The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1714 Everything is ready!

"General Wang, although you are thinking about our army, in the final analysis, our army is cavalry and your army is infantry."

"When fighting in this plain, my cavalry has the advantage. For the fairness of the battle, we should start now, and take advantage of our soldiers' lack of horses and horses to make up for you." Huo Qubing said with a smile.


Huo Qubing didn't understand the specific lieutenant behind him. Hearing Huo Qubing's words, he was even more speechless. If it weren't for the fact that Huo Qubing was the main general, they would all want to scold people now.

In these years, wars and wars, is there still fairness?

Don't you just win?

Make up for the enemy, this is an unprecedented thing!

What is the general doing?


Wang Yanquan was stunned when he heard it.

What does Huo Qubing mean?

And to make up for the enemy?

Is he really a general who has the ability to command the cavalry to the level of a top general?

Are you sure it's not an intelligence error?

When a large army is fighting, when the people are trapped and the horses are scarce, the combat effectiveness will definitely be reduced.

Therefore, the general leads the army to fight, unless it is a last resort, or it must be avoided at such a time.

But now that Huo Qubing is concerned, Wang Yanquan really can't understand.

You don't avoid this time, and you want to take advantage of this time to fight?

What operation?

"General, it seems that Huo Qubing is very confident in his ability, otherwise he would never say such a thing." Deputy General Wang Yanquan whispered.

Wang Yanquan listened to the gloomy and terrifying face, and roared in a low voice: "Who is this Huo Qubing looking down on?"

It's just that the words fell, and no one took his words.

Everyone understands, it's not that Huo Qubing looks down on anyone,

It's true that someone's 1.5 million iron riders can beat your scalp no matter what.

People do have this confidence.

Even Wang Yanquan was the only one who said that, but he didn't dare to let Huo Qubing hear it.

After all, behind Huo Qubing is a genuine 1.5 million cavalry, which is the confidence of Huo Qubing.

These people have two million elite infantry behind them, but the infantry is against the iron cavalry...

Forget it, don't even think about that.

Some infiltrate.

Wang Yanquan looked at Huo Qubing and said with a smile, "I understand the general's kindness, but how can such kindness be given on the battlefield? It's better to wait for you to rest for a while and recover your strength before fighting."

Huo Qubing laughed in his heart, Wang Yanquan wanted to delay time, he knew, but he didn't expect to delay time like this.

But this was what he wanted.

Then he smiled and said, "If that's the case, then fine, let's wait for a while before we fight."

Huo Qubing immediately ordered the army to rest in place.

Wang Yanquan's army was relieved when he saw it.

"Send a letter to General Hou Nongyu immediately and ask them to prepare. We have temporarily held off Huo Qubing's army." Wang Yanquan instructed.


On Huo Qubing's side, there were several lieutenants around him, all looking at him strangely.

One of them said: "General, with our current strength, we can attack directly, and we will never pay much to break through the enemy's military camp."

"If we wait for the enemy's barracks to be strengthened, it will not be so simple for us to break through. I'm afraid we will pay a lot of price."

"Wait." Huo Qubing said only one word.

It is not easy to say more after seeing the lieutenants.

In Xiping City, after Hou Nongyu got the news of Wang Yanquan, he immediately ordered the army to make all preparations, and immediately attack the enemy when it was dark.

The news of the mobilization of the army in Xiping City was immediately spread to Huo Qubing by the spies arranged by Jin Yiwei using a secret method.

After Huo Qubing got the news, he knew in his heart that his goal had been achieved, and he just had to wait.

Two hours later, Huo Qubing sent someone to fight with Wang Yanquan.

Wang Yanquan's excuse was that it was too late to fight again tomorrow, and then he hung up the free-to-fight card.

"General, Wang Yanquan's fellow is clearly delaying time. Although we don't know what conspiracy they have, it is definitely not a good thing. We immediately deploy our troops to attack and smash their conspiracy!"

"That's right, general, order it, attack immediately, and guarantee that the enemy will be beaten to the ground!"

"General, order!"

Huo Qubing's lieutenants were very angry.

Huo Qubing didn't panic at all, and said, "I know they are delaying time, and this just happens to be in line with my plan."

"General, what do you mean by that?" These lieutenants looked at Huo Qubing strangely.

As for how to break down Xiping City, none of them knew what Huo Qubing planned, only the lieutenant who stayed outside Xiping City knew the specifics.

"You guys will go and yell outside Wang Yanquan's barracks, so that Wang Yanquan thinks we want to fight now, I'll go back to Xiping City." Huo Qubing arranged.

"Back to Xipingcheng?"

Several lieutenants were stunned and asked, "General, what are you doing back to Xipingcheng at this time?"

"All preparations have been completed, and the next step is to take Xiping City." Huo Qubing said with a smile.


Several lieutenants looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know, and said helplessly: "General, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd?"


Huo Qubing laughed and said, "I led 1.5 million iron cavalry here, and only 500,000 cavalry are left outside Xiping City."

"In Xiping City, although there are only more than 300,000 regular troops, there are many big families in Xiping City, and the private soldiers of these families are 100,000. At this time, they all send soldiers to help Hou Nongyu defend the city. ."

"Now the army of defending the city has reached more than 1.5 million. With so many troops, do you think Hou Nongyu will take advantage of our army's absence to attack the 500,000 iron cavalry we have left outside Xiping City?"

"definitely will!"

Immediately, a lieutenant general responded and said, "General, the enemy army will definitely attack the 500,000 iron cavalry, which will thwart our spirit, general, let's get back to the rescue!"

Although there are 500,000 cavalry outside Xiping City, the cavalry is scattered in four gates. Except for the 200,000 cavalry at the east gate, the other three gates have only 100,000 cavalry.

In this case, if Hou Nongyu's army hits a force attack, it can definitely pose a huge threat to the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Dynasty.

"General, we must return to help as soon as possible, only in this way can... wait..."

Halfway through his words, the deputy general suddenly reacted, stared at Huo Qubing, and said in shock, "General, shouldn't you have arranged all of this?"

"Otherwise, how to break through Xiping City?"

Huo Qubing said with a smile: "You stay here, I will return to Xiping City and lead the troops to break through Xiping City!"


All lieutenants responded loudly.

They have absolutely no doubts about Huo Qubing's ability.

If Huo Qubing goes back to sit in town, as long as the enemy forces leave Xiping City, they will be destroyed!

( = )

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