The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1777 I have decided on you

"You... what do you mean?"

The unpleasant feeling in the hearts of the Nan Xuduan brothers was even stronger.

"Tell you two, if I send a letter to the Qianzhou Dynasty to ask your emperor for a ransom, what will he look like." Lu Feng laughed.

The expressions of the two Nan Xuduan brothers changed drastically in an instant.

If this is the case, then the two of them are really finished, and even the entire Nan family will be implicated.

You must know that the emperor of the Qianzhou Dynasty asked his son to make achievements and then choose the prince. It said that the military generals and civil officials in the court and the public were not allowed to help each other.

Because his Nan family is Gan Huan's mother's natal family, he wants to help Gan Huan become the prince, so when Qian Huan becomes the emperor in the future, their Nan family will definitely rise.

So the two of them came to Yuzhou secretly in the name of retreat.

After arriving in Yuzhou, there was no publicity, and it was natural that the royal family sent people to investigate.

As long as it is not hyped, when everything is confirmed in the future, they will clean up the people who know them in Yuzhou. Even if someone suspects that they have helped, there will be no evidence.

Just know that it's all due to Gan Huan, and it perfectly fits their purpose.

If Lu Feng really sent someone to do the Zhou Dynasty to demand the ransom, then all this would be exposed.

Don't say that Gan Huan wants to be a prince, it's already very good to be able to survive.

The royal family is ruthless, not just talking.

But soon Nan Xuling stared at Lu Feng, sneered, and said, "You dare not!"

Nan Xuduan also responded with a sneer and said, "If you dare to send someone to ask for a ransom, it would be equivalent to hitting the Ganzhou Dynasty in the face, and the Qianzhou Dynasty will not be able to spare you the Nanyan Dynasty."

"Oh, really?"

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Otherwise, let's try it out."


The two of them didn't know what to say for a moment.

What they said was nice, but the key point was that the Qian Zhou Dynasty would not necessarily do anything to the Nanyan Dynasty.

Because the Nanyan Dynasty is not a lamb to be slaughtered by others, they also have superb military generals, as well as warriors at the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate.

After weighing the pros and cons, it is not so simple for the Qian Zhou Dynasty to do it.

After all, this is not Xizhou, and it is not the base camp of the Qianzhou Dynasty.

"Lu Feng, what are you trying to do?"

Nan Xuling stared at Lu Feng and said, "You know very well that if you really send someone to go to the Ganzhou Dynasty to get the ransom, it will be a very, very risky thing. Are you going to take the entire Nanyan Dynasty to take the risk?"

"Looking at it this way, the two of you came to Yuzhou. The Emperor of the Qianzhou Dynasty didn't know it. Helping the prince in private is a royal taboo. You two are very courageous." Lu Feng suddenly laughed.

Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling were stunned for a moment, then reacted abruptly, glared at Lu Feng, and shouted, "Are you cheating us?"

Lu Feng didn't answer, he just said, "In this way, killing you guys doesn't seem like a big deal."

The expressions of the two who were originally angry changed in an instant.

"Your Majesty, Gan Huan, the second prince of the Qian Zhou Dynasty, asks to see you."

At this moment, Guo Jia's voice came.

"The person you are loyal to is here." Lu Feng glanced at the Nan brothers with a smile, and said, "Bring him in."

The two brothers Nan Xuduan breathed a sigh of relief.

Gan-hwan must have come for them.

Soon, Gan Huan arrived in the imperial study.

Looking at the Nan brothers, their faces were very ugly.

The Nan brothers also lowered their heads and looked ashamed.

"Qian Huan, the second prince of the Qian Zhou Dynasty, has seen the King of Nanyan." Gan Huan bowed to Lu Feng.

"No need to be polite."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Why is the prince here?"

"Your Majesty, you and I are both understanding people, so don't be hypocritical to each other." Gan Huan shook his head and said, "I am here for two purposes, one is for the general of the Nan family, and the other is to seek cooperation."

"Then come the same way." Lu Feng pointed at the Nan brothers and said, "Do you want Zhen to let them go?"

"Exactly." Gan Huan nodded and said, "Your Majesty can ask anything you want."

"it is good!"

Lu Feng said: "I have two requirements. First, the Cangchu Dynasty belongs to the Nanyan Dynasty from now on, and has nothing to do with the Yinlang Dynasty and the Qianzhou Dynasty!"

Gan Huan frowned slightly and said, "Your Majesty's appetite is too great."

"Dongjing of the Cangchu Dynasty was the result of my painstaking efforts and the loss of more than five million troops to successfully capture it. Your Majesty wants to go back with a single word, don't you think it's too much!"

"You seem to have some truth in what you said." Lu Feng pondered slightly and said, "Well, you go back first, and I will ask you to come back when I think about it. Of course, this time may be a little long, ten or twenty years is the norm. ."


Gan Huan almost died of anger.

Ten or twenty years is a blink of an eye for a warrior, but for him, the day lily is cold.

Without the Nan brothers, it would be a fool's errand for him to achieve his goal.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Lu Feng looked puzzled and said, "I must discuss such an important matter with my ministers. Are you right, Your Highness?"

"Okay, I promise!"

Qian Huan suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "The Cangchu Dynasty belongs to you!"


Lu Feng laughed and said, "Then I will now say the second condition."

Pointing to the Nan family brothers, Lu Feng said: "The two supreme generals are absolutely great talents, and great talents are naturally precious, so if you give me twenty pills above the middle grade of god level, I will let them go. them."

"Twenty god-level middle-grade medicinal pills?" Gan Huan sneered and said, "Does your majesty really take me as a scapegoat? Second junior sister, god-grade middle-grade medicinal pills, can really speak loudly!"

"I'll give you ten at most, no more than one!"

"Okay, deal!" Lu Feng said.

Gan Huan was stunned by Lu Feng's quickness, and said, "Is this the deal?"

"Deal." Lu Feng said: "As long as His Royal Highness's medicinal pill is brought, the Nan family brothers will release it immediately."

"Are you sure?" Gan Huan was skeptical.

Lu Feng smiled when he saw it. In his plan, the medicine pill was only secondary, and the most important thing was the Cangchu Dynasty.

Incorporating the entire Cangchu Dynasty into the territory of Nanyan, the area of ​​Yuzhou controlled by Nanyan instantly approached half.

If the Chongao Dynasty and the Guda Dynasty were eliminated again, then the area of ​​Yuzhou controlled by the Nanyan Dynasty would be close to half.

At that time, the Nanyan Dynasty will truly reach its peak.

Pills or something is not very important, as long as you have them, you don't have to have twenty.

He looked at Gan Huan's skeptical look, and said, "If His Royal Highness the Prince is willing to give me more pills, of course I don't mind."

"Haha." Gan Huan laughed dryly and said, "Then ten, that's it."

Although he is the prince of the Qian Zhou Dynasty, ten pills of the god-level middle grade are enough for him to break his bones.

But for the sake of the Nan brothers, he had to do it.

"This matter is settled like this, Your Majesty, it's time for us to talk about cooperation." Gan Huan said to Lu Feng.

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