The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1694 6 God Emperor Sword

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Chapter 1698 The Most Bullish Emperor System in History

"remarkably brave."

Venerable Blood Sword looked at Lu Feng and said these four words.

Originally, these four words were supposed to praise others, but when they came out of the mouth of Venerable Blood Sword, coupled with the mocking expression, it didn't seem like they were praising people.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, since you are so confident, let this deity see how long you can last under this deity's soul-devouring blood sword!"


When the sound fell, Venerable Blood Sword raised his sword, and with the sound of the sword, Venerable Blood Sword instantly disappeared in place, and reappeared in front of Lu Feng.

The Soul Devouring Blood Sword in his hand slashed directly at Lu Feng.

"Ah... give my life back! Give my life back!"

Before the sword arrived, the miserable cries of many resentful souls had already enveloped Lu Feng, madly trying to invade his soul realm and affect his mind.

The cries of these wraiths are extremely penetrating, and they cannot be resisted by ordinary means at all.

If someone else is here, I am afraid that the voices of these resentful souls have already invaded the soul realm.

But unfortunately, he faced Lu Feng!

Lu Feng, who has the power of the emperor, completely ignored the interference of these things.

He just flickered, avoiding the sword of Venerable Blood Sword.


Venerable Blood Sword frowned slightly and said, "Aren't you affected by Soul Devouring Blood Sword?"

"Do you really think your soul-devouring blood sword is invincible?" Lu Feng smiled slightly.

"Haha." Venerable Blood Sword smiled sarcastically, and said, "Do you really think that Soul Devouring Blood Sword has only such a little ability?"

"Now the deity will let you see, what is the real soul-devouring blood sword!"

"Soul Devouring Blood Array, congeal!"


The soul-devouring blood sword chanted,

A terrifying aura instantly filled the surroundings, followed by a shock in the surrounding space, a formation appeared out of thin air, shrouding Lu Feng and the surrounding space.

Soon, a lot of blood energy rose up in the formation.

Blood energy madly devoured Lu Feng.

Soon, blood energy was already shrouded in Lu Feng's head, but the mighty power of the emperor in Lu Feng's body completely blocked the intrusion of these blood energy.

"Damn, what the hell is that?"

When Venerable Blood Sword saw it, his expression was extremely difficult to see.

If the Soul-Eating Blood Sword's ability to affect people's hearts and souls is no longer effective, then the power will at least drop by 50%. What is in Lu Feng's body, so that his Soul-Eating Blood Sword can't affect his mind.

"Is this your backhand?"

Lu Feng looked at it, shook his head slightly, and said, "If it's just like this, you're going to die here today!"

"Extremely arrogant!"

Venerable Blood Sword snorted angrily, "This deity will let you see what is the real soul-devouring blood sword."

"Oh? Is that so? You said the same just now." Lu Feng smiled slightly.


Venerable Blood Sword snorted coldly, and quickly made a handprint with both hands and fell into the formation.

Immediately, the blood energy in the formation tumbled, and nine skeletons emerged from the blood energy, shaking their bodies and approaching Lu Feng.

The voice of 'give my life back' kept coming out of the skull's mouth.

There was also some mourning in the voice, which was extremely miserable and extremely infiltrating.

Just when they were only ten meters away from Lu Feng, the nine skeletons suddenly trembled, exuding an extremely strong aura.

Bloody skeleton swords appeared in their hands, and they quickly attacked Lu Feng.

The nine attacked like one, and they were in front of Lu Feng in an instant.

Lu Feng used the Four Elephant Movement Techniques at his feet to quickly avoid the attacks of the nine skeletons.

"You actually turned the nine warriors of the sixth-level peak of the Holy Venerable into formation skeletons. Your behavior is likely to be shouted and beaten by everyone in Jianzhou." Lu Feng looked at Venerable Blood Sword coldly. .

"What if everyone shouts and fights?" Venerable Blood Sword smiled coldly, and said, "In this world, everyone only recognizes strength, not others!"

"When I was a warrior in the realm of the emperor, they yelled at me everyone. After I became a warrior in the realm of the saint, the group of people who shouted at me no longer dared to speak, and only some so-called guards were left. The Taoist priest yelled at me there."

"When I become a warrior at the peak of the Eighth Heaven of the Holy Venerable, who will be shouting at me, even if they are Taoist guards? They even gave me the title of Venerable Blood Sword. Hahahaha!"

Venerable Blood Sword suddenly laughed and said, "Do you think this is ridiculous? The deity started a killing spree in Jianzhou, killing at least 900 million ordinary people, and the field where those 900 million people are located is still the fifth force in Jianzhou. Under the name, it belongs to their guardian."

"But after I killed them, the so-called fifth force didn't dare to say anything at all, and didn't even dare to chase and kill me a little bit. Do you think it's ridiculous?"

"Since then, I have known that in this world, real strength is respected. As long as it is strong enough, no matter what you do, no one dares to say anything to you!"

"This is the way of life in the Kyushu Continent!"

"No one is chasing you?"

Lu Feng looked at Venerable Blood Sword, smiled coldly, and said, "If no one is really chasing you, what are you doing in Yuzhou?"

Jianzhou is the third-ranked region in the Kyushu mainland, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth far exceeds that of Yuzhou.

If it is true that no one is chasing and killing Xuejian, Xuejian does not need to come to Yuzhou to find the Ice and Snow Dynasty to make swords, he can continue to practice swords in Jianzhou.

Jianzhou's environment, no matter what aspect, is much, much better than Yuzhou.

The Soul Devouring Blood Sword refined there must be the best of the best.

But Venerable Blood Sword didn't do this, he could only prove one thing, he didn't dare.

Someone in Jianzhou must be chasing him!

"Humph!" Venerable Blood Sword snorted coldly and said, "Boy, stop talking nonsense, prepare to die!"

"Nine statues in one, blood-colored sky!"

Under the control of Venerable Blood Sword, the nine skeletons combined into a three-person skeleton, holding a blood-colored bone sword, and slashed it down at Lu Feng.

"I'm still giving you that sentence. If you're only so talented, then you can only die here today." Lu Feng looked at the attack and shook his head slightly.

"You dare to speak madly when you are about to die, but this deity will see how you can take over this deity's sword!"


Venerable Blood Sword mobilized the formation to completely block the space around Lu Feng's body, so that Lu Feng could no longer dodge any more, he could only forcefully take the skeleton's attack.

"Lock the space?"

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "If I want to leave, can you lock this space?"

"But it doesn't matter, if you want me to accept your attack, I will take it and show you!"

"Six God Emperor Sword!"

Lu Feng snorted softly and quickly made fingerprints with both hands.


Gan unsheathed his sword and gathered it in front of him.


At this moment, the huge skeleton's attack had already hit Lu Feng, but it was blocked by a light blue halo.

The halo came from the sword of Gan Jiang.

"Blue Dragon Sword!"

Lu Feng let out a low voice and stabbed his sword directly at the skeleton.


When Gan swiped his sword across the sky, the dragon roared.

The Gan Jiang sword turned into a blue dragon!

The most bullish emperor system in history

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