The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1743 Three arrows set Tianshan, Xue Rengui!

There are really many famous generals of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Jing, who was invincible, Li Ji, who together with Li Jing was known as the twin jades of the Tang Dynasty, Xue Rengui, who fixed the Tianshan Mountains with three arrows, Guo Ziyi, a minister of Zhongxing, and Su Dingfang, Li Guangbi, and so on.

There are really many famous generals in the Tang Dynasty, and they can leave a peerless reputation in history.

I just don't know who I can summon this time.

Lu Feng rubbed his hands together in anticipation. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:

"System, open the opportunity to summon the top five in Datang."

"Ding, the call is on."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining Xue Li, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty!"


Lu Feng couldn't help laughing loudly, Xue Li, the character is benevolent!

Lu Feng directly opened Xue Li's information.

Xue Li: Named Rengui, a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, he was a military god of the early Tang Dynasty.

Race: Human

Realm: Emperor Sixth Heaven Peak (current realm is Emperor Peak, after the host is recruited as a general, the strength will be unsealed to the Holy Venerable Fifth Heaven Peak within one month)

Supernatural power: three arrows (Xue Rengui has unique supernatural powers, the first arrow has three times the power of his own attack, the second arrow has five times the power of his own attack, and the third arrow has seven times the power of his own attack)

Loyalty: Diehard

Identity setting: Xue Rengui was the sixth grandson of Xue Andu, a general at the beginning of the founding of the Nanyan Dynasty. Later, the family was defeated, and the host established the Nanyan Dynasty Academy. Xue Rengui entered the academy and performed well.

"Not bad, very good."

Lu Feng was still very satisfied with Xue Rengui's information.

The strength is very strong, can guard one side, military ability, Datang's absolute top five generals, naturally needless to say.

In addition, Xue Rengui's political ability is also good, and if he is assigned a Tian Feng, he can completely lead one side to fight alone.

It just so happened that Xue Rengui could be used in the next war.

"System, continue to summon, and open the top five summoning opportunities for Daming generals."

"Ding, the summoning is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Great Ming general Chang Yuchun."

"Chang Yuchun?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised, but Chang Yuchun's strength was definitely enough.

This man followed Zhu Yuanzhang to fight in the South and the North, and he built a lot of military exploits. He often put down his rhetoric and gave him an army of 100,000. He could sweep the world.

However, Chang Yuchun died too early, and died suddenly in the army at the age of forty.

There were also people discussing this in later generations. At that time, Chang Yuchun was at his peak, and he had never suffered a serious illness, but suddenly died suddenly. It is inevitable that people would think that he was murdered.

As for who the murderer was, there was a lot of debate. Some people said it was the enemy army, and some people said it was Zhu Yuanzhang.

More people are inclined to be Zhu Yuanzhang's hand, but no one can say exactly how.

Chang Yuchun: styled Boren, nicknamed Yanheng, an outstanding general of the Red Turban Army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and a famous general in the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Race: Human

Realm: The peak of the emperor's second layer of heaven (the current realm is the emperor's eighth layer of heaven, and after the host is recruited as a general, the strength will be unsealed to the peak of the three-layered heaven of the saint within two months.)

Loyalty: Loyalty.

Identity setting: Chang Yuchun is the first student of Nanyan Dynasty College with excellent performance.

Very capable.

"not bad."

Lu Feng was quite satisfied with Chang Yuchun's information.

Although not as good as Xue Rengui, being the first officer of a general like Yue Fei Baiqi is definitely enough.

And also in Dynasty Academy, it is much easier to recruit.

"System, there are still three normal summoning opportunities, continue to open the summoning." Lu Feng said.

"Ding, the call is in progress."

"Ding, the summoning is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Yue Fei Realm Unsealing Card."

"Unblocking of Yue Fei's realm: It can be unblocked from the current Yue Fei realm to the early stage of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable."


Lu Feng's eyes lit up, although Yue Fei's strength is not weak now, but if he can be stronger, it is naturally the best.

With this unlocking card belonging to him, Yue Fei's strength can be improved, the strength of the Tianxian Dao army will become stronger, and at the same time, the Nanyan Dynasty will be able to make more actions in Tianxian Dao.

"Use." Lu Feng did not hesitate.

"Ding, the use is successful, the current Yue Fei realm is the early stage of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable." The system prompt sounded.

Lu Feng nodded when he heard that, Yue Fei's strength has been improved again, which is a good thing.

"Continue to open the call."

"Ding, the summoning is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a dragon sword."

"Dragon-printed sword: a representative of nobility, with a different meaning."


Lu Feng looked speechless, this dragon-marked sword is probably useless except for its good looks.

"Continue to open the call."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a random realm promotion card."

"Random realm promotion card: After successful use, you can randomly increase the strength of a general under the host's command to the peak of the four-layered heaven of the Holy Venerable."

"Restrictions: None."


"Ding, congratulations to the host, the random realm promotion card has been successfully used, and the realm of Zhao Yun's subordinate Zhao Yun has risen to the peak of the four-layered heaven."

"I didn't expect to choose Zhao Yun." Lu Feng was a little surprised, but this was also very good.

Zhao Yun is now leading the troops in Tianxian Dao and belongs to Yue Fei. The increase in his strength represents another improvement in the strength of Tianxian Dao's iron cavalry. It is a good thing for the Tianxian Dao army, and for the Nanyan Dynasty, Also a good thing. starter

"In general, there is still a lot to gain from destroying the Ice and Snow Dynasty."

Lu Feng was very satisfied with what he got, the generals Xue Rengui and Chang Yuchun.

There are also three locations in the West, North, and South of the Ice and Snow Dynasty. Only the General Qin in Dongjing is left to stand guard.

But the Ice and Snow Dynasty has been destroyed, and the general can't hold on for long.

The most urgent task now is to solve the Zuzhi army at Jingzhaoguan.

Presumably, with Nangong Ling's personal decree, Zu Zhi should obey the order.

If you really don't obey the order, then start the onslaught directly.

Lu Feng didn't want to damage the soldiers of the Nanyan Dynasty too much, but if he had no choice, he would also choose to attack.

Although Jingzhao Pass is a majestic pass, if it is determined to attack, it is not a problem for the Nanyan Dynasty to break through.


"General Zu, listen to the order!"

At Jingzhaoguan, Peng Yinrong sent Nangong Ling's imperial decree.

Zu Zhi, who was sitting on the main seat, looked at the imperial decree in his hand, his face was gloomy and ugly, and the hand holding the imperial decree also trembled slightly.

He never thought that he led the troops to guard Jingzhao Pass here, but the troops of the Nanyan Dynasty bypassed Jingzhao Pass and broke through the Ice and Snow City.

Only now did he get the news.

"Bastard Peng Yinrong, why did you betray the Ice and Snow Dynasty?" Prince Nangong Yulong of the Ice and Snow Dynasty glared at Peng Yinrong angrily and said, "Is there anything wrong with the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty for you?"


Peng Yinrong sighed, looked at the prince, smiled bitterly, and said, "His Royal Highness, there are some choices, if you make a mistake, you really have no chance at all."

"I made a wrong choice, which led to the current situation. I am a sinner, but there is a saying that those who know the times are the heroes, surrender!"

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