The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1949 Attack the army of Yu Pishan!

If the giant shields in the hands of the enemy's shield soldiers can also cause absolute restraint against the holy crossbow, then for the army of the Nanyan Dynasty, the combat effectiveness will also drop by at least 30%.

When the two armies are fighting, the Nanyan Dynasty will definitely have to pay more if they want to win.

For generals, the less the price paid, the better.

"Order the army to destroy the holy crossbow and strike a devastating blow to the enemy immediately!" Yue Fei said.


Under Yue Fei's order, the Sacred Crossbow, which smashed the enemy shield soldiers, immediately attacked the enemy's rushing infantry.

Even the shield soldiers can't stop the killing of the Holy Crossbow, let alone these ordinary infantrymen.

After two rounds of salvos from the Holy Crossbow, Yu Pishan's army, which had been extremely excited and had high morale, had already suffered heavy losses, and the morale of the soldiers had been severely hit.

Looking at the wall of Wei Qing's military camp, his eyes were full of horror.

With the killing of the Holy Crossbow, each arrow can make hundreds of soldiers disappear. For those soldiers, the scene of the Holy Crossbow shooting made them unable to fight at all.


When Yu Pishan saw this scene, her face was ugly.

Originally, I planned to take advantage of today's shield soldiers to make a good attack. Even if I couldn't take down the enemy's city wall, I had to show the momentum of my Beilei Dynasty's top military general.

Looking at the results now, it is no different from before.

Before the army approached the city wall of the enemy's army camp, it was already scared by the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow and did not dare to move forward.

The only difference is that this time the enemy's heavy crossbow didn't work.

But in terms of results, nothing has changed at all.


With a helpless sigh, Yu Pishan said: "If you can't solve the enemy's Holy Crossbow and want to break through the enemy's position, it's really not an ordinary difficulty."

"Fortunately, I found a way to restrain the enemy's heavy crossbow, so that one of the two major killers of the Nanyan Dynasty was no longer a threat, but it was a gain."

"The order goes on, Ming Jin withdraws his troops!"

"At the same time, order the generals below to pay attention to the retreating formation, and never give the enemy a chance to counterattack."

Now, there is no need to continue fighting.

However, Yu Pishan is not discouraged. Today, he successfully tested the method of restraining the enemy's heavy crossbow, and it works. This is a big gain.

Second, it was because his side was not the main battlefield of this war. The real battlefield was in Mount Yuzhong. He only needed to hold back Wei Qing's army so that they could not go to Mount Yuzhong to help Gao Shun.

Now, the goal has been achieved.

In today's battle, the enemy army knows that they can ignore their heavy crossbow, and they will definitely defend their army more strictly, and it is absolutely impossible to draw troops to the Yuzhongshan battlefield!

Hearing the sound of gold, the soldier heaved a sigh of relief, turned and ran into his barracks.

With that look, I can't wait to throw the weapon in my hand and lose the armor on my body.

After all, the scene where the Holy Crossbow destroyed the shield soldiers really made them too frightened.

At this moment, all they think about is to survive, what formation is there to speak of.

"What about the order of labor and capital?"

Yu Pishan watched the scene of her army retreating,

He was furious and shouted, "I just gave the order, and I have to keep the formation and retreat. Are those generals taking my order as a fart?"

As a top-ranking military general, Yu Pishan is not only powerful in the military formation. In the Beilei Dynasty, in addition to the military formation, he studied all aspects of the army's equipment, defense, and the timing of the army's attack, the timing of retreat, etc. , are among the best.

Even the emperors of the Beilei Dynasty will recognize his ability very much.

After receiving the help of Wangqing Daomen this time, the emperors sent him directly, the purpose was to let him experience this kind of large-scale war.

For a general of his level, after such a large-scale war experience, the strength will be greatly improved.

At least it can guarantee that he will become a top-ranking military general in the next hundred years.

Such a good opportunity, Bei Lei Dynasty sent him out, enough to see the importance of him.

Yu Pishan knew this well, so even when he came to a place like Yuzhou, which was at the bottom of the ranking in Kyushu, he didn't take it lightly.

Especially since he knew that Yue Fei's army was still ahead of Yang Ming, he did not despise the Nanyan Dynasty at all.

These days, he has been testing Wei Qing's army and successfully found a way to restrain the heavy crossbow.

But now, when he saw the chaotic appearance of his army's retreat, he couldn't accept it, and at the same time he was a little worried.

If Wei Qing led the army out at this time, it would definitely cause great losses to the army.


Several lieutenants around Yu Pishan glanced at each other and whispered, "General, the enemy's main front is now in Yuzhong Mountain, so they shouldn't continue to attack us and increase the pressure on them to fight on both sides!"


Yu Pishan gave these people a cold look, and said, "If I were Wei Qing, I would definitely lead the troops out to hunt them down at this time!"

"General, what should we do now?" Several lieutenants whispered.

They are also very helpless. The orders have already gone down, but it is one thing to go down, and it is another thing to execute them on the battlefield.

After all, after seeing the shield soldiers blocking the enemy's heavy crossbow to give them hope, the soldiers who charged in front were instantly wiped out by the enemy's Holy Crossbow General's hope.

This blow is a big blow to morale, and it is easy for the army to collapse.

Therefore, these generals are also helpless.

Yu Pishan didn't speak for a long time, just stared at the battlefield, the army retreating in chaos.

In fact, he still has a way to instantly make the army neat and maintain the formation.

That is to sacrifice their own town god flag.

As long as it is not an army whose army formation has been completely destroyed, the spirit of the army can be reinvigorated by the sacrifice of the Zhenshen flag, and at the same time, the formation of the army can be maintained through the formation of the army.

But after the Zhenshen Banner is sacrificed once, it will take a long time for it to be sacrificed again.

Because it consumes a lot of soul power.

At this time, he naturally wanted to use the Zhenshen Banner at a more important time.

After pondering for a while, Yu Pishan ordered: "The rear army who stayed behind in the barracks should immediately prepare bows and crossbows, and be ready to counterattack at any time!"

The lieutenants did not think that Wei Qing would chase him out now, but Yu Pishan gave the order, so he went to arrange it immediately.


On the wall of the military camp, Yue Fei watched the enemy retreat, and there was no formation at all. Overjoyed, what he was waiting for was this opportunity.

Without hesitation, Yue Fei immediately ordered: "Go on, let the whole army rush to kill the enemy!"

"At the same time, give orders to Lu Bu and Huo Qubing, and order them both to immediately lead the iron cavalry to attack the enemy from the left and right sides, and be sure to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"


Yue Fei's order went down, and the army, which had already prepared, opened the eighteen frontal battalion gates.

Under the leadership of Wei Qing, the elite infantry who had been waiting for a long time rushed towards the enemy in an instant.

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