The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 816: Missions with Rich Rewards

In order for Yue Fei to return to the peak of the real Emperor Bazhongtian, Lu Feng's realm still needs to continue to improve.

He didn't know if the Martial Dao Empress still had realm, but since the system restricted Yue Fei's realm like this, then this Martial Dao Empress might still have realm.

But it is very, very difficult for Lu Feng to rise to that realm, and the experience points he needs will be a terrifying number.

In addition, to restore Yue Fei's realm to the realm of Martial Dao Emperor, only the realm unsealing card is needed.

It's just that Lu Feng summoned so many times, got so many civil servants and generals, and got so many good things, but this realm unsealing card only takes effect three times permanently. the realm of the gods;

One time, Lv Bu unblocked five small realms and reached the eighth level of the grandmaster; another time, Gao Shun's real realm was raised by five small realms, from the original real realm only to the third level of the holy king to the eighth level of the holy king.

And these realm unsealing cards are only elementary and intermediate.

In order for Yue Fei to continue to improve the level of the Holy King Jiuzhongtian, he would probably need an advanced realm unsealing card, but Lu Feng never summoned the advanced realm unsealing card.

It is estimated that the difficulty is even more difficult than summoning a military general whose real realm is above the martial arts emperor.

The bug of Lu Feng's system makes it so difficult to have the subordinates of the Martial Dao Emperor, let alone those who rely on their own efforts to cultivate?

The difficulty is conceivable.

But now, Zhang Jiaqi actually said that the dynasty had discovered a ruins of a great emperor, how is this possible?

If there is really a great emperor ruins, then there must be a power here, there has never been any real power in the northern grasslands, and it must not be a martial arts emperor of a certain power.

That can only be the Martial Dao Emperor of the Loose Cultivation.

But even the Martial Dao Emperor of the Loose Cultivation will definitely have disciples guarding him.

Under such circumstances, how could the Yuzhou Dynasty still exist after the discovery of a Great Emperor site?

If the Yuzhou Dynasty will spread the news, it will definitely attract the coveting of the real top forces in the Kyushu Continent.

Because some of the top forces in the Kyushu Continent are very interested in the ruins of the Great Emperor left by the Martial Dao Emperor of the Loose Cultivation.

In this case, in order to protect the tomb of the ancestors, the guardian disciples will definitely destroy the Ji Dynasty in Yuzhou.

The disciples left behind by the dignified Martial Dao Emperor may not be as powerful as the masters of the top forces in Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, and Jianzhou, but with the inheritance left by a Martial Dao Emperor, they are at least the warriors of the late Saint Venerable.

In the current Ji Dynasty, there is absolutely no martial artist in the late stage of the Holy Venerable, which can be seen by combining the attitude of the Dynasty towards the ten dynasties.

If the ancestor of Ji's dynasty really had such strength, why would he need to get along well with the ten dynasties and directly destroy the ten dynasties, wouldn't it be simpler?

Therefore, if it is really a ruin left after the fall of a martial arts emperor, the Ji Dynasty cannot exist today.

Not to mention, the Ji Dynasty is also willing to tell the ten dynasties this information that is enough to make the warriors in the later stage of the Holy Venerable go crazy.

It is simply an impossible thing!


"You don't believe what I say?"

Zhang Jiaqi looked at Lu Feng's expression and asked aloud.

Lu Feng nodded and said: "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that the news you said is too improbable! The Great Emperor Ruins, the Martial Dao Emperor, is still a Great Emperor Ruins that has no power and no one guards it. I want people to believe it. It's just too difficult."

"I know."

Zhang Jiaqi nodded and said, "When I accidentally learned about the conversations of several ancestors, I couldn't believe it like you, but..."

After a short pause, Zhang Jiaqi looked at Lu Feng, smiled bitterly, and said, "Tell me yourself, if it weren't for the ruins of the Great Emperor, what kind of means did the dynasty use to make the ancestors of so many powerful people know about the existence of the Wu clan? Knowing the relationship between the Wu clan and the dynasty, they are still willing to give up the younger generation in their respective forces,

To believe the words of the dynasty? "

"You must know that although the dynasty is a strong person with a saint level, there are many ancestors of these forces who are of the saint level. At most, they are jealous of the current dynasty, but it is absolutely impossible to fear. "

"Not to mention, when they left Huamanlou, they were all excited. This is definitely not the appearance of being threatened by the dynasty."


Lu Feng thought about it, but couldn't find a reason to explain what happened.

None of the ancestors of those forces were simple characters, but their reaction now is really strange!

Except for the madness, who would give up all the geniuses of the younger generation, give up the power for hundreds of years in the future, or even thousands of years in the future, with a face full of excitement, like a *****?

Be a fool!

In this way, there is a certain possibility that the ruins of the Great Emperor are true.

"Ding, trigger the mission: Dynasty Recruitment Order."

"Mission goal: to return to the Nanyan Kingdom from the northern grasslands alive."

"Mission reward: Three designated summoning opportunities, ten ordinary summoning opportunities, and five small realms of level increase."

"Mission Failure Penalty: None."

The system prompt suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

This made Lu Feng slightly stunned.

Did the mission trigger at this time?

And the rewards for this task are too rich!

If he only had three designated summoning opportunities and ten ordinary summoning opportunities, it was not that he had never encountered such a task, but if he added five small realms, then he had really never encountered it before.

In the tasks that Lu Feng had completed before, the ones that had the most improved strength were three small realms, and there was no one-time improvement of five small realms at all.

This reward is really too rich!

But the reward-rich tasks represent the greater the difficulty.

Looking at the goal seems to be very simple, come back from the northern grasslands alive.

But you must know that there are witches in the northern grasslands.

The Wu clan is also the patron saint of those barbarians. In addition, Lu Feng has issued an order to kill the barbarians. When he arrives in the northern grasslands to participate in the imperial call-up order, the masters of the Wu clan may be the first to be executed.

Therefore, the punishment for failure of the task reward is none, because if he fails to complete this task, it means that he is already dead. Whether there is a punishment or not is exactly the same result.

This is also why Lu Feng really wants those forces headed by the ten dynasties to continue to oppose the dynasty, so that the dynasty call order cannot continue to be held.

It's just a pity that, at present, it is obviously impossible.

It also made him very helpless, but he was helpless and did not have any ability to change.

Now, his strength is still too weak.

Shaking his head and temporarily putting this thought aside, Lu Feng thought of another point.

This is when he and Zhang Jiaqi were talking about the ruins of the Great Emperor. Could it be because they touched the ruins of the Great Emperor, so this task was triggered at this time?

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