The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1713 A different appointment!

"At this time, even if we don't continue to attack, can't Huo Qubing lead the cavalry to kill?"

The lieutenant said helplessly, "The cavalry is extremely fast. It takes at most one day to get to where we are now. Even if we lead the troops to retreat now, we will be caught up within three days."

"Furthermore, if you lead the troops to retreat, you will be violating the imperial edict, and His Majesty will also punish you. We can't bear it."


Wang Yanquan's expression changed greatly.

He is not a fool, naturally he knows what the lieutenant said.

Indeed, even if they were stagnant now, Huo Qubing could still lead troops to attack them.

For them, the results were no different.

"But now that we're leading the troops, we're really dying!" a general next to him said indignantly.

"It doesn't have to be death, it may also make Huo Qubing's army suffer," said the lieutenant who spoke earlier.

"What's your plan? Come on!" Wang Yanquan said immediately.


The lieutenant pondered for a while, and said, "General, let's move on. Huo Qubing must know the movement of our army, and they will definitely be ready to deal with our army."

"At this time, his 1.5 million cavalry cannot leave. If we send news to General Hou Nongyu at this time, let him lead the troops to attack the 500,000 cavalry left by Huo Qubing."

"With General Hou Nongyu's ability, there will be absolutely no problem in dealing with the 500,000 cavalry without Huo Qubing's leadership!"

"When the news of the 500,000 cavalry being broken reaches Huo Qubing's army, they will definitely be in chaos. For us, that's our chance. Maybe we can take the opportunity to launch an attack and get rid of some of Huo Qubing's cavalry."


Wang Yanquan frowned slightly and said, "Your method is good, but the premise is that we can persist until Hou Nongyu destroys the 500,000 iron cavalry."

"You know, we are dealing with Huo Qubing, who has reached the level of a top military general, and it's not easy."

"After we can go a little further,

Build a barracks, and then directly issue a letter to Huo Qubing's army and invite him to fight, but we don't really need to fight head-on, we just need to delay the time. "

"When General Hou Nongyu wins, our chance will come," said the lieutenant.

Wang Yanquan listened, and did not make a decision immediately, but looked at the other generals in the account and asked, "What do you think?"

These generals look at me, I look at you, all bowed to Wang Yanquan and said, "I will obey the general's orders."

"If that's the case, then follow this method." Wang Yanquan said.



"General, the spy reported that the enemy army stopped advancing at the place where we were still half a day's journey away, and started to build the barracks."

Huo Qubing got the news.

"Well, I see." Huo Qubing nodded.

"General, we might as well launch an attack while the enemy is building the barracks. After half a day's journey, the cavalry will arrive soon." The lieutenant said immediately.

"After destroying these two million reinforcements, can we break the river and Pingcheng?" Huo Qubing looked at the lieutenant and asked.

"Naturally, it can be broken." The lieutenant said immediately: "We have two million iron cavalry. After destroying the enemy reinforcements, we will immediately launch a strong attack on Xiping City, and we will definitely be able to break Xiping City within a few days!"

"Simple to say!"

Huo Qubing shook his head and said, "A strong attack is indeed an option, but a strong attack also means that the army will lose a lot of strength."

"And there are no less than twenty big cities like Xiping City in the west, north, and south of the Ice and Snow Dynasty."

"If every such city is attacked by force, how many of the seven million troops we have left to attack the Ice and Snow Dynasty will be left?"

"This..." The lieutenant hesitated for a while.

For a city like Xiping City, if you want to attack it by force, your army will lose at least one hundred thousand. If you encounter some cities that are not easy to attack, the loss will be even more serious.

Just like Lansuiguan, if it wasn't for Meng Tian's efforts to prevent the enemy's defense formation from borrowing the power of the earth, at least 500,000 troops would have been lost in breaking Lansuiguan.

But with the lessons learned from Lansuiguan, the enemy will definitely guard against this move. Later, it will not be so simple to prevent the great defense formation of the city from borrowing the power of the earth.

"To siege a city, a strong attack is the worst strategy, but if you have a choice, you can't choose a strong attack."

Huo Qubing said: "The enemy is building barracks, and I can probably guess what the purpose is, but I won't take advantage of it now to attack them, I will wait until they have everything ready, and I will be the one to break down Xiping City. help."

"Now we are waiting!"

"Yes!" The lieutenant said no more.

In Xiping City, the general Hou Nongyu got the news from Wang Yanquan, he laughed and said: "Okay, General Wang's strategy is very good, as long as he can hold back Huo Qubing's army and prevent them from returning to help, I will Guaranteed to destroy 500,000 cavalry outside the city in one day!"

If the 500,000 cavalry was led by Huo Qubing, Hou Nongyu would definitely not have the courage.

After all, that was Huo Qubing, a general at the top military level, not something he could compare to.

But without Huo Qubing, and the fact that the 500,000 cavalry was not in one place, he was 90% confident that it could be wiped out.


"Report, General, the enemy general Wang Yanquan sent a gauntlet, inviting us to fight for our lives outside his barracks!"

Huo Qubing got news from Wang Yanquan here.

"here we go."

With a smile on his face, Huo Qubing said, "Go ahead and send the whole army forward to the front of Wang Yanquan's barracks."


Soon, Huo Qubing led the army forward.

At the same time, Hou Nongyu in Xiping City got the news and immediately prepared to fight back.

Wang Yanquan is also planning how to delay the time.

Half a day later, Huo Qubing led the troops to Wang Yanquan's barracks.

At this time, it was already afternoon.

"Haha, I have heard of General Huo's name for a long time. General Huo is a heroic general, and this general is even more like thunder. When I see it today, it really is like a rumor, and I admire it very much!"

In the barracks, Wang Yanquan laughed as he looked at Huo Qubing's army.

"General Wang is joking. When it comes to leading troops, you are strictly my senior." Huo Qubing said with a smile, "So, you invited me to fight here, I'm here, and now we should also Let's start!"

"No hurry, no hurry."

Wang Yanquan shook his head slightly and said, "General, you must be very tired because you have come from a long way. Since it is a head-to-head battle, how can I take advantage of it? Why don't you wait for the general to lead your army to rest for a few hours before fighting?"


The lieutenant behind Huo Qubing was stunned.

Is this the way battles are now?

Instead of launching an attack while the enemy troops are sleepy, we have to wait until the enemy troops have rested before fighting.

Or infantry versus cavalry, my God, this Wang Yanquan's heart is too big!

Huo Qubing laughed in his heart, this method of delaying time is not very good.

( = )

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