The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1762 The demonstration is overdone

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"In that case, let Jia Xu tell them the strength of the Nanyan Dynasty." Lu Feng laughed.


Guo Jia quickly gave Jia Xu an order and asked him to make arrangements.

Here, at noon the next day, as he said before, Qiu Dongyu closed Dayi City's defense formation, opened the city gate, and welcomed the army of the Nanyan Dynasty into the city.

After entering the city, Lu Feng asked Yue Fei to take over the defenders of Dayi City as soon as possible, and also asked Yue Fei to arrange Qiu Dongyu's position, which could be used later.


From Oufeng Firm, Yang Chenming got the matter of Dayi City right away.

He sat together with the two saints of the four-layered heaven of the Oufeng firm, as well as the servants of the Oufeng firm.

"Dayi City has been in the hands of the Nanyan Dynasty according to our arrangement." Yang Chenming said.

Yang Chenling nodded and said: "I must have this experience, it should be enough to make Lu Feng understand that in the Cangchu Dynasty, our Oufeng Commercial Firm is not weaker than the royal family, even if he occupies the Cangchu Dynasty, it must be They will not act against us Oufengshang."

"Even our Oufeng Firm can take advantage of this opportunity to expand our strength. It is best to control the economy of the Cangchu Dynasty. Even if Lu Feng wants to completely control the Cangchu Dynasty, we need to see our faces."

"Extremely true."

Yang Boqing, one of the remaining saints from the Oufeng Firm, said with a smile: "Although we are now relying on the Nanyan Dynasty, we must have the autonomy we should have, and we cannot give up just because it is the Nanyan Dynasty. all of these."

"We still have to treat the Nanyan Dynasty like the previous cooperation with the Cangchu Dynasty. Cooperation is okay, but the Cangchu Dynasty is not a subordinate he can arbitrarily arrange."

"Brother Chen, what do you think of this?" Yang Chenming looked at the servant at Oufeng Commercial Bank and said with a smile.

This servant, named Chen Xingpu, joined Oufeng Firm more than 2,000 years ago, and has a very high status in Oufeng Firm, second only to the three saints and four-layer ancestors of Oufeng Firm.

And the strength is also very strong, with the strength of the middle stage of the Holy Venerable Fourth Heaven.

Yang Chenming, the ancestors of the four-level peak of the Holy Reverence of the Oufeng Firm, also respected him very much.

Chen Xingpu glanced at the three of them, shook his head slightly, and said, "Your Majesty asked me to give you something."

"His Majesty?"

Yang Chenling frowned and said, "Brother Chen, what do you mean by that?"

Chen Xingpu didn't answer. With a wave of his hand, two dozen bloody heads came out from his storage ring.

When the three of Yang Chenling saw these heads, their expressions changed greatly, and they said in shock, " is this possible?"

They all know the owners of these heads. They are the undercover agents they arranged in the Nanyan Dynasty. They are very confidential and only known to a few people in Oufeng Trading.

Even Chen Xingpu, the servant of Oufeng Firm, is completely ignorant of these people.

But now, all of them were killed, and the heads were sent over.

"Your Majesty asked me to tell you whether to be a subordinate or a resentful soul, you can choose carefully." Chen Xingpu glanced at the three of them lightly, and said: "The choice is wrong, and Oufeng Commercial Bank will disappear in the world!"

"Chen Xingpu, I, Oufeng Firm, have treated you well for thousands of years, and gave you the resources to cultivate, why did you betray us?" Yang Boqing glared at Chen Xingpu and shouted angrily.

"What I want, you can't give it, but Your Majesty can give it."

After Chen Xingpu finished speaking, he got up and said, "In addition, this is a gift from your majesty from a senior in the Dragon Servant Imperial Army to give you."

He took out a jade pendant, placed it among the three, and turned to leave.

"You want to leave now?"

Yang Chenming's face was cold, he stood up suddenly, and was about to shoot at Chen Xingpu.


But at this moment, a sudden sword sound came from the jade pendant, and before the three could react, a sharp sword qi pierced into their dantian, blocking everything in their dantian.

"This... what is this?"

The expressions of Yang Chenming's three people changed greatly, and they hurriedly ran their own exercises, trying to break through this blockade.

But no matter how they run the exercises, they can't change the slightest!

"Don't waste your time."

Chen Xingpu turned to look at them and said, "This sword qi was performed by a kendo master in His Majesty's Dragon Servant Imperial Army. He is at the pinnacle of the sixth heaven of the Holy Reverend, but his understanding of kendo, in His Majesty's words, at least It is also above the Holy Reverend Nine Heavens, and with your strength, you can't break through."


Yang Chenming roared, "Chen Xingpu, why did you betray Oufeng Firm?"

"I said, what I want, you can't give it, Your Majesty can give it. In addition..."

After a short pause, Chen Xingpu looked at Yang Chenming and said, "In terms of betrayal, you first betrayed the Cangchu Dynasty, killed the emperor of the Cangchu Dynasty, and then thought about betraying the Nanyan Dynasty. Are you qualified to say betrayal here?"


"Stop talking nonsense. If this sword energy is not resolved within a day, it will kill you." Chen Xingpu smiled coldly and said, "The three of you should think about how you should survive."

After that, Chen Xingpu left.

Leaving the three of Yang Chenming behind, they looked at each other.

"What should I do?" Yang Chenling said with a wry smile, "Is it true that I will die like this?"

"Go find Lu Feng!"

Yang Boqing sighed and said, "He arranged all this, and there must be a way to resolve this sword qi."

"But what we did..." Yang Chenming looked embarrassed.

"Lu Feng has the ability to kill us directly, but no, it proves that we are still useful. He doesn't want to kill us now, as long as we can get his forgiveness, there should be a chance."

"But it's just an opportunity."

Yang Chenling smiled bitterly.

But they have nothing to do.


Dayi City, in the City Lord's Mansion.

Yang Chenming, Yang Chenling, and Yang Boqing knelt in front of Lu Feng.

"What are the three ancestors of the dignified Oufeng Firm, kneeling on the ground?" Yang Chenming smiled lightly.

"I know I'm wrong, please forgive me." The three of them said in unison.

"Wrong? What's wrong?"

Lu Feng said with a smile: "If it weren't for the help of your Oufeng firm, I might still be thinking of a way to attack Dayi City."

This made Yang Chenming and the three of them heard, his face became a little pale, and he said anxiously: "Your Majesty, we really know wrong, we are willing to take out all the resources of Oufeng Firm to help His Majesty win the Cangchu Dynasty, just ask Your Majesty forgive me."

"Isn't the trick of 'demonstration' very easy to play? Why do you want me to forgive?"

Lu Feng's face gradually turned cold, stared at Yang Chenming, and said, "Did you forget what I said at the dynasty ceremony?"

"Subordinates... subordinates dare not forget, subordinates, subordinates..."

Yang Chenming wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it.


Lu Feng didn't let him talk nonsense, he slapped him and took his life.

Yang Chenling and Yang Boqing next to them looked at them with sad faces, but they didn't dare to say anything.

They know exactly where they are now.

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