The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1742 The top 5 in the Tang Dynasty will summon the opportunity

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"Ding, congratulations to the host for destroying the Ice and Snow Dynasty. After receiving the reward, the top five people in the Tang Dynasty will have one chance to summon, the top five people in Daming will have one chance to summon, one chance to upgrade the magic weapon, three chances to summon the ordinary one, and one chance to 'change one's life' from the taboo pill."

Along with Nangong Ling's death, the system's prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

Rewards are nice.

There are quite a few famous generals of the Tang Dynasty, and the top five are all at the level of historical men, not to mention the opportunity to summon the top five generals of the Ming Dynasty, and the opportunity to upgrade the magic weapon.

As for the taboo pill, Lu Feng was quite curious.

After all, the name is 'change of life', I don't know what effect it is.

But now Lu Feng did not check the system, but ordered the army to clean up the palace and kill those who should not live.

"Your Majesty, the minister Ding Song will follow you."

Ding Song took the sword that Nangong Ling had cut himself, put it on his neck, and committed suicide.

Zou Ling, who was next to him, looked at him and smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you going to follow?" Lu Feng looked at Zou Ling and asked.

"Ding Song was born in a poor family. It was His Majesty's appreciation that made him step by step to the position of Prime Minister of the Left. I am different from him, and there is a family behind me."

Zou Ling smiled bitterly and said, "I can die, but I have to think about my family."

He knelt down toward Lu Feng and said, "I surrender to the minister Zou Ling, and I am willing to serve your majesty."

Lu Feng looked at it and smiled.

Sure enough, these aristocratic families always put their families first in their hearts.

Lu Feng didn't like such people, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Everyone has someone they want to protect.

Zou Ling did not follow the suicide, this was his choice, and no one could say anything.

As for how to arrange Zou Ling, Lu Feng doesn't have to worry about it, he has already sent an order to Xun Yu to send Xiao He.

Xiao He was the founding prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty.

Great talent.

He has been by Xun Yu's side for a while, and Xun Yu spoke highly of him.

Now that the Ice and Snow Dynasty is over, the government affairs here are very, very numerous, and Lu Feng intends to leave it to Xiao He to handle it.

Xiao He has this ability and will not let him down.

After having someone take Zou Ling down, Lu Feng had someone clean the dragon chair and sit on it. He seemed to close his eyes and rest in peace, but his mind was already in the system.

He first clicked on the information about the taboo pill 'change of life'.

Life-changing: Forbidden elixir, it can increase the user's strength tenfold within a quarter of an hour after use, and during this period, he can gain the ability to control the enemy's soul. (Note: The realm of the controlled enemy's soul must not exceed its own three realms.)

Side effects: After the pill is used, the user's soul will be severely damaged, and the soul will not be able to use the power for at least three months. In severe cases, the soul realm may drop to one to three small realms.

Level: God-level high-grade special medicinal pill.

Restriction: The realm of the user's soul must not be weaker than the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate.

Remarks: This medicine has serious side effects, so use it with caution.

"This medicine pill..."

Lu Feng looked at the information on the medicinal pill with a rather complicated expression.

The medicine pill is very good, the strength of the improvement is very strong, especially the ability to control the enemy's soul, this is the most terrifying.

The warriors of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate can use it, and it is completely possible to fight against the warriors of the peak of the Nine Heavens of Saint Venerable, even though it only has a quarter of an hour.

But being able to control the soul of the enemy, a quarter of an hour is enough to kill the warriors of the Holy Reverend Jiuzhongtian.

But this side effect, as said, is too serious.

It's okay to not use the soul power for three months, but if it really is the soul power that has fallen one to three small realms, then it will be a big problem.

A warrior who has reached the realm of sainthood, once the realm of the soul falls, it is really difficult to get to the sky if you want to recover.

Unless you can find some kind of soul-like treasure, and the rank is at least the emperor.

Such things are not so easy to find.

It really deserves to be a taboo pill, but a short-lived power may pay a warrior's life's efforts.

I have to say, this medicine pill is very taboo.

Lu Feng directly threw the He Pill in the inconspicuous corner of the storage space. Unless it was really a matter of life and death, or he was absolutely impossible to use it.

Looking at his reward, Lu Feng set his sights on the chance to upgrade the magic weapon.

Divine Weapon Upgrade Opportunity: You can upgrade the magical weapons possessed by warriors. Weapons below the heaven level can be upgraded to heaven-level weapons 100%. There is a 60% chance of being upgraded to a god-level magic weapon; a god-level magic weapon has a 10% chance of being upgraded to an emperor-level magic weapon.

Note: The chance to upgrade the magic weapon is a special opportunity. Even if the upgrade fails, the weapon will not drop the rank.

"Nice opportunity."

Lu Feng said: "System, use the chance to upgrade the magic weapon on the Ganjiang sword."

"Ding, is the host sure to use the magic weapon to upgrade the Ganjiang sword?"


"Ding, the magic weapon upgrade opportunity is in use."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the upgrade is successful, the current level of the sword is god-level middle-grade."

Gan Jiang Sword: It was cast by Gan Jiang, a master swordsman during the Warring States Period of China.

Level: Saint-level mid-grade.

Incidental supernatural powers: One-Sword Slash

One Sword Slash: Broken Blade's upgraded supernatural power, a god-level low-grade, can explode three times the power of the user's ordinary attack. (Note: One Sword Slash can be attached to other magical powers and martial skills possessed by the host, which can also triple its power)

Attached martial arts: God-killing sword.

God Killing Sword: The upgraded martial skill of the original "Twin" of Ganjiang Sword, which can accumulate the resentment contained in the soul of the enemy killed by the Ganjiang sword on the Ganjiang sword. When it is used, it can cause a devastating blow to the enemy's soul.

Note: 1. God Killing Sword is an absolute soul attack, and it cannot be avoided.

2. The more grievances of the killed enemies accumulated in the Gan Jiang sword, the greater the power of the God Killing Sword, and at the limit, the enemy's soul can be smashed by two small realms.


After reading the upgraded Gan Jiang sword supernatural powers and martial arts, Lu Feng can only have this comment.

He really did not expect that the upgraded Gan Jiang sword with supernatural powers and martial skills would be so strong.

That sword slash is already very good. It is attached to other martial arts, and its power is tripled. If it is directly attached to the Six Gods Emperor Sword, Lu Feng is now even facing the warriors who are at the peak of the eighth heaven of the Holy Venerable. kill.

There is also the God-killing Sword, which is an absolute attack on the soul, and cannot be evaded. If it is accompanied by a sword, it is really too strong to be boundless.

But the only regret is that God Killing Sword needs to kill the enemy and absorb the resentment in the enemy's soul.

If you want to reach the limit of power, I am afraid that it is not so simple.

But it can definitely be accumulated, Lu Feng has too many enemies.

Ten dynasties, dynasties, and even other states in Kyushu.

They are all absolute powerful enemies. Facing them, this God-killing Sword will accumulate to its limit sooner or later.

"Next, it's the real call!"

Lu Feng's eyes glowed when he saw the top five summoning opportunities from the Great Tang and the top five daimyo summoning opportunities in the system.

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