The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 815 shocking information


Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng forced himself to calm down.

Obviously, this is not so simple.

The people of those dynasties, business houses, blood-clothed buildings, and Dancheng wanted to gather all the forces in Yuzhou except the dynasty forces, the purpose was to deal with the dynasty's call-up orders and resist the dynasty.

In this case, something like this happened suddenly.

The ancestors of these forces would actually agree to hold the imperial call-up order again, and it is still known that there is a relationship between the Wu clan and the dynasty on the northern grasslands.


It would be really weird if there were no problems here.

It's just that now Lu Feng has not participated in this incident, so he doesn't know what is hidden in this incident.

Now he is a little regretful. If he had known that this would be the case, he would definitely choose to directly expose the puppet of the gods and show that he is qualified to fight against these people.

In this case, he is very likely to be involved in this matter and be able to know what happened.

Under this circumstance, he has no choice but to be forced to participate in the imperial call-up order.

Even if all the spies of Jin Yiwei were to investigate, they would not be able to find out any news.

No matter what the dynasty negotiated with the ancestors of those forces, they would never reveal it.

At least, Jin Yiwei's spies don't have the ability to let them leak out.

"Your Majesty, Princess Zhang Jiaqi asks to see you."

At this moment, Jia Xu's voice came from outside the door.

"Zhang Jiaqi?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, why is she here again? Could it be that there is some news about this incident?

As soon as his heart moved, Lu Feng immediately said, "Let her come in."


Soon Zhang Jiaqi walked in.

Her face was not very good, as if she was angry.

Looking at Lu Feng, Zhang Jiaqi said, "Do you have a lot of doubts in your heart?"

Lu Feng did not hide it, nodded and said, "There are indeed many doubts."

"You can ask me anything you want to know. As long as I know it, I can tell you now." Zhang Jiaqi said very calmly.


Looking at Zhang Jiaqi in surprise, Lu Feng had no idea what happened to Zhang Jiaqi, how could he say such a thing.

Is it possible that she now asks how many ancestors their dynasty has and what level of strength they are in, and she will tell herself?

Of course, he just thought about this idea by himself. Even if he asked Zhang Jiaqi what he would say, he couldn't prove what Zhang Jiaqi said was true, so he might as well not ask such a question.

After a brief pause, he looked at Zhang Jiaqi and asked, "You didn't tell you about the ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty, the Wu people in the northern grasslands, and the dynasty?"

"I said that."

"Since it was said, why..."

"Why do you still agree to participate in the imperial call-up order?"

Before Lu Feng finished speaking, Zhang Jiaqi interrupted him, looked at him, and asked, "Do you want to ask this?"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "I really want to know what's going on here, how could they do this, is it possible that they still believe what the dynasty said?"

"Because of interests." Zhang Jiaqi said calmly.

"Benefits? What interests are more important than the safety of all the talented disciples of the younger generation of these forces?" Lu Feng said speechlessly: "Did they think that without these young disciples, they would be able to maintain the stability of a force a few years ago, even ten thousand years?"

"They can't do it now, but they can do it when their strength increases." Zhang Jiaqi said.

"Strength growth?"

Lu Feng's heart moved, the ancestors of these forces, the second most powerful are the peak of the emperor, and even the semi-sacred, it is very difficult for them to increase their strength.

Could it be that the dynasty was willing to help them break through to the realm of sainthood?

But even so, only some of the forces are beneficial. For the forces of the Cangchu Dynasty and the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, Dan City, and Xueyilou,

This will actually increase the pressure on them.

It can't possibly be that way.

When Lu Feng was about to ask, Zhang Jiaqi had already said, "The dynasty has discovered a ruins of a great emperor, and is willing to share it with the ancestors of these forces."


"Great Emperor Ruins?"

Lu Feng was shocked.

What is the Great Emperor Ruins?

That is the ruins left after the death of the peerless powerhouse of the Martial Dao Emperor, so it can be called the Great Emperor Ruins.

But how could the Martial Dao Emperor fall so easily?

You must know that when the martial artist's realm reaches the martial arts emperor, the most inferior can live for 10,000 years, and the powerful 20,000 years will not fall.

It is rumored that in ancient times, some martial arts emperors from some forces were so powerful that they were said to be on the same level as the sky, and they could even live to 30,000 years.

But 30,000 years is the limit of these martial arts emperors, and then they will start to fall.

But even if he fell, he was still a martial arts emperor.

How could they be a simple person? Doesn't that Martial Dao Emperor have a huge power?

The forces left behind after the fall of those Martial Dao emperors in the ancient times had a unified level, the emperor level!

It proves that there was a Martial Dao Emperor in their power. Usually, they can last for thousands of years without the presence of a peerless enemy, and without the subsequent emergence of a world-shattering genius in the power.

This is the huge heritage of an emperor-level force.

All this was brought about by a Martial Dao Emperor!

It is rumored that in the Kyushu continent, there are still emperor-level forces in the three states of Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, and Jianzhou. Although they are not left from the ancient times, they are also left from the late ancient times.

The strength and power are huge, and few people dare to offend them.

In addition, even some Martial Dao emperors who have become emperors, are used to being alone, but they will leave a few direct disciples to inherit what they have learned.

In this case, the place where they fell is definitely a forbidden place in the Kyushu mainland.

In the ancient times, many emperors fell, and the remains of the emperors they left were very precious and were called immortal for thousands of years.

If there are puppet masters who can get their corpses and make them into puppets, it will greatly improve their strength.

But even if the emperor-level puppet master appeared, he would not have the courage to steal the body of the martial arts emperor.

That is not to take risks to improve strength, but to die directly.

Moreover, since the end of the Near Ancient Era 50,000 years ago, there has never been a Martial Dao Emperor in the Kyushu Continent.

The civil servants and generals summoned by Lu Feng, although many of their own realms are powerful existences of the martial arts emperor, but it is more difficult to restore to the realm of the martial arts emperor than Lu Feng himself broke through to the martial arts emperor.

Because their realm increased with Lu Feng's strength.

Even for Yue Fei, the highest realm of his subordinates, when Lu Feng was promoted to the realm of Martial Dao Emperor, his realm was only the sixth level of the Holy Venerable that he had just recovered to.

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