The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1948 The heavy crossbow is restrained!

After getting the news that Yang Ming had entered the plan and won the outer defensive position of Yuzhong Mountain that Gao Shun had lost, Yue Fei came to the Weiqing army camp for the first time.

At the same time, Lü Bu and Huo Qubing's iron cavalry also rushed in.

"Half an hour ago, General Lu and General Huo received news that they have arrived at the appointed place. As long as the frontal battle is started, they can immediately attack the Yu Pishan army from the side," Wei Qing said.

"it is good!"

Yue Fei nodded and said, "Go on, the army will prepare to attack immediately, and wait until the enemy army..."


At this moment, a soldier came running outside, and hurriedly reported: "The enemy has mobilized its army and is planning to attack our army!"

"Good come!"

Yue Fei was not surprised but delighted. Originally, they planned to attack the enemy directly, but this way the enemy would definitely be well prepared. All kinds of defense equipment were there, which would inevitably cause some damage to the army.

But at this time the enemy army launched an attack on them, as long as they defeated the enemy army, and then immediately launched a counterattack against the enemy army when the enemy army retreated, they could take advantage of the fact that the defensive equipment in the enemy army was not fully arranged. Inflict maximum damage to enemy troops.

"Send the order, and order the army to prepare for defense immediately!"


Soon, Yu Pishan's army launched an attack on Wei Qing's army.

"As expected of a top mid-rank general of the Beilei Dynasty, his ability to march and fight is not bad."

On the wall of the military camp, Yue Fei looked at the enemy's offensive formation and nodded in approval.

Yu Pishan was in the army, using the army formation to make the attack of the entire army orderly, without seeing the slightest chaos.

As far as an army is concerned, it can be orderly and not chaotic when attacking, then this is an absolute elite soldier.

Yu Pishan is a good general!

Only today, what a pity!


When the enemy army reached the range of the army's counterattack, Wei Qing's army immediately fired a salvo of bows and crossbows.

Although the enemy had shield soldiers, they still suffered losses.

The first time Yue Fei did not let the heavy crossbow and the holy crossbow attack.

When the enemy infantry continued to advance under the cover of shield soldiers, and when they reached a suitable distance, Yue Fei immediately ordered the heavy crossbow to attack.


The thunderous sound of the heavy crossbow instantly resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Huge crossbow arrows flew out from the Weiqing army camp and fell into the enemy's formation.

"The shield soldiers obey the order and form a formation!"

Yu Pishan shouted when she saw it.

Under his orders, the shield soldiers changed their pace rapidly, forming a strange formation.

At the same time, the shields in the hands of those shield soldiers have also changed, from a normal-sized shield to a giant shield that is three times the size of an ordinary shield.

In addition, there were some strange fluctuations between the giant shields, which turned into waves of energy and wrapped around the shields of the shield soldiers.

"Bang bang bang!"

The arrows of the heavy crossbow fell on those giant shields as everyone watched.

A scene that surprised Yue Fei and others happened. The energy on those giant shields actually removed most of the impact of the heavy crossbow arrows.

It's just that the formation engraved on the crossbow arrow detonated a small range of heaven and earth aura, causing some damage to those shield soldiers.

But the damage range is also very small, only three or five crossbow arrows can be detonated to kill a shield soldier.

"The enemy actually found a way to restrain the heavy crossbow!"

Yue Fei and the others all stared at each other.

The army of the Southern Yan Dynasty was strong and strong, in addition to many top generals, the heavy crossbow and the holy crossbow were definitely contributed.

These two killing weapons, the army of the Nanyan Dynasty can win a hundred battles!

But today, the heavy crossbow, which has always been invincible, was actually blocked, which was a little shocking to those generals who had seen the heavy crossbow devastated.

"Haha, it really works!"

Seeing that his shield soldiers blocked the heavy crossbow's bow attack, Yu Pishan laughed and said, "Quickly order the army to speed up the attack, and we must take advantage of the enemy's heavy crossbow to attack the enemy's city wall! "


Under Yu Pishan's order, the army accelerated its attack.

Those soldiers of the dynasty were also very excited when they saw that the invincible heavy crossbow arrows were blocked in the past, and their morale was high.

The momentum of the charge has grown several times stronger!

The enemy's brave charge also made Yue Fei and others react from the scene where the heavy crossbow was restrained.

Yue Fei sighed lightly and said, "It seems that the enemy has come up with a defense to restrain the heavy crossbow much earlier than we expected."

As a top-ranking military general, Yue Fei never felt that the heavy crossbow and the holy crossbow would always be invincible.

When the Nanyan Dynasty was faced with more powerful soldiers, the two major killers would definitely be studied, so that they would find a way to restrain them.

Before, Lu Ban, who invented the heavy crossbow based on the Sacred Sacred Crossbow, once said to these generals that although the Sacred Sacred Crossbow and the heavy crossbow are powerful, they are not incapable of restraint. As long as the enemy is willing to study, they can always find some restraint. Method.

It's just that this gram has a big and a small effect.

The Yu Pishan shield soldiers in front of him had some restraint on the heavy crossbow, but it was not completely absolute. The heavy crossbow could still cause some damage to the enemy.

"It seems that we have to inform Lu Ban that the heavy crossbow is about to lose its ability to keep up with the battle. The killing weapon he has been secretly researching needs to be accelerated." Wei Qing sighed softly.

"Haha, this is a follow-up. Now let's get rid of the enemy's attacking army." Yue Fei laughed.

Although Yue Fei was a little surprised that the heavy crossbow was restrained, it did not affect the morale of the army.

After all, Yue Fei was a top-ranking general, and now he was facing an attack by a middle-ranking general.

Not at all afraid.

"Order all Saint Extinguishing Crossbows to attack the enemy shield soldiers immediately!" Yue Fei ordered.

He planned to let the Holy Crossbow try the power of Yu Pishan's heavy crossbow to see if it could stop the Holy Crossbow's shooting.


"Boom, boom!"

Under Yue Fei's order, the Sacred Sacred Crossbow was fired immediately, and many huge crossbow arrows attacked the enemy shield soldiers.

"Destroy the Holy Crossbow!"

When Yu Pishan saw it, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said, "Alright, let me see how much trouble I can find to restrain the heavy crossbow, how much trouble I can cause to the Sacred Crossbow!"


Under his control, the defense composed of the giant shields in the hands of the shield soldiers is even more.

"Bang bang bang!"

The arrows of the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow fell on those shield soldiers.


With a loud bang, those shield soldiers were instantly smashed by the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow Arrows.

The giant shield in the hands of the shield soldiers shattered directly under the blow of the Sacred Sacred Crossbow, and those shield soldiers disappeared on the battlefield in an instant.


When Yu Pishan saw it, her face was instantly gloomy, and the strength of the Sacred Crossbow exceeded his expectations.

All the shield soldiers were damaged in front of the enemy line.

"It seems that the defense found by Yu Pishan is limited to the heavy crossbow. For the holy crossbow, it is still not enough."

On the wall of the military camp, the generals of the Nanyan Dynasty who watched this scene were more or less relieved.

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