"Is this the other top military generals in the Kyushu Continent?"

Yue Fei looked at the menacing brothers Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling, and did not fight back immediately, but observed their army formation.

These two people have extremely strong army formation ability, and abruptly condensed the morale of a remnant of soldiers into one place and turned them into an army formation, which was very ferocious.

But soon Yue Fei was a little disappointed.

Because he could see that the top generals were the top generals, but the realm of these two top generals should be in the early stage, not yet the middle stage of the top generals.

Compared with his strength, there is still some gap.


Yue Fei shook his head. He also wanted to find a military general of the same realm to have a good fight. Originally, he knew that the Nan brothers were the top ten top military generals in the Qian Zhou Dynasty and was looking forward to it, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.


Yue Fei raised his hand, and the army formation he had gathered slammed down on the army formation formed by Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling.


With the loud noise, the army led by the two brothers Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling disappeared without a trace, and the entire army had no morale left.


Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling felt this scene and were completely stunned.

They never thought that the military formation formed by the two of them was so easily broken by Yue Fei.

This... how is this possible?

The two of them are the top ten military generals in the Qian Zhou Dynasty!

"The whole army obeys the order, kill!"

Yue Fei ignored the shock of the two of them. Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy's army was broken and morale was affected, he ordered the entire army to charge without hesitation.

Under his leadership, the three million elite infantry under his command immediately charged.


And the troops under Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling had no morale.

Facing the charge of Yue Fei's elite soldiers, fear filled the entire army in an instant, and they retreated crazily. In the blink of an eye, the 1.5 million army was completely defeated.

He fled under the pursuit of Yue Fei's army.

"Go, let's go!"

Nan Xuduan immediately said to Nan Xuling, "This is impossible to fight!"

Originally, the 1.5 million troops they led were remnants of soldiers who had just gone through a chase, and their morale was underestimated. They used military formations to forcibly condense their morale, intending to fight for their lives.

But before they started to fight for their lives, the army formation was broken, and for this remnant of soldiers, the morale was hit even more seriously.

Now even if they use the Zhenshen Banner, it is impossible to gather morale to fight against Yue Fei's army.

The only option now is to escape.

The two of them must not fall into Yue Fei's hands.

Nan Xuling also reacted, nodded hurriedly, and tried to escape from the battlefield with his elder brother Nan Xuduan using a movement technique.

"Want to escape?"

Yue Fei's attention has always been on these two people, and he still doesn't understand when he sees their movements.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately controlled the army and pressed it over.


There was a roar in the void, and the solid formation turned into chains, directly locking the two brothers Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling who wanted to escape.


Nan Xuduan was furious and shouted: "Yue Fei, I am the top military general of the Qianzhou Dynasty. It is best for those who know me better to let me go, otherwise the entire Nanyan Dynasty will be implicated by you!"

Yue Fei ignored him at all, just imprisoned them with a military formation, and continued to lead the army to hunt down these remnants.

More than half a day later, after the remaining soldiers were almost eliminated, Yue Fei released the two from the void, but he also imposed restrictions on them and caught them.

"Yue Fei!"

Nan Xuduan stared at Yue Fei, gnashing his teeth, his face full of anger.

Of course, there is more grief in his eyes.

He is the top military general of the Zhou Dynasty, and in the Qianzhou Dynasty, even the emperor has to be kind to them, and the scenery is incomparable.

This time, I followed my nephew, the second prince, to Yuzhou, thinking of doing a great job and becoming a minister of the dragon.

But he didn't expect not only to lose a big defeat, but his two brothers to be captured by others, which is simply embarrassing to the extreme.

Compared with Nan Xuduan's anger, Nan Xuling's eyes were much more complicated. He looked at Yue Fei, sighed softly, and said, "Yue Fei, why are you willing to be in a small dynasty with such ability?"

"Why don't you follow me to the Qianzhou Dynasty, I will protect you and make sure that you can become the general of the Qianzhou Dynasty!"

"Think about it, that is the general of the dynasty, isn't it better than a small dynasty?"

Nan Xuling is a man of understanding.

After Yue Fei broke the army formation formed by him and his brother Nan Xuduan, he knew that Yue Fei's generals were far above their realm.

At least it is also the existence of the top generals in the middle stage, and it may even be in the later stage.

The top generals in this realm, even the Qian Zhou Dynasty, are only one person.

If they can be brought back to the Qianzhou Dynasty, not only will the strength of the Dynasty be greatly improved, but the family they belong to will also have many benefits.


Yue Fei laughed when he heard Nan Xuling's words, and said, "You want me to betray the Nanyan Dynasty, in the next life!"

"I really want to know, are you two interested in playing for the Nanyan Dynasty?"

"Trust me, as long as you are willing to serve, Your Majesty will definitely entrust you with a heavy responsibility, at least not like you are doing things in the Zhou Dynasty, for a prince who came all the way from Xizhou to Yuzhou to do things, and finally became a prisoner."


Nan Xuling didn't know what to say for a moment.

What Yue Fei said was right, but it was too uncomfortable to hear.

It made them two supreme generals seem to be other people's bodyguards.

Although about the same.

But the dignified military commander is a little embarrassed.


"Your Majesty, there is news from General Yue Fei that he led the troops to block the army of the Silver Wolf Dynasty that wanted to retreat, and..."

After a short pause, Guo Jia looked at Lu Feng and smiled: "And he also captured Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling."


When Lu Feng heard this, he was instantly speechless.

He didn't capture Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling, but he didn't expect these two to fall into Yue Fei's hands.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Feng said, "Let Yue Fei send these two back to Cangchu City, and I will meet them."


Soon, in the imperial study room of Cangchu City Palace, Lu Feng saw Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling.

"Lu Feng, it's best for you to let us go, otherwise you will provoke the army of the Qian Zhou Dynasty, and you, the little Nanyan Dynasty, will die!" Nan Xuduan looked at Lu Feng and said sternly.

Nan Xuling also nodded immediately and said, "Lu Feng, think about it clearly, the Qian Zhou Dynasty is standing behind us."

"The Qianzhou Dynasty is not a fake Dynasty like the Ji Dynasty in Yuzhou. There are emperors in our Dynasty, and they are powerful. You can't offend them."

When Lu Feng heard this, he suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" The two of them looked at Lu Feng's smile and felt very bad.

"Tell me, how much is the life of your two supreme generals worth in the Qianzhou Dynasty?" Lu Feng laughed.

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