The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1763 Under the Cangchu City

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Chapter 1766 The Most Bullish Emperor System in History

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"I will give you one more chance. This time, I am satisfied with this battle. I will let Oufeng Firm be spared."

"If it doesn't, Oufeng will die."

After destroying Yang Chenming, Lu Feng looked at Yang Chenling and Yang Boqing and said lightly.


The two hurriedly said, "Oufeng Firm will not disappoint His Majesty."

The next thing is much simpler.

Oufeng Trading Co., Ltd. is worthy of being a local snake in the Cangchu Dynasty, showing their influence as the second largest force in the Cangchu Dynasty. With the help of Oufeng Trading, there are only a handful of resistances encountered along the way.

There are many generals who want to resist, without Lu Feng saying anything, Oufeng Commercial Bank directly kills them, and then controls them. It is completely unscrupulous to tell everyone that Oufeng Commercial Bank has surrendered to the Nanyan Dynasty.

Originally, it would take at least 20 days to get to Cangchu City to enter the army of the Nanyan Dynasty, with the help of Oufeng Firm. It only took fifteen days to arrive at Cangchu City.

Lu Feng is also quite satisfied with the performance of Oufeng Firm.

Next, is to attack Cangchu City.

"Your Majesty, the last commander does not recommend attacking the city immediately."

Under the city of Cangchu, in the tent of the Nanyan Dynasty, Meng Tian looked at Lu Feng and said.

"Why?" Lu Feng asked.

"Although we are under Cangchu City right now, Cangchu City's defense ranks among the top five in the entire Yuzhou. If we attack the city now, no matter how fierce our attack is, it is absolutely impossible to break Cangchu within ten days. Chu City."

"And ten days is enough for the army of the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty to come."

"If they attack us while we are attacking the city, then we will be attacked by the enemy, and we will be very passive." Meng Tian said.

Lu Feng also understood what Meng Tian meant.

Indeed, if they attack now, when the army of the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty arrives, they will definitely attack them first.

If you want to avoid such a thing from happening, the best way is to preserve your own strength and make the two forces jealous.

"Oufeng Firm, do you have any suggestions?" Guo Jia asked at this moment, looking at Yang Chenling and Yang Boqing standing in the account.

The two laughed bitterly and said, "Because of the attack during this period, the fact that Oufeng Commercial Bank surrendered to the Nanyan Dynasty has been completely exposed to the eyes of the world."

"The royal family has already started to destroy all the powers of Oufeng Commercial Bank in Cangchu City. Now that Oufeng Commercial Bank wants to do it from within Cangchu City, it is as difficult as going to the sky."

"In this case, we can only wait first." Guo Jia sighed.

Even if he is resourceful, the current situation is not so easy to change.

The defense of Cangchu City was a big mountain that stood in front of the Nanyan Dynasty.

"Fengxiao stay, the rest of you retreat first." Lu Feng said at this time.


Everyone was ordered to retreat, leaving Guo Jia alone.

"Your Majesty left Jia, but what are your orders?" Guo Jia asked in confusion after everyone left.

"In the Cangchu Dynasty, among the only remaining saints and ancestors, Chu Yekong belongs to me." Lu Feng said.


Guo Jia was shocked.

As a minister of the Nanyan Dynasty, he naturally knew about Chu Yekong. This person was a native of the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty and a warrior at the level of the Holy Reverend.

There are even rumors that his strength has broken through to the fourth level of the Holy Venerable these days.

After the death of the ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, Chu Shengping, there were not many saints left in the Cangchu Dynasty. There were only four people. Among them, Chu Shengping was the most powerful and had a huge influence within the Cangchu Dynasty.

Guo Jia never expected that Chu Yekong was actually subdued by Lu Feng.

"Why are you so shocked?" Lu Feng laughed.

Guo Jia smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, you are really capable of creating accidents."

Guo Jia would never have believed it if Lu Feng hadn't personally said that Chu Yekong was under his control.

That Chu Yekong is the ancestor of the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty.

A pure royal family member, but finally became Lu Feng's subordinate, who would dare to believe this?

But what Lu Feng said could not be false.

"Chu Yekong is now a very important chess piece, Feng Xiao, tell me, is there any good way to make the most of this chess piece?" Lu Feng asked.

Guo Jia understood what Lu Feng meant and fell into contemplation.

Two quarters of an hour later, Guo Jiacai said, "My minister has thought of a solution."

"any solution"

"Let Chu Yekong persuade the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty to surrender to the Chongao Dynasty," Guo Jia said.

"Surrender to the Chongao Dynasty" Lu Feng was a little surprised, and said, "Why?"

"As far as the current strength is concerned, the Silver Wolf Dynasty has the help of the two great generals of the Qianzhou Dynasty, plus the army of the Dafeng Dynasty, it is the strongest among our three forces."

"Since it is the strongest, it must not allow the Silver Wolf Dynasty to occupy an absolute advantage. Therefore, Cangchu City cannot fall into the hands of the Silver Wolf Dynasty."

"But if we take over Cangchu City now, we will be placed opposite the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty. If the two sides join forces to attack us, it will definitely be a fatal blow to us."

"So, letting Cangchu City fall into the hands of the Chongao Dynasty is the best choice."

Guo Jia said, "The second prince of the Qianzhou Dynasty has spent so much time making it clear that if he wants to occupy the entire territory of the Cangchu Dynasty, it is absolutely impossible for the city of Cangchu to fall into the hands of the Chongao Dynasty."

"Once they get the news that the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty intends to surrender the Chongao Dynasty, they will definitely attack the army of the Chongao Dynasty at all costs. Even if we are by their side, they are very likely to do so."

After a short pause, Guo Jia continued, "In Cangchu City, the Cangchu Dynasty still has two million people in the forbidden army, as well as 100,000 Chiyan Army, and some Heihuang Army, which is also a good force."

"If the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty are able to fight against each other at the same time, let the army in Cangchu City attack them and consume their three-way strength. If we make another move at this time, we will definitely be able to take Cangchu City in one fell swoop."

"At the same time, it can also attack the army of the Silver Wolf Dynasty"

When Lu Feng heard this, his eyes lit up.

He understood what Guo Jia meant. If it really followed Guo Jia's words, the Nanyan Dynasty would undoubtedly be a huge winner in this battle.

But there is a problem.

Lu Feng pondered and said, "With the army of the Nanyan Dynasty here, will the Silver Wolf Dynasty really attack the Chongao Dynasty desperately?"

The premise for Guo Jia's strategy to succeed is that the Silver Wolf Dynasty must attack the Chongao Dynasty at all costs while the Nanyan Dynasty army is eyeing, so that both sides will suffer.

But the problem is that the Silver Wolf Dynasty is led by two top generals from the Qianzhou Dynasty. Such a low-level mistake is definitely impossible.

Without solving this problem, it is impossible for Guo Jia's strategy to succeed.

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