The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1752 The mystery of Yicheng Commercial Bank


Ling Yu was a little surprised and asked, "I don't know who the old general heard about?"

"The little girl from Yicheng Commercial Bank, she came and told me that she would let me work for Yicheng Commercial Bank, and then help Yicheng Commercial Bank win the royal family of the Guda Dynasty and help them control the Guda Dynasty."

"That's what I said. The comprehensive protection of my family is basically the same as what you are saying now." Shang Zhenshu laughed.

Yicheng Commercial Bank?

Ling Yu frowned slightly, Yicheng Commercial Bank and Nanyan Dynasty were mortal enemies.

Whether it was in the previous imperial call-up order, the eldest daughter of Yicheng Commercial Bank, Yi Luming, treacherously shot Lu Feng, or Yi Shaojun's later courting death at the dynasty ceremony.

This made Yicheng Commercial Bank an absolute enemy of the Nanyan Dynasty.

But because Yicheng Commercial Bank was far in the east of Yuzhou, it was difficult for the Nanyan Dynasty to take revenge for a while, so now I just remember this hatred.

Ling Yu did not expect that Yicheng Commercial Bank actually reached out to the Guda Dynasty.

However, his complexion soon returned to normal, looked at Shang Zhenshu, and asked, "Then why did the old general not agree to Yiluming's conditions? Is it because of his loyalty to the Guda Dynasty?"

"Of course it's not because of loyalty to the Guda Dynasty." Shang Zhenshu laughed at himself and said, "In the past three hundred and seventy years, the royal family has long since wiped out my loyalty."

"The reason why I agreed to the conditions she gave was just because I told her that in my family, there are many royal eyeliners staring at me at any time, as long as I make any movement, the three holy deities of the royal family will immediately Appeared in my mansion."

"After I said this, Yi Luming simply chose to give up."

"They, they don't have the strength to keep my family under the hands of one holy venerable fourth-level peak warrior and two holy venerable third-level peak warriors."

"Now, the same words are given to you in the Nanyan Dynasty. You don't have the strength to keep my family under these three men!"

Shang Zhenshu shook his head and said, "So, you should give up those unrealistic ideas!"

Ling Yu listened and laughed.

Yicheng Commercial Bank is very interesting.

If Yi Shaojun hadn't died, Yicheng Commercial Bank would naturally have that strength, but unfortunately, Yi Shaojun died at the dynastic ceremony of the Nanyan Dynasty and was beheaded by His Majesty's sword.

Naturally, Yicheng Commercial Bank would not have that strength.


Lingyu looked at Shang Zhenshu and said, "Old General, the fact that Yicheng Commercial Bank does not have that strength does not mean that our Nanyan Dynasty does not have such strength."

"You Jinyiwei have no such strength." Shang Zhenshu shook his head.

"Jinyiwei doesn't have it, but the Dragon Servant Imperial Army has it!"

As soon as Shang Zhenshu finished speaking, a voice came from the study, and Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu in black swordsman robes appeared in the study.

The Zhongzheng Swordsman slightly bowed his hands to Shang Zhenshu and said, "Zhongzheng is under."

"I'm under Jian Jiu." Jian Jiu also bowed.

"Dragon Servant Imperial Army!"

Shang Zhen's expression was slightly dark. As a general of the Guda Dynasty, he naturally knew that the Dragon Servant was the Imperial Army.

But he did not expect that the commander and deputy commander of the Dragon Servant Imperial Army would appear in his study with Ling Yu.

"Old general, the strength of Zhongzheng Juggernaut has entered the fifth level of the Holy Venerable, and the strength of Lord Jianjiu is also the peak of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable.

It's only one step away from the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable. With the two of them here, do you think we don't have that strength yet? "Ling Yu smiled.

"Of course there is." Shang Zhenshu nodded.

The fifth heaven of the saint and the fourth heaven of the saint, this strength, the people of the Guda Dynasty can't stop it.

"The old general can tell me, is your choice?" Ling Yu asked, staring at Shang Zhenshu.

Shang Zhenshu didn't answer immediately, but after a moment of silence, he said, "Give me some time to think about it."

"it is good!"

Ling Yu didn't hesitate, smiled and said, "The old general has an idea. You can use this jade pendant to inform me at any time."

Ling Yu put down a jade pendant that conveyed the news, and left the imperial study with Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu.

"Ling Yu, why didn't you just kill him?"

When they got outside, the three figures were hidden, and Jian Jiu looked at Ling Yu suspiciously.

Shang Zhenshu is a top military general, and he is also a warrior of the second level of the Holy Venerable. His strength is not weak, and his army formation ability is not weak. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

If he were to lead the army, it would naturally pose a considerable threat to the Nanyan Dynasty.

If you kill Shang Zhenshu now, you can completely obliterate this threat.

Without Shangzhenshu, the Guda Dynasty, for the Nanyan Dynasty, can take the whole territory within three months at most.

Today's Nanyan Dynasty has the strength to swallow the Guda Dynasty.

"Shang Zhenshu will agree." Ling Yu said with a smile: "Lord Jia Xu told me before I came to recruit Shang Zhenshu, don't worry, take it slowly, Shang Zhenshu will definitely agree in the end."

"Everything that's happening now is within the expectations of Lord Jia Xu, and His Majesty knows this, so I asked the two commanders to follow me. The purpose is to tell Shang Zhenshu that we have the strength to protect his family, and we also have the power to protect his family. Strength destroyed his family." The starter

"Although I didn't say it, Shang Zhenshu will understand."

"Now we just need to wait for the news from Shang Zhenshu."

"It turned out to be Lord Jia Xu's plan." Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu suddenly realized.

Naturally, they wouldn't say much about Jia Xu's plan.

Although the two of them had not joined the Nanyan Dynasty for a long time, they knew very well that when it came to handling government affairs, Jia Xu was no weaker than Xun Yu.

In terms of military capability, he is not as good as Guo Jia Liu Ji.

But in terms of seeking people's hearts, the other four of the other five generals of the Nanyan Dynasty were not Jia Xu's opponents.

Otherwise, he would not be deeply trusted by His Majesty.

Now that Jia Xu has such an arrangement, there must be such a surefire plan, and it is not necessary for them to talk too much.

"Compared to Shang Zhenshu's side, what I care more about now is the actions of Yicheng Commercial Bank." Ling Yu's face was solemn.

"After the death of Yi Shaojun, the ancestor of the fifth-level saint of Yicheng Commercial Bank, there should be no threat." Zhongzheng Sword Saint said.

"not that simple."

Ling Yu shook his head and said, "Before I became the commander of the Jinyi Guards, I was the intelligence director for a period of time. We investigated the source of Yicheng Commercial Bank, but we didn't find out what the source was."

"It seems that they suddenly appeared in Yuzhou, and then they established Yicheng Commercial Bank in just five years. It has continued to this day, very mysterious."

"In the words of Lord Jia Xu, Yicheng Commercial Bank should not be underestimated. In the future, there may be some unexpected things, so be careful."

"It shouldn't be." Zhongzheng Jiansheng frowned slightly and said: "According to this situation, Yicheng Commercial Bank should be derived from forces outside Yuzhou, but whether it is Jianzhou, Wuzhou, or Zhongzhou, there is no A force like Yicheng Commercial Bank."

"Apart from these three states, who else would do such a thing?"

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