A day ago, Zhang Jiaqi told Lu Feng that the people of Guxuan Commercial Bank were worried that after the incident in Shanghai City, several ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty would besiege them at the exit of the teleportation array from Liyang City to Shanghai City.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the group of Guxuan Firm decided to give up the teleportation array from Shanghai City to Liyang City, and instead planned to go to another big city in the Dafeng Dynasty and take the teleportation array there back to Tonglu City.

As for whether Zhang Jiaqi's words were false, Lu Feng did not doubt anything.

Because whether it is true or false, he has no choice.

The Gu family is his enemy, and he knows that he is the enemy of the ancient array mage. For such an enemy, it must be solved as soon as possible.

Now that Lu Feng has such an opportunity, he naturally does not want to miss it.

Therefore, even if Zhang Jiaqi's words are 30% true, he will try it.

And now, Zhang Jiaqi's words are not false.

Lu Feng brought people here last night using the coordinates given by Zhang Jiaqi and the teleportation array Xuanwen. Until now, the people from Guxuan Commercial Firm finally appeared.

Looking at the time, it was almost noon, and the speed of the people from Guxuan Commercial Bank was really unpleasant.

"Ready to attack at any time." Lu Feng ordered.


The water cut off beside Lu Feng responded.

As for the other person wearing a mask beside him, in fact, it is not a real person, but a puppet of his magic weapon, whose combat power is comparable to that of a warrior of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian.

When it comes to beheading Gu Changtian, Lu Feng really has a certain degree of certainty. Although the magic weapon puppet is a puppet, because it is completely invulnerable, its combat effectiveness is very strong.

Within the same level, only monsters with very powerful bodies can tie them.

That Gu Changtian was a long-established master, and the Gu Xuan swordsmanship was very powerful in one hand, but it was a pity that he did not have the Gu Xuan sword in his hand, or Lu Feng did not dare to let the magic puppet take action.

Otherwise, with Gu Changtian's strength and the power of Gu Xuan's Divine Sword, it is very likely that the Divine Soldier's puppet will be chopped to pieces.

But now, with the Guxuan Divine Sword in Lu Feng's hands, Gu Changtian's Guxuan swordsmanship could not be fully exerted, and the Divine Soldier's puppet against him had a 70% victory rate.

Therefore, Lu Feng only brought the warrior of the seventh-level emperor, Duan Shui, together with the magic puppet and himself, so he did not bring anyone else.

Just in case, he did not bring the other five Liu Jiannu, just to avoid revealing their identities.

Even, he, Duan Shui and Divine Soldier puppets are wearing masks that can isolate the breath, lest they fail to kill Gu Changtian in time, and let him know his identity.

There is no way, facing a famous warrior of the emperor Jiuzhongtian, you have to be careful and careful.

Otherwise, if Gu Changtian knew his identity, then Lu Feng might not have a place in Yuzhou before he became a saint.

The dynasty will not allow another ancient Zhou dynasty to rise.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

After a while, the group of Guxuan Firm led by Gu Wenqian arrived not far in front of Lu Feng and the others.

It was Gu Wenqian who spoke.

Lu Feng glanced at Gu Wenqian, changed his voice with infuriating energy, and said hoarsely, "Let Gu Changtian come out, you are not qualified to talk to me."


Behind Gu Wenqian, Gu Hong, the captain of the Gu Family Law Enforcement Team, shouted angrily and stood up directly, ready to scold.


I only heard a sword cry, and a gray-white sword qi shot out from the sky and took Gu Hong's neck.

"The Emperor's Seventh Layer Heavenly Martial Artist!"

One of the warriors in the Gu family's group exclaimed, and his figure flashed, and he was about to block the sword for Gu Hong.

It's just that his figure has not yet arrived, and an old man in white has appeared in front of Gu Hong.

With a wave of his hand, the sword energy that was enough to instantly kill the emperor's fifth-layered heavenly martial artist dissipated directly.

"Your Excellency has such a big temper. If you don't agree with each other, let your subordinates kill you. Do you think my Gu family doesn't exist?" Gu Changtian looked at Lu Feng lightly.

"Disrespectful to my master, kill me!"

Shuan Shui said in a hoarse voice beside Lu Feng.

This was heard by the Gu family,

All face changes.

They saw it. It was this person who shot before. He must be a warrior of the seventh level of the emperor. This belongs to the realm of the late emperor.

There are no more than 300 warriors in this state in the entire Yuzhou.

Moreover, they are all high-level figures in Yuzhou, no matter what power they are in, they are all beings that enjoy the respect of thousands of people.

But now, the words in this mouth are actually saying that he is just a servant, which is amazing.

In the entire Yuzhou, even the ancestor of the dynasty would not dare to let a warrior of the late emperor become his servant.

After all, the warriors of the late dynasty should be respected!

But, who are these people right now? Who is that master? Could it be a martial artist from another state?

It is no wonder that these ancient warriors have such thoughts. It is really that Yuzhou has never had a powerful existence that can make an emperor of the seventh layer of heaven call himself a servant.

Unfortunately, no matter how they looked at these three people, they couldn't see through their identities, and they couldn't even feel the slightest breath.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't find it.

"Your master?"

Gu Changtian smiled coldly and said, "A little bug who is too pitiful to show his true face, but also embarrassed to learn from others to call himself a master?"

"Then I don't know what kind of existence you will be if you were killed by a 'poor little bug who dare not show your true face' today?"

Instead of being angry, Lu Feng chuckled and said, "Gu Changtian, I heard that you are a long-established peak emperor warrior. Today, I want to take your head."

"There are a lot of people who want to kill me, Gu Changtian, but in the end they all died. Today, under the sword of this old man, I will add another life to you."

Gu Changtian looked at Lu Feng coldly and said, "But don't worry, because you will never be the first person to die under my sword."

"Gu Changtian, have you noticed that you are really stupid?" Lu Feng suddenly shook his head and said.



"To say you're stupid is to exalt you, but you haven't found the slightest wrong yet."

Interrupting Gu Changtian's words, Lu Feng sighed softly and said, "I'm still wondering if I will let you escape today."

"Get up!"

After the sound fell, strange fluctuations immediately appeared in the surrounding space, as if the space on this side had changed.

In front of Lu Feng, an off-white token appeared.

"Space Array!"

As a martial artist at the peak of the emperor, Gu Changtian has learned some space laws even though he has not yet entered the Holy Land.

When the surrounding formation was activated, I instantly understood.

The damn masked man in front of him actually arranged a space formation in the dark.

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