The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1753 Fighting Ximen Chuixue

"Oh? Yicheng Commercial Bank also shot?"

Lu Feng, who was in Hezhang City, was a little surprised when he heard the news from Ling Yu.

Since Yi Shaojun was killed, Yicheng Commercial Bank has been very, very quiet in Yuzhou. Even their ancestors were killed, and no news was released.

No one knew what they were thinking.

Unexpectedly, they actually reached out to the Guda Dynasty.

This Yicheng Commercial Bank is indeed a bit complicated.

However, he didn't take it too seriously. Shang Zhenshu's reply basically affirmed that Yicheng Commercial Bank did not have the strength to fully extend his hand into the Guda Dynasty.

In addition, looking at the news of Lingyu, Shang Zhenshu, as Jia Xu speculated, has a great possibility of resigning, which is good news.

Shang Zhenshu is a top military general, and his ability is very good. If you use it well, it will definitely have a big effect.

The Guda Dynasty has such a great talent, but it is not really used, and it is really incompetent to the extreme.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Feng put these aside for the time being, and said, "System, I forgot to ask last time, summoning Xue Rengui and Chang Yuchun, their strength surpasses that of the Sixth Heavenly Venerate, and they all have accompanying characters, who are they? ?"

Soon, the system gave two roles.

The first one, name: Yang? ?

Race: Human

Realm: Holy Reverence First Layer

World: Jin Yong's martial arts world

The second, name: Lu? ?

Race: Human

Realm: The pinnacle of the Emperor's Nine Heavens.

The world in which it is located: The World of Water Margin.

Looking at these two incidental characters, Lu Feng instantly lost interest.

No matter who these two are, the strength is not enough.

"Your Majesty, the last general Meng Tian asks to see you."

At this moment, Meng Tian's voice came from outside.

"Come in!"

Soon Meng Tian walked in, and behind him were Qin Jianghai, Huo Qubing, Ran Min, and Wei Qing.

A few people came in, all kneeling on the ground.

After Lu Feng asked them to get up, he looked at them and said with a smile, "There must be something for you to come together, let's talk."

"Your Majesty's lesson."

Meng Tian bowed slightly and said, "The spies have heard news that the Guda Dynasty has moved troops."

"It was expected." Lu Feng said with a smile, "their leader isn't Shang Zhenshu, right?"

"Your Majesty, you already know?" Qin Jianghai asked in surprise.

On the other hand, Meng Tian and the others looked as usual. They knew that Lu Feng had another source of information.

"According to the information I have received, the leader of the Guda Dynasty this time is the royal family's Anxi King Gu Wuzhong. General Qin, you are in Hezhang City all the year round, talk about this Gu Wuzhong." Lu Feng said to Qin Jianghai. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:


Qin Jianghai responded and said: "Gu Wuzhong is the uncle Qin of the current emperor of the Guda Dynasty. His military ability is very strong. huge."

"There are rumors that Gu Wuzhong is only one step away from the ultimate military general. He is the only clan member of the Guda Dynasty who has the potential to become the ultimate military general for more than 3,000 years."

"When I was guarding Hezhang City before, I fought with him a few times,

Mutual winners and losers. "

"And the Anxi Army under his command is very strong and should not be underestimated."

"Gu Wuzhong can get such an evaluation from you, it seems that it is indeed not easy." Lu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Meng Tian."

"The end is here."

"Let you be the head coach of Hezhangcheng, Ran Min, Wei Qing, Qin Jianghai as the deputy coaches, Huo Qubing as the vanguard, and lead the troops to block the attack of the Guda Dynasty. When there is a chance, you can attack the Guda Dynasty." Lu Feng said lightly. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"The last general is ordered!" Meng Tian responded immediately.

On the contrary, Qin Jianghai hesitated a little, and said, "Your Majesty, the territory of the Ice and Snow Dynasty has just been pacified. If we move troops against the Guda Dynasty, is it a little too anxious?"

"Opportunities on the battlefield are fleeting. If you have the opportunity to attack, don't hesitate." Lu Feng said lightly.

"I understand at the end!" Qin Jianghai said immediately.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Go down and prepare."


Several generals went down together.

As for Zu Zhi, according to what Lu Feng had promised him before, let him serve as a lieutenant in Yue Fei's army. On the one hand, he would enhance the strength of Tianxian Dao's generals, and on the other hand, let him study. If he can really become a top general, for Nan Yan Dynasty's army strength is a very nice boost.


For the next few days, Lu Feng was in Hezhang City.

On the fifth day, Zhen just sent a letter, which read: I have heard for a long time that His Majesty the King of Nanyan is unparalleled in swordsmanship, and please enlighten me.

Signed for Ximen Chuixue!

When he received this letter, Lu Feng was overjoyed immediately. Ximen Chuixue was a powerhouse at the peak level of the Sixth Heavenly Venerate. With his arrival, the strength of the Dragon Servant Imperial Army would rise to a new level.

For the Nanyan Dynasty, it was a good thing.

However, he did not expect that the content of the letter was actually a battle, and it also attached an address.

Lu Feng smiled and set off after arranging things.

He doesn't worry about other things, Ximen Chuixue's loyalty to him is as high as ninety points.

There can be no problem.

His appointments were more of a sparring type, and Lu Feng had no reason to refuse.

After half a day, Lu Feng arrived at the place where Ximen Chuixue had a battle.

On the mountain in the distance, I thought the swordsman in white had been waiting for a long time.

When Lu Feng came, he slightly cupped his hands and said, "Ximen Chuixue, I have seen Your Majesty."

"No need to be more polite." Lu Feng smiled and said: "Today's battle, there are only two swordsmen, and there is no Emperor Nanyan."

"Your Majesty said that, it would be rude to you."

When the sound fell, Ximen Chuixue had already drawn out his sword.

Ximen Chuixue's sword is very, very fast, and there are no complicated moves. It is the most direct and simple stab.

But the moment he stabbed, Lu Feng felt as if he was in a world of kendo, surrounded by sharp swords.

Sword qi and sword intent are intertwined, making people feel that under this sword intent, how insignificant one is, it is simply not worth mentioning!

"As expected of the sword god in the Gulong martial arts world!"

"Although it is only the most common move, the sword energy and sword intent contained in it surpasses all the enemies I have encountered before."

"Although the realm is only the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, but the real combat power, I am afraid that the ordinary warriors of the seventh level of the holy Venerable are not necessarily his opponents."

Lu Feng sighed in his heart, but his movements were not slow.

The Gan Jiang sword appeared in his hand, clenched his right hand tightly, and slashed down with one sword.

Unlike Ximen Chuixue's sword, Lu Feng's sword did not have such pure sword intent, but his sword was full of absolute power.

The power to break all will!


A loud noise erupted in the void, and Lu Feng's sword shattered Ximen Chuixue's sword.

"Your Majesty's sword is very strong!"

Ximen Chuixue stared at Lu Feng with some surprise in his eyes.

"Haha, compared to the pure sword intent in your sword, some of my sword is just brute force." Lu Feng shook his head and smiled.

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