Ring.

So, Crane Snake laughed dryly and said, "Master, I... I mean to say."

Lu Feng didn't say much. He looked at the surrounding poisonous forest and asked, "As far as you know about the poisonous forest, how does the poisonous gas contained in this poisonous forest compare to other places?"

"It may be because it is located in Yuzhou, and there are relatively few warriors who can enter the poisonous forest, so the poisonous gas contained in the poisonous forest in this place is more concentrated." Crane Snake said.

"Oh? Could it be that in other places, there will be warriors entering the poisonous forest to absorb the poisonous gas?" Lu Feng was a little surprised.

"Of course there are." Crane Snake said, "In Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, Jianzhou, and other places, there are always some martial artists who practice sideways, and they will go into the poisonous forest to absorb the poisonous gas and arrest them. The poison in it to improve your strength."

"It's just that such warriors are often eroded by poisonous gas and poison because of their bodies, and their lifespans are much shorter than other warriors of the same realm, but they will be much stronger in aggression."

"After all, their attacks not only have the power of infuriating energy, but also have various toxins, which are hard to guard against."

Lu Feng nodded, this is normal.

After all, it's normal for some warriors to go sideways in pursuit of strength.

He looked at the poisonous forest and said, "Since the poisonous gas here is more intense, it also meets our requirements."

The sound fell, and his hands quickly made strange handprints, condensing in the void.

In just a short while, the handprint has turned into a mysterious word 'soul'!

Initial Xuanwen!

"Master, you... what are you trying to do?" Seeing this scene, He Snake suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Lend the power of your soul to use it!"

"What? Master, you..."


Before he finished speaking, the crane snake let out a scream. He felt that the power of his soul was being involved in the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul', and he quickly went outside the spirit ring.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

Crane Snake was so frightened that he panicked, and said anxiously, "Master, what did I do wrong and you want to kill me?"

"Master, I really want to serve you wholeheartedly, I have nothing to hide, please, don't kill me, don't kill me!"


Hearing this, Lu Feng was instantly speechless, this crane snake must be too timid...

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Feng shouted, "Shut up! Do you see something wrong with your soul?"

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Crane Snake responded. Indeed, although Lu Feng's soul power was pulled out of the spirit ring, it did not collapse immediately.

Soon, he discovered that there was a faint halo on the surface of his soul power.

This halo was condensed by the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul'.

This initial Xuanwen is protecting his soul from the influence of the outside world.

Therefore, it did not collapse immediately.

This also made He Snake breathe a sigh of relief.

But soon his eyes lit up, and said, "Master, can you also use this method to let my soul force absorb the poisonous gas in the Dazhou poisonous forest, so that I can recover?"

"Yo, will you still have to make an inch?" Lu Feng looked at He Snake and chuckled lightly.

Crane Snake smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

In fact, he can also think clearly, even if it is possible, it is impossible for Lu Feng to restore his strength now.

After all, after all, he was a powerhouse at the peak level of Emperor Bazhongtian, and he regained his strength. Even if there was that imprint of his soul, there was no guarantee that he would continue to be loyal to Lu Feng.

Thinking about it, if Crane Snake was Lu Feng, he would definitely not do this.

That way, instead of giving him an extra helper, it would give him an extra threat.

Unless Lu Feng is stupid, or it is absolutely impossible to do so.

Lu Feng ignored the crane and snake, and he again made a few handprints with his hands and landed next to the initial Xuanwen of the word "soul" in the void.


These handprints quickly merged with the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul'.

In just a short while, the original mysterious word "soul" had some light gray on it.

"Soul Guiding Profound Formation, get up!"


Accompanied by a loud noise, the initial mysterious text filled with the word 'soul' in light gray spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the fluctuation of the formation was shrouded in the void.

At the same time, the power of the crane and snake soul in the spirit ring was involved, and it quickly merged into this void.

After a while, one-fifth of the soul power of Crane Snake has been drawn out and entered this void.

Then I saw that the poisonous gas of the Dazhou poisonous forest that was flooded in the vicinity was quickly isolated from the formation.


Standing in the space isolated by the formation, Lu Feng took a deep breath. There was no trace of the Dazhou poisonous forest in the air.

Whether it was the poison or the poisonous gas in the poisonous forest, they all disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough!"

Looking up at the space separated by the 'Soul Guiding Profound Array', a smile appeared on Lu Feng's face.

The Soul Inducing Profound Formation is a profound formation created by using the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul'. At the beginning, it was a powerful killing formation.

For the warriors in the formation, the soul in the body will be pulled out of the body by the formation, and then smashed, so that the warriors in the formation can no longer die.

But Lu Feng, relying on his own understanding of the original mysterious text of the word 'soul', made some modifications, integrated the space mysterious text into the array, and then displayed it, and it became what it is now.

Taking the original 'soul-inducing profound formation' as the foundation, pulling the soul power of cranes and snakes out of the spirit ring, and then controlling the initial mysterious text of the word 'soul' will not smash this soul power.


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