The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 801 Genius Can't Live!

"Get up!"

The leader of the emperor's fifth-layered heavenly martial artist snorted coldly, and a wonderful wave spread out.

Immediately after Lu Feng's eyes flashed, he recovered again, and he had reached a ring.

"Space Array!"

Lu Feng looked surprised.

The previous wonderful fluctuation turned out to be the trace of the space formation.

"No no no, to be precise, it should be an array flag depicting a space formation."

Lu Feng looked around, the arena was large enough for warriors of the emperor realm to fight on it.

And this kind of depiction has a space array flag, the space formed is very stable, and it is an independent space, no matter what happens inside, no one outside will know.

Lu Feng did not expect that these people would have such a precious array flag in their hands.

I don't know the specific level of this array flag that depicts the space formation, but it should be a mid-level or top-level heaven.

Compared with the high-grade wind and fire spirit formation in the previous auction, this space formation is many times more precious.

"It seems that these people are very serious about trying to kill me, and they have used such means." Lu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Lu Feng, are you surprised to see me?"

Only then did Fang Haiyuan look at Lu Feng coldly.

He didn't know Lu Feng's identity before, but after he found his family's elders arranged in Shanghai City, he got news of Lu Feng immediately.

This made him even more apprehensive.

Lu Feng is the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, and the Nanyan Kingdom is said to be standing behind the door of Wangqingdao. It is hard to guarantee that the royal family has no idea of ​​marrying Zhang Jiaqi and Lu Feng to increase their power.

This possibility is very large.

Fortunately, today Lu Feng will surely die.

"It was indeed a surprise."

Lu Feng nodded.

He didn't expect Fang Haiyuan to be waiting for him here.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, boy, hand over the things, I may be able to leave you a whole corpse!" The leader of the emperor's fifth-level warrior said coldly.

"Things? I have too many things, what do you want?"

Lu Feng smiled and looked at the warrior from the fifth level of the emperor.

"Ha ha."

After sneering twice, the warrior from the fifth level of the emperor looked at Lu Feng and said, "You are the first person who dares to talk to me Fang Junkai like this."

"But since you're about to die, I'll give you a little more time to live."

Looking at Lu Feng with cold eyes, Fang Junkai said coldly, "Hand over that jade tube that contains ancient secrets!"


These people came for that jade tube.

Lu Feng sighed in his heart, in today's martial arts world, anything that can be related to the ancient times is something that many forces have robbed.

In the long river of time, the heyday of ancient martial arts has lost too much heritage.

Anything related to ancient times may represent a possible inheritance in it. Before, many small families accidentally acquired an ancient inheritance and became a famous power in Yuzhou in just a few hundred years.

It's no wonder that Fang Junkai brought so many masters to besiege Lu Feng, and also specially brought a formation flag depicting a space formation to ensure that the news that they would kill Lu Feng would not spread.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Feng moved his hand and took out the jade tube he had put in the storage space.

He removed the blockade Xuanwen above, the silver-white light appeared again, and the quaint aura and fluctuations began to emerge.

Fang Junkai felt that his breathing became a little short.

He didn't understand, this was exactly what Fang Haiyuan said, it was definitely a treasure left over from the ancient times.

Gotta get it this time!

Turning his head to look at Fang Haiyuan, Fang Junkai smiled and said, "You did a very good job this time. When you return to the family to report this matter, you will have a better chance to become the next generation of the family's owner."

Fang Haiyuan was even more delighted. Originally, he just wanted to let the masters in the family,

So it may be a treasure from ancient times.

Therefore, Fang Junkai, the person in charge of the Fang family in Shanghai City, will use his relationship and invite five warriors from the fourth level of the emperor to help out, in order to ensure that he will be able to get things.

Before, he was still worried that if the things he got were too bad, Fang Junkai would find himself in trouble.

But I didn't expect it to be so good, it's really a treasure from ancient times.

When he was excited, Fang Junkai had already reached out to get the jade tube.

But at this time, Lu Feng directly put the jade tube into the storage space, and said lightly: "If you want something from me, you have to use your skills."

"court death!"

Fang Junkai snorted coldly and said, "Go on, kill him for me!"

A fourth-level warrior of the emperor beside him immediately started, preparing to kill Lu Feng himself.

"True martial arts!"

Without any hesitation, Lu Feng immediately cast the secret technique, and his realm immediately rose from the sixth heaven of the holy king to the nine heaven of the holy king.

"What? Saint King Realm?"

Fang Junkai and Fang Haiyuan were shocked. They knew that the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, was very strong, but they didn't expect that Lu Feng was actually a holy king, and he was still a warrior in the real realm or the sixth realm of the holy king.

You know, Lu Feng is not yet twenty years old!

Fang Haiyuan looked at Lu Feng with even more jealous eyes. He was twenty-seven years old, but now he was only a third-level celestial martial artist. Although he was smart, in a world dominated by martial arts, there was no one who didn't want to have a stronger realm. strength.

Killing intent flashed in Fang Junkai's eyes, such a genius must be beheaded, otherwise there will be troubles left behind, which will truly become endless troubles!

The hands-on emperor's fourth-level celestial warrior was also taken aback by Lu Feng's explosive state.

After all, Lu Feng is less than twenty years old, and no one can calm down when he is less than twenty years old.

But soon, he sneered, being able to kill such a genius, how refreshing is this?

"Boy, it doesn't matter if you are a genius or not, die for this old man!"

With a grim smile on his face, the warrior from the fourth level of the emperor punched Lu Feng's head with a punch.

"The fifth sword of Zhenwu Sword Art!"

Lu Feng was even more direct, without any hesitation, he held the Gan Jiang sword and stabbed it out!

Unlike the huge sword qi condensed by the fifth sword before, this time the sword qi transformed from the fifth sword of Zhenwu Jianjue covered the Gan Jiang sword.

Under the impetus of Lu Feng, he stabbed the fist of the emperor's fourth-level heavenly warrior.

Immediately, waves of fierce sword qi penetrated into the body of the emperor's fourth-level heavenly warrior, frantically disturbing his true qi.

In a short period of time, he was already at a disadvantage.

"Damn, how is this possible?"

The warrior was shocked. Even if Lu Feng was a genius, he was just a warrior who raised his realm to the Holy King Jiuzhongtian by using a secret technique.

How could you let yourself down?

However, before he could understand, Lu Feng's figure suddenly disappeared.

"What about people?"

It was really strange in his heart, and just as he was curious, a fierce killing intent suddenly came from behind him.

PS: Update in advance, five more. Will update again tomorrow at around 2:30 pm.

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