The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1695 Are you afraid of fire with your formation?

Qinglong slammed into the three-person skeleton, and there was an instant 'bang' sound, and the skeleton exploded instantly.


When Venerable Blood Sword saw it, his eyes shrank suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

This skeleton is formed by the condensed of nine holy venerable sixth-level peak warriors, especially the nine-in-one, which increases the power of the skeleton.

Coupled with the blessing of blood energy in this soul-devouring blood formation, the hardness of the skeleton, even if the warrior of the eighth heaven of the holy god wants to break it, it will take a lot of effort.

But this kid Lu Feng actually shattered the attack that he took so much effort to create with a single sword?

How can Venerable Blood Sword accept this?

"Your backhand is nothing more than that, but my backhand, starts now!"

Looking at Venerable Blood Sword, Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "White Tiger Sword!"

He quickly made a handprint with both hands, the blue dragon dissipated between the heavens and the earth, and the Gan Jiang sword appeared again.

But in the next instant, Gan Jiang's sword turned into a white tiger, roaring and rammed directly at Venerable Blood Sword.


"Do you think that the mere ability to transform the Four Elephants can defeat me?"

Venerable Blood Sword snorted disdainfully and said, "This deity will let you see what is the real soul-devouring blood formation!"

"Blood river, congeal!"


The sound of water sounded in the Soul Devouring Blood Array, and after a while, the blood river condensed and swept away directly towards the white tiger that Gan Jiang's sword turned into.


The blood river collided with the white tiger sword, and the blood river quickly swallowed the white tiger sword.

In the blink of an eye, the White Tiger Sword was completely shrouded in the river of blood, and he could no longer see the White Tiger transformed into his sword, only the river of blood in the sky.

"This is your backhand?" Venerable Blood Sword looked at him with a sarcastic smile and said, "It's just such a small trick!"


Lu Feng watched,

He just smiled, but didn't do anything.

When Venerable Blood Sword saw it, he frowned slightly. According to common sense, the attack was blocked by himself, and Lu Feng should have performed another attack, but why did this guy never change his methods?

Why is his next attack late?


Just when he was puzzled, a loud noise suddenly came, and before he could react, a white light passed through the river of blood that filled the sky and hit his body.


Immediately, Venerable Blood Sword vomited blood, and was beaten and flew out.

It's just that the current Blood Sword Venerable didn't pay attention to his injuries at all, but looked at the white light that hit him in disbelief, and said in shock, "This... how is this possible?"

That white light turned out to be the white tiger sword trapped in the river of blood!

But wasn't that White Tiger Sword already shattered?

After slicing the blood river and wounding the Blood Sword Venerable, the White Tiger Sword also reached the end of its power and dissipated in the heaven and earth.

The Gan Jiang sword returned to Lu Feng's hands again.

"Xuanwu sword!"

Lu Feng didn't give Venerable Blood Sword much time to recover. After Gan Jiangjian came back, he immediately used the Xuanwu Sword.


A snake-like cry came, and the Gan Jiang sword turned into a huge basalt in Lu Feng's hands, and directly attacked the seriously injured Blood Sword Venerable.

"You can't kill me!"

When Venerable Blood Sword saw it, he roared angrily, and quickly also made a handprint, trying to mobilize the Soul Devouring Blood Formation, trying to use the Soul Devouring Blood Formation to deal with the Xuanwu Sword.

It's just that his movements have not yet ended, Xuanwu has already crossed the void, and when he arrived in front of him, in his unbelievable eyes, he directly stepped on his feet.


Venerable Blood Sword, who was seriously injured, even vomited blood, and his life aura fluctuated enormously.

"This... This is just the Xuanwu that is condensed by the sword, how can it have the true water control ability of Xuanwu?" Venerable Blood Sword said in shock.

As a warrior at the peak of the Eighth Heaven of the Holy Venerable, Venerable Blood Sword just saw that the Xuanwu came not directly across the space, but took advantage of the characteristics of his blood river belonging to the water type, directly in front of him.

This made it too late for him to react at all, and he was already under control.


Xuanwujian ignored the shock of Venerable Blood Sword, and suddenly increased its strength, and was about to step on Venerable Blood Sword into pieces.

"Do you think you can kill me like this?"

"Lu Feng, let me tell you, this is impossible, impossible!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Venerable Blood Sword burst out laughing like crazy, and when the laughter ended, his body disappeared directly.

Lu Feng frowned slightly, he clearly felt that there was some more life in the Soul Devouring Blood Sword around him.

The Blood Sword Venerable turned out to be integrated into this soul-devouring blood formation!

"Your method is not bad, but the price you pay is too high."

Lu Feng said lightly: "Incorporate your body, life breath, and soul into this formation, no, it shouldn't be in this formation, it should be in that soul-devouring blood sword!"

"Aren't you afraid to become a slave of the Soul Eater Blood Sword?"

"Jie Jie, Lu Feng, don't worry about me, think about yourself!" Venerable Blood Sword's voice came from all directions in the formation: "Now I and the formation are completely integrated, do you want If you kill me, you must destroy this formation."

"But the soul-devouring blood formation is a god-level high-grade formation, and it is still closely related to the soul-devouring blood sword. You don't have the strength to shatter a god-level high-grade formation!"

"Under normal circumstances, I really don't have the ability to shatter a god-level high-grade formation, but..."

Lu Feng paused for a moment, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you bloody, afraid of fire?"

"Afraid of fire?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Venerable Blood Sword heard it, he gave a sarcastic smile and said, "A mere flame can burn my blood river? Do you think my blood river is a waste of paper?"

"You're not afraid of ordinary fire, but what about Suzaku's divine fire?" Lu Feng smiled slightly.

"Suzaku Shenhuo?"

Venerable Blood Sword was obviously stunned when he heard it, but followed with a sneer: "Who do you think you are? How can you control the fire of the Vermillion Bird?"

"Can't you just take a look?"

After the sound fell, Lu Feng's handprint changed and he whispered, "Suzaku sword!"


With a sharp cry, Gan Jiang's sword turned into a flaming Suzaku sword.

When Suzaku first appeared, the surrounding temperature rose instantly, and the blood river in the formation dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.


When Venerable Blood Sword saw it, he had a bad premonition in his heart.


Suzaku's wings spread violently, and red and blue flames spread from the wings, and in the blink of an eye, the river of blood shrouded it.

Under the flames, the river of blood that had already started to dry up instantly disappeared without a trace.

"how can that be?"

The inconceivable voice of Venerable Blood Sword came, and he exclaimed in shock: "What kind of sword art are you? How could it be possible to condense the magical powers of the four phenomena of heaven and earth?"

"This Vermillion Bird Fire, how can you condense it?"


Lu Feng's handprint changed, and the Suzaku sword stabbed at the Soul Devouring Blood Formation.

"You can never break my formation!"

Venerable Blood Sword roared furiously, frantically mobilizing the blood energy in the Soul Devouring Blood Array, trying to block Suzaku Sword's attack.

However, in the face of Suzaku Shenhuo, the speed of these blood qi dissipated faster than the speed of condensation.

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