The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1718 Huo Qubing withdraws

Nangong Ling really hates it!

Right now, the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty has already caused people to panic because of the affairs of the five counties of the blood sword, and the royal family has lost too many people's hearts.

Originally, Nangong Ling planned to take advantage of the Nanyan Dynasty to attack the Ice and Snow Dynasty this time, and the Ice and Snow Dynasty won a big victory to stabilize the hearts of the people.

But he didn't expect that the big victory he wanted did not come, but instead came the big defeats again and again.

First Lansuiguan, and then Xiping City.

More importantly, that bastard Wang Yanquan fled without a fight, which made the already panic-stricken Ice and Snow Dynasty even more crumbling.

Nangong Ling, the emperor's position, felt too hot.

"Give me an order to execute Wang Yanquan's nine clans, no, execute all of his nine clans to death!" Nangong Ling roared angrily.

The eunuch went down to give orders, trembling all over.

"Send an order to Quanxuan, no matter what method he uses, we must block Huo Qubing's attack!" Nangong Ling ordered again.



"General, Nanyi City is in front. This is the second-ranked city in the Western Region of the Ice and Snow Dynasty."

A few days after the destruction of Xiping City, Huo Qubing led a large-scale attack on the western border of the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

In just a few days, more than one-third of the cities in the western border of the Ice and Snow Dynasty were captured by Huo Qubing.

The Nanyi City in front is the second largest city in the western border of the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

On the city, there are already many defenders.

Moreover, there is Nanyi River behind Nanyi City. It is very unrealistic to want to bypass Nanyi City and attack the hinterland of the Western Region.

"Has Quanxuan arrived at Nanyi City?" Huo Qubing asked.

Huo Qubing has long been informed of the deployment of troops in the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

Quanxuan, the commander of the Jin army of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, became the general of the current Ice and Snow Dynasty, leading the troops to defend against the three-way army of the Nanyan Dynasty.

"According to the information reported by our spies, it has already arrived." The lieutenant replied.

"Furthermore, we received news from our Jinyiwei scouts in the Ice and Snow City that Emperor Nangong Ling gave Quanxuan an order to block our attack."

"So Quanxuan transferred a large number of troops to Nanyi City when we attacked the rest of the city, in order to block our army in Nanyi City."

"According to the news, there are at least three million elite infantry soldiers of the Ice and Snow Dynasty in Nanyi City, and there are hundreds of thousands of Ice and Snow Dynasty navy soldiers in Nanyi Hanoi, who can support them at any time."

"Moreover, there are still a steady stream of troops rushing to Nanyi City behind Nanyi City. It is roughly estimated that when all these reinforcements arrive, there should be more than five million elite infantry in Nanyi City!"

"It seems that Quan Xuan is determined to die with me in Nanyi City." Huo Qubing said with a smile.

"From the current point of view, this is definitely the plan." The lieutenant said.

"Report, General, Quanxuan sent a gauntlet to invite the General to attack the city." At this moment, a personal soldier came in.


Huo Qubing laughed and said, "What a full spin, it's really interesting. I was invited to cavalry to attack the city. I really don't know whether to call him stupid, or whether he thinks we are stupid."

The lieutenant in the account also shook his head when he heard it.

If Huo Qubing really planned to attack the city, he wouldn't have used a strategy outside Xiping City to plot against Wang Yanquan and Hou Nongyu.

Iron cavalry siege, this is not a good choice.

"Don't worry about Quanxuan, we'll just wait here for General Meng to arrive." Huo Qubing ordered.


For the next few days, Quanxuan would fight on the city wall every day, but he had never been under the city wall to lead his troops out to fight Huo Qubing's iron cavalry head-on.

It made Huo Qubing a little speechless.

Three days later, Meng Tian led the follow-up infantry to arrive.

"General Meng, the enemy army has gathered more than 4 million troops in Nanyi City, and there will be reinforcements coming later, plus the navy, Nanyi City now has more than 4.5 million troops, and our army has 200 infantry. 500,000, 2 million for iron cavalry, if you attack the city, there will be no small damage." Huo Qubing returned Meng Tian's life.

Meng Tian nodded and said, "I ordered the army to set up camp,

We don't need to attack, we wait for the enemy to attack us. "

"Will Quanxuan lead troops to attack us?" Huo Qubing was a little puzzled, and said, "If he really had the courage, he might have sat like this before your reinforcements, General, arrived, but he didn't."

"Now General, your reinforcements have arrived. We have an army of 4.5 million. Will he really attack?"

"If you were still here, General Huo, he would definitely not, but if you were gone, he would definitely choose to attack." Meng Tian smiled.

Huo Qubing was a top military general, especially the one who commanded the Iron Cavalry.

If Quanxuan chose to attack at this time, with two million cavalry, the enemy infantry would come out to court death.

Therefore, the full spin will definitely not attack at this time.

"What do you mean, General?" Huo Qubing asked suspiciously.

"General Huo, you lead 1.5 million troops to help Wei Qing and help him break through the southern border as quickly as possible!" Meng Tian said.


Huo Qubing hesitated and said, "General, if I lead 1.5 million iron cavalry away, then you will only have 3 million troops left outside Nanyi City, including 500,000 iron cavalry, but the enemy army has a large army. Over five million."

"In this way, how can we break through Nanyi City?"

"When the southern border is broken, Nanyi City will naturally be broken." Meng Tian said with a smile: "Take a step back, even if the southern border is not broken now, this Nanyi City will not last long under my attack."

Seeing this, Huo Qubing didn't say any more, and ordered to leave.

Soon he was heading to the South with 1.5 million cavalry.

"Report! General, the spies from the front are here to report that Huo Qubing led 1.5 million cavalry to leave the Mengtian barracks and head to the southern border."

In the Nanyi City City Lord's Mansion, Quan Xuan got a report from the spies.

"Huo Qubing has gone to the South!"

Slightly changed face color.

As far as the current war is concerned, everyone knows that the greatest threat to the Ice and Snow Dynasty is Huo Qubing's iron cavalry.

The main reason is that the southern, western, and northern borders of the Ice and Snow Dynasty are mostly plain areas, which are very suitable for cavalry combat.

It is precisely because of this that Xiping City was breached in such a short period of time.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a Nanyi River behind Nanyi City, which could block the cavalry attack, Nanyi City would be facing a great threat now.

Especially after the arrival of Meng Tian's army, Quan Xuan had difficulty falling asleep every day, for fear that the army of the Nanyan Dynasty would attack.

He knew the strength of the army of the Nanyan Dynasty, and he knew very well that if the infantry and cavalry cooperated, even if there were more than 5 million troops in Nanyi City, it would be a lot of pressure.

The reason for this is because the various bows and crossbows of the Nanyan Dynasty are too powerful, strong crossbows, heavy crossbows, and even the Sacred Crossbow seized from the Liyang Dynasty in the early years.

There are also catapults and siege vehicles that have been transformed by Lu Ban, the Minister of Industry of the Southern Yan Dynasty, each of which is a weapon for siege.

It happened that all Meng Tian's army had them.

The full rotation pressure is great! (=Easy to read novels)

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