The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 819 The temptation that cannot be refused

Looking at Lu Feng, Zhang Jiaqi said: "If the people of the dynasty know that you are the ancient formation mage, I think, I don't need to elaborate on your ending!"

"Are you threatening me with this to make me cooperate with you?"

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Jiaqi with a smile, but he already had some killing intent in his heart.

He hates when someone threatens him, no matter who it is.

"No, I know that threatening you will not end well."

Zhang Jiaqi shook his head and said, "Besides, the origin of my soul is in your hands, and I can't threaten you, because I still want to live."

If he hadn't wanted to live, Zhang Jiaqi would not have come to Lu Feng to discuss cooperation.

"Then what do you mean?" Lu Feng asked.

"I'm not the only one in this world who knows that you are the ancient magician!"

Zhang Jiaqi stared at Lu Feng and said, "In Nanyan Kingdom, you used the ancient formation method to kill the ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect, and let some people know that you are an ancient formation mage."

"Of course, most of them are your cronies. They can't betray you, and other ordinary soldiers can't recognize it as an ancient formation. But there is another ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect who knows that you are an ancient formation, Jin Hao. middle."

"However, although Jin Haozhong is a warrior of the second level of the emperor, his blood and blood have declined, and there is not much time. In addition, there are no one thousand or eight hundred in the dynasty of warriors like him, and there are no people in the dynasty, so don't worry. The information will be leaked.”

"When you go back this time, with your strength, you are completely capable of destroying the Spirit Sword Sect in one fell swoop. Naturally, you don't have to worry about General Jin Hao leaking out your identity as an ancient formation mage."

Lu Feng nodded and agreed with Zhang Jiaqi.

There are indeed quite a few people who know that he is an ancient formation mage, including several ancestors of the Spirit Sword Sect.

However, two of the three ancestors of the Spirit Sword Sect were killed by himself, leaving only the only one, Jin Haozhong.

And Jin Haozhong's purpose is to capture himself and obtain the secret of the ancient formation. It is impossible to publicize it, so the people in the Spirit Sword Sect should know only those high-level officials.

Coincidentally, the last time outside Dunchuan City, all the senior members of the Spirit Sword Sect were beheaded. At present, the only person in the Spirit Sword Sect who knows the identity of Lu Feng's ancient array mage should be Jin Haozhong.

He is alone, nothing to be afraid of, just go back and kill him when the time comes.

"Apart from Jin Haozhong, there is only one faction that knows your level of ancient magician!"

"Guxuan Firm!"

Lu Feng took over and spoke.

Zhang Jiaqi nodded and said, "That's right, it's Guxuan Firm."

"There is some news in the Guxuan Firm that you have stolen the treasure house. This incident caused quite a stir in the Liyang Dynasty, but the strange thing is that the Guxuan Firm didn't hunt you down. Instead, it's quietly going on."

"Otherwise, with the power of Guxuan Business, it is completely possible to issue a reward order, and the number of emperors and warriors who will kill you can be said to be hundreds of thousands."

"Dynasty felt that there was something wrong with this matter, so he asked people to investigate, but it turned out that the ruins that Guxuan business had found secretly should be a fallen place left by a holy powerhouse, but there are ancient masters in it. trace."

"The people of the dynasty didn't think of you at the beginning, they were just interested in this place where the saint fell, and secretly accumulated strength to snatch it, but after I know you are the identity of the ancient array mage..."

Zhang Jiaqi took another look at Lu Feng and said, "Now, I'm sure that although Guxuan Firm really wants to kill you, before killing you, they will definitely let you help them remove the ancient formation in the ruins. , that's why you didn't announce your news, otherwise you..."

"You told me this news, is it because you want to tell me that Guxuan Business is a threat? Let me be careful?" Lu Feng interrupted Zhang Jiaqi and said, "Tell me, what exactly do you mean."

"You are the ancient array mage, and some news has reached the ears of the dynasty, but the people of the dynasty are afraid of the Wangqingdao behind you,

So I didn't do anything to you until I confirmed your news. "

"If the people from Guxuan Commercial Bank tell the dynasty the exact information, then you may be really finished." Zhang Jiaqi said.

Lu Feng was also quite speechless. At this time, he didn't know if he should really be thankful for a wave of forgetfulness.

In other words, thanks for a wave of Xiaomeng.

If it wasn't for Xiao Meng, the most outstanding disciple of Wangqing Daomen's generation, who had appeared by his side, others would not have thought that Wangqing Daomen had something to do with him.

However, it is the system that I want to thank more, and Xiaomeng was summoned by the system.

Of course, Lu Feng wouldn't say it himself.

Seeing that Lu Feng didn't speak, Zhang Jiaqi continued: "The news from the Liyang Dynasty, the people from Guxuan Commercial Bank will leave Shanghai City tonight and go back to Tonglu City to prepare for the matter behind the Great Emperor Ruins."

"And I found out their specific route through the intelligence system of the Liyang Dynasty."

"You want me to kill them?" Lu Feng frowned slightly, looked at Zhang Jiaqi, and said, "Are you too confident in my strength? Guxuan Commercial Bank and his party, there is at least one Gu Changtian, the emperor. You think I can beat the powerful martial artist of Jiuzhongtian?"

"Of course not."

Zhang Jiaqi shook his head and said, "But I can help you."

"Help me? How to help? Is it possible that the ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty will take action?" Lu Feng said speechlessly.

"Even if they are willing to take action, do you dare to let them follow?" Zhang Jiaqi chuckled.


"Okay, don't give a shit, tell me, how can you help me?" Lu Feng said.


Zhang Jiaqi's hand moved, and a palm-sized token appeared, saying, "This thing is called Raging Flames, and it contains a terrifying formation of the highest grade of heaven. The ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty knew that I was almost killed a few days ago. Protect me."

Looking at the 'flaming flames' in his hand, Zhang Jiaqi continued: "The flames released here are enough to seriously injure a warrior of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian. If they hit the front, there is a chance to kill them in seconds, but there is only one chance."

"And this is the help I gave you. As for whether you can succeed in the end, it depends on your own performance at that time."

"However, if you take this thing, you must help me in the imperial call-up order."

After a short pause, Zhang Jiaqi looked into Lu Feng's eyes and said, "Do you agree?"

"It seems that I have no reason to refuse."


A day later, on the only way to the southwest of Shanghai City, three people wearing ghost and god masks appeared.

"Your Majesty, will the people from Guxuan Firm really pass by here?" one of them asked.

"There is no need for Zhang Jiaqi to lie to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Feng slowly raised his head and looked ahead, and said lightly, "Come on!"

PS: Five more. Sorry, there was no update yesterday because I was away from home for some things.

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