The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1715 Xiping City is broken!

When the blackness covered the earth, the gate of Xiping City opened, and an army came out and quietly advanced to the place where the iron cavalry barracks of the Nanyan Dynasty were located.

In order to prevent the sound from appearing, Hou Nongyu had given an order long ago that anyone who made a sound on the march would be punished by the Nine Clan.

Even their former army of 300,000 people didn't even wear armor, and they were afraid of making noise.

The feet were also deliberately wrapped in cloth, and at intervals, the warriors above the condensing core realm were arranged to release their infuriating energy to wrap the soldiers' footsteps, and try not to make too many footsteps.

The reason is that they don't want to let the enemy army have a law, and don't give the Nanyan Dynasty's iron cavalry time to prepare.

Because Hou Nongyu knew very well that once the enemy cavalry was prepared, even a hundred thousand cavalry would make his Cointreau very, very uncomfortable when the army launched a charge.

Therefore, he has done everything he can do, and if this is still discovered, there is nothing to say.

Because he was worried that the enemy would steal the camp, Huo Qubing arranged for the lieutenant general who stayed behind to place the camp close to half an hour away from Xiping City.

Ordinary military camp layout, there will be spies left on this road, if the enemy steals the camp can be found at the first time, the long distance is enough for the iron cavalry to respond.

But today, there is not a single scout on the road.

Because the lieutenant knew about Huo Qubing's plan and also knew that Hou Nongyu would most likely come to steal the camp.

They are waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Half an hour later, Hou Nongyu led the army to the front of the enemy. Looking at the brightly lit enemy camp in front, he waved his hand and directly ordered the attack.


At such a close distance, he is not afraid of being discovered, and the entire army is overwhelmed.

Soon, they reached the barracks.

But sooner, they found something was wrong.

In the barracks, there has been no movement, quiet, not even a single dark post.

"No, I've been fooled!"

Hou Nongyu reacted in an instant and said urgently, "The whole army obeys the order and retreats!"


retreat! "


Not waiting for his order to pass, the sound of a sharp arrow breaking through the sky resounded in the sky.

"Do not!"

Hou Nongyu felt the sharp arrows shot from the sky, and the whole person was desperate.

You know, for the sneak attack, he made the soldiers not wearing battle armor this time, and the sharp arrows shot them down.

After just a wave of arrows, the army he led was already suffering heavy casualties.

"General Hou, I have been waiting here for a long time!"

Huo Qubing appeared in front of Hou Nongyu.

"Huo Qubing!"

When Hou Nongyu saw Huo Qubing, he still didn't understand that he was in the middle of the plot, but he quickly got a hard look in his eyes and said loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, don't mess up, and attack the enemy immediately."

"The enemy's army only has 100,000 cavalry, but we have a large army of one million. How can they stop us?"


"God Town Banner, congeal!"

After ordering the army to rush to kill, Hou Nongyu immediately sacrificed his own town god flag.

He is very clear, the army he leads is only 300,000 elites, and the rest of the army is temporarily formed by private soldiers of aristocratic families. Not to mention the combat effectiveness, there may even be some fatal mistakes in the face of war.

So he immediately took out the town god flag, the purpose was to stabilize the army formation and ensure that his army formation would not be chaotic.

Under the shroud of the Zhenshen Banner, the army led by Hou Nongyu was stable and there was no chaos.

When Huo Qubing saw it, he laughed and said loudly, "The whole army obeys the order, kill!"

He led the 100,000 iron cavalry behind him to directly attack the enemy.

"The whole army listens to the order, and shoots arrows with strong crossbow!"

Hou Nong called out a loud command.


The bowmen behind him immediately picked up their bows and arrows, and a terrifying rain of arrows condensed the sky and shot at Huo Qubing's iron cavalry.

Hou Nongyu looked at the arrows raining in the sky, and he was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, I still have a strong crossbow on my side, otherwise, now facing the charge of the iron cavalry, only hand-to-hand combat is left.

That's really no chance at all.


Facing the rain of arrows from the enemy, Huo Qubing didn't panic at all. With a wave of his hand, he controlled the army formation and turned it into a shield in the sky.

"Ding ding ding."

The rain of arrows hit the shield and could not penetrate the shield at all.

" this the solid formation of the supreme military general?"

Looking at this scene, Hou Nongyu's whole face was full of bitterness.

If the crossbow is useless, then...


Before he could think about it, Huo Qubing's army had already arrived.

At a short distance, the strong crossbow can shoot a wave of arrows, which is not bad, and it is too late for the second wave of arrows.

Many soldiers saw the iron cavalry rushing, and their faces were already full of fear.


Hou Nong roared angrily, and he frantically mobilized his Zhenshen Banner, trying to forcibly gather the army with the Zhenshen Banner and attack Huo Qubing's iron cavalry.

With a wave of Huo Qubing's hand, the army formation, under his control, turned into a long spear and stabbed the Zhenshen Banner directly.

With a "bang", the Zhenshen Banner was completely broken into pieces.

Hou Nongyu's army without the Zhenshen Banner, the army formation that he finally mentioned was completely useless, and suddenly showed a trend of rout.


Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Huo Qubing immediately led his troops in.

Hou Nongyu also tried to block the army, but facing the 100,000 iron cavalry led by Huo Qubing, those troops had no ability to resist at all. Just a face-to-face, the former army had collapsed and was directly led by Huo Qubing.

In particular, there is Huo Qubing, the holy warrior general, who is unstoppable by these 100,000 iron cavalry, madly slaughtering the enemy.

Huo Qubing led an army of 100,000 people like no one, rushing back and forth one after another, and the enemy troops he killed kept retreating.

Hou Nongyu, who was lucky enough to avoid the charge of the iron cavalry, watched this scene with despair on his face.

He thought that he had an army of more than one million, and he was qualified to fight against the 100,000 iron cavalry led by Huo Qubing.

However, what he thought was too simple.

The ultimate warrior!

This is a completely unstoppable state.

In the face of such generals leading troops to rush to kill, no amount of troops is of any use.


With a long sigh, Hou Nongyu didn't know what to do now.

"General, retreat!"

The personal soldiers shouted anxiously beside Hou Nongyu.

"Are you still retreating?"

Hou Nong smiled bitterly and said, "I retreated from Lansuiguan to Xiping City, and now I want to retreat from Xiping City?"

"Retreat there?"

"General, as long as the green hills are there, I'm not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we don't die now, I'll definitely have a chance. Don't forget that behind us is the Ice and Snow Dynasty!" The soldier said in a hurry.



When Hou Nongyu hesitated, there was another scream of killing, and the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Dynasty of the other three sects got the news and came to support.

Hou Nongyu was even more desperate.

If it was said that there was still a little chance to face the 100,000 iron cavalry before, then now there is really no chance at all.

Moreover, the iron cavalry supported by one side turned out to be rushing towards where he was.


"Get out!"


( = )

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