"Oh? So sure?"

Lu Feng looked at Zuo Jin with a smile, and said, "People who speak with such certainty are often filled with fear, and they may say anything at any time."

"Are you that kind of person?"


Jin Zuo Shi snorted coldly and said, "You can try!"


Lu Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm not interested in trying, I've always been very direct."

"Now I give you two choices. One, honestly explain the next plan of Xueyilou, and I will spare your life."

"Second, you can choose not to say anything, I search your soul, and you can also get what I want, but you are better off dead."

After a short pause, staring at Zuo Jin again, Lu Feng said, "Now you can tell me what your choice is."


Zuo Envoy Jin wanted to say that Lao Tzu would never say anything.

But when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say it.

Because he knew very well what kind of person Lu Feng was, and he did what he said.

Thinking of the tragic end after being searched for souls, Jin Zuo Shi couldn't help shivering.

"I say."

In the end, Jin Zuo Shi said helplessly.

If he wasn't afraid of death, he would have committed suicide long ago when Jian Jiu caught him.

He is afraid of death!


Therefore, he chose to sell the Bloody Clothes Building.

"Wise choice."

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Tell me, what is the plan of Xueyilou."


Jin Zuo Shi sighed again and looked at Lu Feng with helplessness and regret in his eyes.

Knowing that the intelligence system of the Nanyan Kingdom had found him so quickly, he would never ask Ying to go to the Nanguan camp, and it fell into the hands of the Dragon Servant Imperial Army.

It's just a pity that he wanted to perform well in front of the ancestors of the Blood Clothes Building, who was about to return, but it turned out to be better now, and the performance was perfect.

Expressing himself into Lu Feng's hands, he couldn't help himself.

However, he also knows that regret is useless now, and saving his life is the key.

Taking a deep breath, Jin Zuo Envoy said, "Compared to Jin Yiwei's intelligence capabilities, you already know the layout of the Bloody Clothes Building in the Liyang Dynasty, so I won't say it."

"What we know is one thing, what you said is another." Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's better for you to say everything."

Jin Zuo Envoy did not dare to go against it and said, "In the Beiguan camp, we have let Zhang Kun go to the Beiguan camp through Ning Zichang, who is next to Wang Zhangkun, and let Ning Zichang install his cronies."

"At the same time, those families with a large number of private soldiers in the northern border of the Liyang Dynasty are directly responsible to Ning Zichang, not Zhang Kun, so those people have long been under the control of Xueyilou."

"As long as Xueyilou gives an order, more than 50% of the troops in Beiguan Camp will be controlled by Ning Zichang."

"Your chess players in the Blood Clothes Building are quite clever." Lu Feng said with a smile, "If Zhang Kun knew that more than half of his army had disobeyed his orders, he would probably be directly pissed off!"


"Yes!" Jin Zuo Shi lowered his head and continued, "It's simpler in the Dongguan camp. Qiu Chuanjun, the leader of the army, was originally a man in the Bloody Clothes Building, and now he is leading the army to surrender to the Ming and Song Dynasty, but the fact is It also belongs to the Blood Clothes Building, and the Ming and Song Dynasty did not know about this."

"As for the Nanguan Camp..."

When Jin Zuo envoy said this, he paused, and then smiled bitterly and said, "Our bloody building in Nanguan Camp has suffered heavy losses."

The dignified blood-clothed left envoys all fell into the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"The next plan." Lu Feng said lightly.

Zuo Envoy Jin didn't dare to hide it, and said, "Before our ancestor came back, our plan was to control the three gates of the Liyang Dynasty. As for the later plan, we would not implement it until the ancestor came back. As for the specifics... "

Zuo Envoy Jin glanced at Lu Feng and whispered, "Our goal is Dan City!"

"Dan City?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly.

Dao; "Dan City has always been neutral, why do you want to take action against them?"

"This Yuzhou, how can there be any neutral force." Jin Zuo Shi smiled bitterly and said, "The so-called neutrality is only because no one likes them. Now the ancestor of the blood-clothed building has a crush on Dan City, and he wants to be in Dan City. There is a rich collection of medicinal herbs, so I plan to shoot at Dancheng."

Lu Feng nodded, Jin Zuo Shi was right.

The so-called neutrality is only because his strength is strong enough to remain unbiased among multiple forces.

But once the power of a certain party grows and takes a fancy to you, it is a joke that you want to remain neutral.

Dancheng has always been neutral in Yuzhou, and it has been neutral for thousands of years, but obviously some people don't want them to continue to be neutral now.

"Tell me about your ancestor of the Blood Clothes Building!" Lu Feng looked at Zuo Jin and said, "I am very curious, where did you find this ancestor."

Jin Zuo Shi's face was a little embarrassed, and he said, "Actually, this person was expelled from the Shining clan by the elders of the Shining clan a long time ago because he violated the family's return, and there has been no news since then."

"Some time ago, the news came back. He told us that he originally went to Zhongzhou to cultivate. After more than 4,000 years, he became a warrior at the peak of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable."

"Originally, he planned to come back and find the Shining tribe to settle accounts, but because that group of people were almost dead at that time, he wanted to come back to control the Blood Clothes Building and develop his own power."

"Originally, the Three Saints of the Blood Clothes Building, headed by the Shadow Saint, was unwilling to hand over power in this way, so he desperately wanted to improve his strength in the Great Emperor Ruins, and waited until the ancestors returned to have an equal dialogue with him."

"But I didn't expect..."

The words were not finished, but Jin Zuo Shi was already depressed.

No one would have thought that the Shadow Saint put all his hopes in the Great Emperor Ruins, and as a result, even before entering the real Great Emperor Ruins, he has become a corpse.

The person who killed him was Lu Feng in front of him.

"Now, how long will it be before you return to Yuzhou, the ancestor of the Bloody Clothes Building?" Lu Feng asked.

"not sure."

Jin Zuo Shi shook his head and said, "Only the elders know the specific date. I only know that it is in the last few days, but I don't know the specific date."

After a short pause, Zuo Jin looked at Lu Feng again and said, "As far as I know, I have already told you everything. You said before that as long as I said it, I would be killed. Can you count on your words?"

"When I speak, I have always kept my word." Lu Feng glanced at Zuo Jin lightly, and said, "If I say I won't kill you, naturally I won't kill you. But..."

"But what?" Jin Zuo Shi was instantly nervous.

"I won't kill you, but if I let you go now, do you think you can live?" Lu Feng smiled slightly.


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