The originally aggressive Quanxuan army was sluggish in the blink of an eye.


Lieutenant General Quan Xuan saw it with anger, and shouted: "The whole army obeys the order, the shield soldiers are in front, the infantry follows, and the bowmen release arrows to cover."



Although the first wave of offensive suffered heavy losses, the infantry of the Ice and Snow Dynasty were still elite after all. Under the command of the main general, they quickly adjusted their formation, and the shield soldiers were put on to resist the rain of arrows from the enemy.

Immediately, the loss of the army was halved.

At the same time, the bowmen in the rear kept shooting arrows to suppress the Mengtian barracks, suppressing the defenders of the Nanyan Dynasty barracks.

Let the offensive of the bowmen of the Southern Yan Dynasty slow down.

With precautions, the losses suffered by the Quanxuan army were greatly reduced.

Under the cover of shield soldiers, the infantry continued to advance towards the barracks.

"General, the enemy's shields can't stop us from the arrow rain. As it stands, it won't take long for the enemy to charge over.

Hong Yang, the lieutenant in charge of guarding the southeast corner of the barracks, sneered and said to his own soldiers, "What are you panicking about? I ordered the heavy crossbow to prepare, as long as you hear my order, fire it immediately."


"In addition, the shield soldiers are ordered to protect the safety of the bowmen, and at the same time, the bowmen are ordered to continue to shoot arrows and attack the enemy."


Under Hong Yang's order, the shield soldiers in the southeast corner immediately made a defense to ensure that the bowmen would not be threatened by the enemy bowmen.

Immediately, the offensive of the crossbowmen returned to the previous level again, frantically attacking the enemy.

But because the Quanxuan army was already prepared and protected by shield soldiers, although there were losses, it was still within an acceptable range.

However, the lieutenant arranged by Quanxuan saw this scene and laughed loudly, saying: "It seems that the general is not mistaken, the enemy's defense in the southeast corner is indeed on the weak side, and we have not seen the heavy crossbow of the Nanyan Dynasty until now. Shooting, this proves that the enemy's heavy crossbow must be on the front, trying to resist our main attack."

"As everyone knows,

The main force in this battle is just a feint, and it is us who are really responsible for the attack. "

"The whole army obeys the order and speeds up. The first person to attack the enemy's barracks will be promoted to five ranks and rewarded with ten thousand gold!"


There are warriors under the heavy reward, and the speed of the Ice and Snow Dynasty army's attack is obviously much faster than before.

Two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred meters.

Fifty meters!

In a short period of time, the Ice and Snow Dynasty army abruptly carried the bows and crossbows in the barracks and advanced to a position less than 50 meters away from the barracks.

This distance is already very, very close.

When Hong Yang saw it, he sneered and said loudly: "The heavy crossbowmen obey the order, and all heavy crossbows will fire arrows immediately!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The heavy sound of the heavy crossbow firing suddenly filled the void, and countless heavy crossbow arrows lifted into the air and poured down toward the enemy.

The shield soldiers of the Ice and Snow Dynasty had no problem blocking ordinary bows and crossbows, but they were just like chariots in the face of heavy crossbows.

It was just a touch, and those shield soldiers were knocked away by the terrifying impact of the heavy crossbow bolts.

Without the shield soldiers blocking, the follow-up infantry, facing the heavy crossbow arrows, was even more powerless to parry, and they were pierced by the heavy crossbow arrows one by one.

In particular, the heavy crossbow arrows are extremely powerful. Even if they shoot through the enemy and hit the ground, they can cause great damage and send the surrounding infantry flying.

At the same time, ordinary bowmen were still firing arrows, and a large number of arrows rained.

The cooperation of the two was just a wave of attacks, and the army that the Ice and Snow Dynasty had finally pushed forward suffered heavy losses in an instant.

There was not even a place to stand in the heavily attacked position.

"How could there be a heavy crossbow?"

The lieutenant general of Quanxuan was stunned.

Since there is a heavy crossbow, why didn't you use it just now? Aren't you afraid that your army's bowmen will threaten their bowmen?

But now he can't help thinking too much.

You must know that the range of the heavy crossbow is far from that of the ordinary crossbow.

Not only the soldiers close to the barracks were shot with heavy crossbows and suffered heavy casualties.

Even the army behind, as long as it is within the range of the middle road, will suffer heavy casualties.

"Quick, retreat, retreat!"

The full-rotation vice-commander hurriedly ordered.

He knew very well that with the current defensive arrangement of the enemy, it was simply impossible for him to attack the city.

Only retreating to save the living force and thinking about the long-term plan is the best choice.

However, although his order was fast, it was still too late for the Ice and Snow Dynasty army within the range of the heavy crossbow.

Those troops who want to retreat can be shot with heavy crossbows and arrows. It is so easy there.

Of the attacking troops, less than 10% of them were successfully withdrawn in the end.

Deputy General Quan Xuan was bleeding when he saw this scene.

You must know that the army that just attacked, more than 500,000 people, came back with less than 50,000 people.

A full 450,000 people were damaged by the attack just now.

To be more precise, it was damaged by heavy crossbow shooting.

The power of that damn heavy crossbow is too great, and a few waves of attacks have completely shattered their offensive.

"General... General, what should I do?" The soldier shivered beside him.

The general turned pale and said, "To... Tell the general truthfully, we have fallen for it."

Soon, Quan Xuan got the news, and his face was gloomy.

"General, there is news from the attacking army on the right side that they were defeated and returned. The enemy army's right side is not the weak side, but is heavily defended, especially the heavy crossbow shooting. Lost more than half a million!"

Before Quanxuan digested the news of the defeat in the southeast corner, the news of the defeat on the right also came.

His face was full of water, and his body trembled twice.

It was less than an hour before the army attacked, and the loss of one's own side had already exceeded one million.

This is really a very, very scary number.

"Damn Meng Tian, ​​I will burn you to ashes sooner or later!"

Quan Xuan cursed angrily.

He wouldn't blame the two lieutenants who were defeated, because he knew very well that in the Nanyan Dynasty, the heavy crossbows were too powerful, especially the Sacred Crossbow.

Once the direction of the attack is to have these three defenses, it is not surprising to lose a million troops in a short period of time.

Even, the reason why only one million was lost was only because there were not many attacking troops. If five million troops attacked a barracks defended by these three things, it is possible to lose more than half of the five million troops in a short period of time. of.

The heavy crossbow and the holy crossbow, whether in defense or siege, are too powerful.

"Damn, why can't our craftsmen make such a crossbow?" Quan Xuan scolded in a low voice.

The lieutenants around him were all smiling bitterly.

The crossbows are so well made, especially the powerful crossbows such as the heavy crossbow and the holy crossbow.

Even among the ten dynasties, for now, there are only two dynasties with powerful bows and crossbows, the Cangchu Dynasty and the Nanyan Dynasty.

The rest of the dynasties did not have any bows and crossbows that were too powerful.

"General, what should we do now?"

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