The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 802 Fang Haiyuan, you are really a good person!


Before the emperor's fourth-level warrior could react, his heart ached.

Looking down, he saw a sharp sword pierced through his heart.

"I... I was killed in seconds?"

This emperor's fourth-level celestial warrior was full of disbelief.

dare not accept this fact.

But soon, the breath of his life passed quickly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one of the emperor's fourth-level heavenly warriors, and gaining 120 million experience points."

The system's prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.


Hearing the prompt, Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he made a shot, he was the fifth sword of the Zhenwu Sword Art with the most powerful conventional means except for his hole cards.

Not letting him down, the fifth sword combined with the three steps of jumping into the air, instantly killing the emperor's fourth-level heavenly martial artist.

Although most of the reason was because the emperor's fourth-level celestial martial artist was too careless, he never thought that Lu Feng could give him such a deadly threat, and he was too relaxed, resulting in an instant kill.

But for Lu Feng, the result is the most important.

Moreover, now that he has killed the emperor's fourth-level warrior alone, he has obtained 120 million experience points. If he can kill all the warriors here...

Looking up at Fang Junkai and the four emperors he brought with him, Lu Feng's eyes had a strong killing intent.

If you can kill them all, the experience value you get will definitely exceed 700 million.

Then you can smoothly enter the next realm, and at that time, the realm of Liu Jiannu and the others will be improved again.

"Fang Haiyuan, Fang Haiyuan, you are really a good person."

"Knowing that I lack experience now, I immediately encouraged the masters in my family to send it."

"I really want to thank you!"

Lu Feng said secretly in his heart.

Before, he was still thinking about how he could improve to a small realm and enter the seventh heaven of the holy king, but he did not expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

However, he had to seize the opportunity, but he couldn't let the few people here escape.

The strong killing intent in Lu Feng's eyes was clearly felt by these four emperors.

If it was normal, if the warriors of the Holy King Realm dared to look at them like this, they would have been killed many times.

But except today, no matter what the reason for Lu Feng's instant killing of the emperor's fourth-level warrior, there is one thing that can be very sure.

That is the boy in front of him who is less than 20 years old. He is completely a warrior who has the ability to kill the emperor's fourth heaven!

This made them restless.

Fang Junkai's face was even more gloomy. Originally, he hoped that the warrior from the fourth level of the emperor would kill Lu Feng in an instant, end the matter here, and go back early to avoid being suspected.

However, he did not expect that the warrior of the fourth level of the emperor would be instantly killed by Lu Feng.


With a scolding, Fang Junkai was very disappointed with the slain emperor's fourth-level martial artist.

But no matter how disappointed he is, he now understands that this kid in front of him is indeed very difficult.

"Let's do it together, don't let him have a chance to defeat them one by one!"

After Fang Junkai finished speaking, he was the first to take action, and the few warriors from the fourth level of the emperor behind him immediately took action when they saw it.

However, they are not the warriors of the Fang family, but they sold Fang Junkai's face, so they came here.

Therefore, after Fang Junkai's shot, they deliberately took a half step and let Fang Junkai and Lu Feng fight first.

Soon, Lu Feng and Fang Junkai had a hand in hand.

Lu Feng knew very well that if he had a head-to-head with Fang Junkai, he would definitely not be an opponent, so he always used the three-step jumping in the air to entangle Fang Junkai to test Fang Junkai's movement technique.

"You bastard, if you have the ability, stop and fight with me. What kind of man are you hiding like this?" Fang Junkai's several attacks failed, causing him to curse.

At the same time, he also covets Lu Feng's movement technique. His movement technique has always been the flaw among the flaws. If he can obtain Lu Feng's wonderful movement technique,

His strength can be increased by at least 30%.

"The strength is good, but the movement is very poor!"

Lu Feng ignored Fang Junkai's scolding, but judged Fang Junkai's characteristics.

As for the remaining four emperors, Lu Feng didn't pay much attention to them.

Because he could see that none of these people planned to do everything in their power, they were just cooperating with Fang Junkai to contain him.

"In that case..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Lu Feng looked at Fang Junkai coldly and said, "Since you want me to fight you hard, then I will fight you hard, but I'll see if you can handle it!"

"Dragon Statue!"

The sound fell, and the dragon dharma condensed behind Lu Feng.


When the dharma form was successfully condensed, the Jiaolong roared in the sky, causing this space to be oppressed by the Jiaolong.

"This... is this actually a Dharma sign?"

Fang Junkai was stunned when he saw the dharma behind Lu Feng.

Doesn't the Dharma sign require a warrior at the holy level to be able to condense?

Why is there a Dharma image behind Lu Feng now?

What's going on here?

Lu Feng ignored Fang Junkai's state, and he snorted coldly, "Broken Blade!"

Holding the Ganjiang sword in his right hand, he slashed it down at Fang Junkai.


Jiaolong Dharma roared, and got into the Gan Jiang sword.

Immediately, Gan Jiang's sword filled with the power of the Flood Dragon with sword energy, and with a heart-shattering breath, he slashed down with one sword.

Fang Junkai is also a warrior of the emperor's fifth layer after all. His reaction speed is extremely fast, and he has recovered in the blink of an eye. Seeing Lu Feng's trembling sword qi, he gritted his teeth and quickly used his martial arts with both hands to block in front of him. .


The terrifying sword energy slashed on Fang Junkai's condensed martial arts.


The martial arts shattered instantly, Fang Junkai spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his stature was retreating.


But Fang Junkai not only did not have any fear, but laughed and said: "Lu Feng, your combat power is very, very strong, and you may be a rare genius in the Kyushu mainland for tens of thousands of years."

"Unfortunately, what if you are a genius? What if your combat power explodes? You can't make up the gap in realm!"

Standing still, Fang Junkai coughed twice, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. The previous sword had seriously injured him.

But he looked at Lu Feng with a sneer and killing intent in his eyes, and said, "Your sword must have used all your strength. What other martial arts can you use now?"

"But on my side, there are still four warriors from the fourth level of the emperor. What do you use to resist?"

With a cold smile, Fang Junkai said, "Go on, kill him!"

"Or let Lu Feng run away today. With his talent, it won't take long for him to become the realm of an emperor. At that time, none of you will be able to run away."

Fang Junkai is also a smart man. The four emperors and four-level warriors around him didn't work hard before, so he could see clearly. What he said now is like a sharp blade piercing their hearts.

It's not enough to make them want to.

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