
Jin Zuoen didn't know what to say for a moment.

The news that he was taken away by Jian Jiu, although a limited number of people knew about it at the time, but you don't have to think about it. With the intelligence system of Xueyilou, it is very simple to know the news.

If he went back to the Blood Clothes Building at this time, it would be no different from courting death.

It is impossible for the elders of the Blood Clothes Building to let him go.

"You... do you have any other arrangements?" Jin Zuo Shi looked up at Lu Feng.

He is a smart person, and Lu Feng is actually saying this, which means that he doesn't want to die so soon. As for what it does, only Lu Feng knows.

"You are not from the Shining tribe." Lu Feng looked at Jin Zuo envoy and said, "You were originally just a loose cultivator in Yuzhou. Because you offended the people of the dynasty, you were hunted down by the dynasty and had to join the Blood Clothes Building. In seven hundred years, he has gone from a killer to the current blood-clothed left envoy."

"But because the real core of the Blood Clothes Building is the Shining clan, you are not a Shining clan, so you have never been able to become the real high-level of the Blood Clothes Building. You have been dissatisfied with this."

"Am I right?"



"How did you know?"

Jin Zuozhi looked like he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The information that Lu Feng said is absolutely confidential in the Blood Clothes Building, unless it is the elders of the Shining tribe, or it is impossible for anyone to know this.

But... how did Lu Feng know?

"You don't need to know how, you just need to know, I know more things than you can think of." Lu Feng smiled and said, "I now give you a choice, join the Dragon Servant Forbidden Army, I will let people release The news that you have been killed, there will be no more blood-robed golden Zuo envoys in this world, how about that?"

When the Dragon Servant's Imperial Army was first established, Lu Feng's purpose was to use it to deal with those sects and aristocratic families that were opposed to the Nanyan Kingdom.

After all, these two forces belong to the martial arts forces, and they have been using the army, laboring the people and hurting the money.

With the Dragon Servant Imperial Army present, it would be much easier to let them go.

However, in a strict sense, the current strength of the Dragon Servant's Imperial Army is not very strong. There are no more than ten warriors in the semi-holy realm and above, and the warriors in the holy realm only need to be Zhongzheng Jiansheng, Jian Jiu, and Tong Yuan.

This kind of strength is enough for the current Yuzhou, but if they want to let them deal with more martial arts forces and sects in the future, it seems a little insufficient.

So Lu Feng naturally wanted more experts to join the Dragon Servant Imperial Army.

Jin Zuo Shi is a good choice.

The strength of the semi-sacred peak is not weak.

Of course, the most important thing is the profession of Jin Zuo Shi, the killer of the Blood Clothes Building!

As the largest killer organization in Yuzhou, the blood-clothed building, the killers who come out of it, can often leapfrog to kill when they secretly make a move.

In the information that Lu Feng got, Jin Zuo envoy had once assassinated a warrior of the first level of sainthood. Although he failed, he severely injured the warrior of the first layer of sainthood and retreated safely.

This kind of assassination ability is very powerful, and Lu Feng values ​​this.

The Dragon Servant's Imperial Army needs such people to join!

As for loyalty, Lu Feng is not worried, because he will naturally control people like Jin Zuo Shi.

"Are you still in the blood-clothed building elders group?" Jin Zuo Shi did not answer Lu Feng's words, but stared at him and asked.

Lu Feng just smiled and said, "Tell me your choice, to join or not to join?"

Although Lu Feng didn't answer, Zuo Jin basically confirmed his guess.

Inside the Bloody Clothes Building, there must be someone from Lu Feng, and also a member of the elders.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Lu Feng to know the news.

This made Jin Zuozhi very shocked and complicated.

You must know that the Shining tribe is a very xenophobic race. They only trust members of their own tribe, which is why the killers of the Blood Clothes Building have enough credit, but they cannot become core members.

They do not allow outsiders to become core members of their own forces.

However, Lu Feng actually let the people of the Bloody Clothes Building Elder Group turn to him. This kind of ability is really something that Zuo Jin has never heard of or seen before.

You must know that in the previous dynasty, it was not only once that the Shining tribe had an idea, but the people who sent it died before they got close.

Over time, the dynasty gave up.

Unexpectedly, what the dynasty could not do, Lu Feng actually did!

Maybe, this is life!

Zuo Envoy Jin let out a long sigh and said respectfully, "My subordinate Jin Zuo is willing to serve the Kingdom of Nanyan, and he must not betray him for life!"


Lu Feng directly threw an exploration technique on Jin Zuo Shi.

Soon, the information will come back.

Jin Zuo Xueyilou Xueyilou is the left envoy, a saint-level killer in Xueyilou.

The pinnacle of the semi-sacred realm.


Loyalty 60

Looking at the information returned by the exploration technique, Lu Feng smiled slightly, similar to what he guessed, Jin Zuo's loyalty was not that high.

To be honest, he didn't expect Jin Zuo's loyalty to be high either.

After all, it is under this circumstance that if the loyalty reaches 90 or more, it is really a ghost.

But Lu Feng didn't care, because he would have exercised other control over Jin Zuo.


With a wave of Lu Feng's hand, a powerful soul force directly enveloped Jin Zuo.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, you... what are you doing?" Jin Zuo's expression changed instantly.

Lu Feng ignored it, controlled his soul power, and quickly sucked out Jin Zuo's soul source.

"Spirit... the origin of the soul!"

When Jin Zuo Shi saw the origin of his soul, his complexion changed greatly.

The origin of the soul is the foundation of the power of the soul. If this thing is damaged, Jin Zuo's entire soul will be instantly shattered.

Lu Feng now holds the source of his soul in his hands, which is equivalent to having Jin Zuo's life in his hands at all times.

This made Jin Zuo pale instantly.

After Lu Feng sealed Jin Zuo's soul source in the spirit stone, he looked at Jin Zuo and said, "Don't be so desperate, I will never treat those who do things well, and I will never show mercy to those who intend to betray."


Jin Zuo looked at Lu Feng, opened his mouth, smiled bitterly, and said, "This subordinate obeys the order!"

At this time, he is very clear that he is no longer qualified to resist.

From now on, he can only be a member of the Dragon Servant Imperial Army.

"Ding, it has been detected that Jin Zuo's loyalty to the host has increased, and it is currently seventy-five points."

The system prompt sound also appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

Lu Feng nodded secretly, this Jin Zuo can be considered interesting.

Soon, he asked Jian Jiu to take Jin Zuo down and arranged for him to join the Dragon Servant Imperial Army.

On the other hand, he also asked Jin Yiwei to release the news that Jin Zuo envoy would rather die than surrender and has been beheaded.

The purpose is naturally to let the people in the Blood Clothes Building relax their vigilance and make them think that their plan, Nanyan Kingdom, doesn't know anything yet.

After doing this, Lu Feng gave Jia Xu an order to come to Tonglu City immediately.


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