The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 832 Zhou Yu's Confidence


Changsun Wuji pondered slightly, and said, "This is a little unrealistic. Changze City has high walls and thick walls, and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom has more than two million troops there."

"Even if there were catapults made by Luban to attack the city, they would not be able to break the city wall without ten days and a half months. Even, if the Hongbao Kingdom knew that the army of the Liyang Dynasty had begun to enter the Zonglan Kingdom, they would definitely think that they had If there is hope, maybe he will defend his life desperately and fight with the army in Nagasawa City."

"At that time, it won't take more than a month to break through Changze City. But more than a month is enough for the army of the Liyang Dynasty to enter the Zonglan Kingdom."

Zhangsun Wuji's words made Gao Shun and the others frown.

Especially Gao Shun, the reason why he arrived at Qiushan City early, but did not attack the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is because the follow-up food and grass did not arrive in time.

On the other hand, because they had catapults, they didn't take the so-called thick walls of Nagasawa Castle into consideration.

Therefore, we have to wait until the follow-up food and grass are completely arrived, without any worries, and then lead the troops to break through the city of Nagasawa in one fell swoop, and then take advantage of the situation to completely capture the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, ensuring that the war on this front will be ended in the shortest time.

Avoid getting caught in the quagmire of war.

However, whether it was Gao Shun or Xun Yu and others, they never thought that the Liyang Dynasty would send troops to the Zonglan Kingdom at this time, disrupting their plans.

"We have another option!"

After Guo Jia pondered slightly, he suddenly said.

"What choice? Fengxiao, tell me quickly." Xun Yu and the others looked at Guo Jia immediately.

Guo Jia looked up at Xun Yu and the others, and said solemnly, "Use the navy trained by Zhou Yu!"


Xun Yu and the others did not answer immediately.

After thinking for a while, Zhangsun Wuji said, "Zhou Yu is indeed a genius in the navy. The training of the navy has made great progress, but the time is too short. It hasn't been more than three months now, and he has not formed combat effectiveness at all."

"Let the navy be dispatched at this time, and let them face the 300,000 navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and it is very likely that they will fail miserably."

"You have to think clearly about this matter. If Zhou Yu's navy army loses, it will affect the subsequent attack on the Jinshui Kingdom." Liu Ji also said aloud: "I think that if you really want to use the navy army, it must be Your Majesty."

"There's not that much time left."

Guo Jia shook his head slightly and said, "Jinyiwei's intelligence system in the Liyang Dynasty is not that powerful, but now that they have obtained such information, it proves that the army of the Liyang Dynasty has been activated."

"From Tonglu City to Zonglan Kingdom, according to the marching speed of the army, it will take five days to arrive, and then from Zonglan Kingdom to Hongbao Kingdom, as long as there are no other delays on the way, it will take one and a half months."

"That is to say, there is only one and a half months left for us. If we don't use the navy, even if we can conquer Nagasawa City in one and a half months, we will not be able to control the entire territory of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom."

"So, now we have the only way to use the navy."

After a brief pause, Guo Jia continued: "The Kingdom of the Rainbow Leopard must have known about the training of the navy, and since they have trained the navy before, they must know how successful it is to train the navy. It is difficult, and it is absolutely impossible to form combat effectiveness in such a short period of time."

"So, they didn't expect that we would use the navy, and then the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom could be caught off guard. As long as we seize the opportunity to occupy a landing site, it is enough."

"When the time comes, we can let the warships transport infantry to land and attack from the northeast front line of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. The probability of success is very high. After all..."

Looking at Gao Shun, Guo Jia said, "In order to prevent the General's army from attacking Changze City, the Hongbao Kingdom has gathered the remaining 300,000 leopard troops in Changze City, and there is no very strong army in other places. , we have a good chance of success.”

Xun Yu pondered slightly,

Looking at Gao Shun, he said, "General Gao, what do you think?"

Gao Shun didn't answer immediately, but was thinking about it.

After a while, he said, "Let Zhou Yu come here immediately. He knows more about the navy than us. I can make a decision only after getting the specifics of the navy."

Gao Shun was the general of the kingdom, and the only person in the Nanyan Kingdom who was qualified to mobilize the navy besides Lu Feng.

He knew how serious the situation was for the Nanyan Kingdom, but it didn't mean that he would let a group of sailors with no fighting power go to death.

Therefore, he must know the specific combat strength of the navy from Zhou Yu before making the next decision.

Xun Yu nodded and immediately sent someone to notify Zhou Yu.

Soon, he rushed over after receiving Zhou Yu's order.

Zhou Yu, who was summoned by Lu Feng, was a handsome young man with a refined temperament and confidence in his eyes, which made it easy for people to have a good impression of him.

But now Zhou Yu's face is a little nervous.

Because the people standing in front of him now are the real big men of the Nanyan Kingdom.

General Gao Shun, Prime Minister Xun Yu, Liu Ji, Changsun Wuji, Guo Jia and others were all the confidants of His Majesty the Emperor, and the five great advisors occupied four of them.

No matter how calm Zhou Yu is, he can't be calm at this time.

"Gong Jin doesn't need to be nervous."

Gao Shun saw that Zhou Yu was a little nervous, and said, "I called you here because I wanted to ask you how the navy is doing?"

Hearing the admiral's question, Zhou Yu immediately said: "Currently the navy is progressing smoothly, and in a few days, it will definitely become an elite navy, enough to conquer the world for the kingdom."

Zhou Yu said these words without any nervousness, and was very confident.

It's confidence in yourself.

"There's still some time before you can become an elite?" Gao Shun murmured.

Zhou Yu heard that and thought that Gao Shun was a little dissatisfied, and immediately said: "General, the time for the formation of the navy is still short, and it is still the limit to have some combat effectiveness now."

"Gong Jin misunderstood, I'm not dissatisfied." Gao Shun shook his head and said, "It's just that the kingdom needs a navy to fight now."

"Are you going to fight the Kingdom of Jinshui?" Zhou Yu hesitated in his words, and said, "The navy of the Kingdom of Jinshui is the number one in the southwest of Yu Prefecture, and its combat effectiveness is very strong. If the Kingdom of the Kingdom's navy were to fight against the Kingdom of Jinshui now, the odds of winning would be extremely small. ."

"It's not the Golden Water Kingdom."

Xun Yu took over and said, "Now we are going to fight the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom!"

"Fight the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom?"

Zhou Yu was stunned for a moment, then realized that the kingdom was about to send troops to the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and immediately said loudly: "Admiral, Prime Minister, the navy I trained by Zhou Yu, although the current combat effectiveness is not as good as the Jinshui Kingdom's long-standing reputation. The navy, but it is easy to deal with the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom!"

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