It is said that now that Huo Qubing leads 1.5 million cavalry to leave the Mengtian barracks and head for the southern border, Quan Xuan should be happy.

But he is really not happy now.

Because he is not only responsible for the defense of the West, but also the defense of the South and North of the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

Now that Huo Qubing took 1.5 million cavalry to the southern border, and cooperated with Wei Qing's army over there, it is conceivable that the southern border must be difficult to hold on.

And he must be guarding the western border, because there are still 2.5 million infantrymen and 500,000 elite iron cavalry of Meng Tian.

If he left, Nanyi City would definitely not last long in front of a general like Meng Tian.


A full sigh.

"General, why are you sighing?" The lieutenant looked at Quan Xuan and asked.

"Why are you sighing? Tell me why I am sighing now?" Quan Xuan said angrily, "What is the situation of the Ice and Snow Dynasty now, do you have any points in your heart?"

"General, in fact, we don't need to be so sad now. After all, in the army of the Nanyan Dynasty attacking the Ice and Snow Dynasty, only Huo Qubing is the top general."

"Now that Huo Qubing is going from Nanyi City to the southern border, we can take this opportunity to attack Meng Tian's army."

"As long as we destroy Meng Tian's army, we will be able to eliminate the threat of the western border, and we will be able to defend the northern and southern borders."

"It's simple." Quan Xuan sighed again, and said, "Although Meng Tian is not a top military commander now, his strength is beyond doubt. It is not that simple to break through his military camp."

"But General, if we don't give it a try, then we can only stick to Nanyi City. When the southern border and the northern border are in an emergency, then our Nanyi City will not be able to get there!" The lieutenant said.


Hesitating for a while.

Indeed, as the lieutenant general said, if the southern border and the northern border are in a hurry, it will not be a good thing for the entire Ice and Snow Dynasty.

At this time, Nanyi City would not get any benefit.

Because Huo Qubing's army can completely bypass the Nanyi River from the north,

Attacking the back of Nanyi City, then Nanyi City can only wait to die.

Must try!

Quan Xuan's eyes flashed with determination, if he sticks to Nanyi City, he will be fine now, but for a long time, he will surely die.

It must be done before Huo Qubing's army reaches the north, and Meng Tian's army must be destroyed!

"The order goes on, so that people will keep an eye on Huo Qubing's army, and make sure that they have left the Mengtian barracks." Quan Xuan ordered.

He was worried that the withdrawal of Huo Qubing's troops was Meng Tian's conspiracy, and the purpose was to let him lead the troops to attack Meng Tian's military camp.

Under the circumstance of Huo Qubing's iron cavalry, Quan Xuan would never dare to attack.

Because as long as the gate of Nanyi City is wide open, it is equivalent to giving the head of Huo Qubing's iron cavalry.

Two million cavalry charge, five or six million infantry can not stop.

In particular, the leader of the two million iron cavalry is Huo Qubing, a superb general.

This person's strength is really too strong, and after condensing the army, he can block the bow and crossbow shooting.

It is equivalent to wanting infantry and iron cavalry to melee, and the infantry can only be courting death.

After all, not every kind of infantry is a trap.

Without the leadership of Huo Qubing, Quanxuan would not be so afraid.


The lieutenant immediately went down and arranged for spies to follow Huo Qubing's army.

Two days later, Huo Qubing's army did indeed leave Meng Tian's barracks, and they had left far enough away that it was impossible to return in a short time.

Quan Xuan learned that he immediately arranged a large army to attack Meng Tian's barracks.

"Report, general, spies are here to report, the entire rotation of the army is mobilized, it should be to go out of the city to attack the general's barracks."

Meng Tian got the news here.

"As expected."

Meng Tian smiled and said, "Go ahead and let the army prepare for battle."

A day later, Quanxuan led his troops out of Nanyi City and set up an army formation in front of the west gate of Nanyi City.

"Meng Tian, ​​do you dare to have a fight with me in front of this west gate?" Quan Xuan shouted at Meng Tian.

"Oh? Is General Quan wanting to fight?" Meng Tian smiled.

Quan Xuan's complexion changed slightly. Although he was a warrior in the semi-holy realm, when it came to fighting generals, he really wasn't Meng Tian's opponent.

Meng Tian's current strength has reached the first level of the Holy Venerable, but it is not comparable to the full rotation.

Quan Xuan immediately said: "The fighting general is nothing but the bravery of ordinary people, Meng Tian, ​​if you have the ability, you can compete with me in the army!"

"it is good!"

Meng Tian replied, "How do you compare General Quan?"

"You and I each lead a million people to fight, on the premise that you are not allowed to use iron cavalry." Quan Xuan said.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Meng Tian laughed when he heard it, and said, "What kind of rule is this? Why can't I use the iron cavalry if you want to fight?"

"Hmph, Meng Tian, ​​I was going to give you a chance to defeat me, but since you're so ignorant, you don't need to do this."

"The whole army obeys the order."

Quan Xuan waved his hand and shouted, "Kill!"

"Attack the Mengtian Barracks."


The lieutenant was ordered to immediately lead his own army to the Mengtian barracks.

"General, Quan Xuan is attacking, isn't it too wrong, he didn't even try it at all." The lieutenant next to Meng Tian asked with some doubts.

"Nevertheless, Quan Xuan is worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Frozen Dynasty, and he still has some abilities."

Meng Tian watched the Quanxuan army attack and said, "He chose the southeast corner and the right side of our barracks as the main direction of the attack. These two directions happen to be the weaker points of our army barracks."

"He chose the position very well."

"Haha, the military camp layout seems to be weak, but when the Quanxuan army arrives at those two places, you will be very surprised by the gifts the general prepared for him." The lieutenant smiled.

Meng Tian didn't have much smile on his face, and said: "Don't be careless, give orders to the two guards and let them act according to the plan."


At the southeast corner of Meng Tian's barracks, Quan Xuan's deputy generals had already arrived.

The guard arranged by Meng Tian saw it, smiled coldly, and said, "The whole army listens to the order and shoots with a strong crossbow!"



Hundreds of thousands of sharp arrows turned into a sky-like rain of arrows in the sky and shot directly at the enemy.


The deputy general Quan Xuan, who was in charge of the attack in the southeast corner, saw the arrow rain that covered the sky and the sun, his face changed greatly, and he said in shock: "What's going on? Didn't the general say that the southeast corner of the enemy is the weak side of the enemy's defense? ? Why is there so much arrow rain?"

As a military general, he could see at a glance that the rain of arrows in the sky was at least shot by hundreds of thousands of bowmen.

With so many bowmen, how could they be on the weak side?

"Quick, quick raise your shield, quick!"

The full-spin vice-general who reacted hurriedly shouted.

It's just that time is running out.

The rain of arrows fell, and in an instant, screams came one after another.

The all-election army that rushed to the southeast corner suffered heavy losses in an instant.

( = )

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