The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 833 This is to see the poor dagger!

"you sure?"

Gao Shun's eyes were filled with joy. At first, he was worried that the navy had not formed a fighting force because it was too short since its establishment, but he didn't want Zhou Yu to say so.

He immediately said: "Gong Jin, this matter is no trivial matter. It is related to the future of the kingdom. You can't exaggerate."

"Don't worry, General, I, Zhou Yu, never exaggerate."

After a brief pause, Zhou Yu continued: "Before Your Majesty asked me to train the navy, I investigated the Jinshui Kingdom and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in the southwest of Yuzhou with navy."

"Because most of the territory of the Golden Water Kingdom is water, the navy is a weapon they rely on. The navy is very powerful and is a real elite. But the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is not like this."

"Although the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom claims to have 300,000 elites, in fact, the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is still a kingdom dominated by infantry. Their real elite is the Kingdom Leopard Army."

"Besides that, the combat effectiveness of other infantrymen is not that strong. Only the Leopard Army has superior combat effectiveness, no less than the Danyang Army. As for the Marine Army, the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom has few waters and the emperor does not pay attention to it. The navy's combat effectiveness is very weak."

"That's why when the Three Kingdoms encircled the kingdom before, the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom didn't allow the navy to attack the Nanyan Kingdom by water, because it was worried that the navy would fail."

"And the navy I'm training now has some combat effectiveness. Coupled with the warships and catapults made by Lord Luban, I have absolute confidence that I can completely defeat the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom."

Zhou Yu's words are full of confidence!

Gao Shun and Xun Yu heard it, looked at each other, and nodded, saying: "Okay, Gong Jin, you go down and prepare immediately, and set off immediately in two days, take the Plain River to attack the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and make sure to defeat it as soon as possible. Rainbow Leopard Kingdom Navy!"


Zhou Yu took the order and immediately went down to prepare.

Here, Liu Ji looked at it and said, "General, Prime Minister, do you really not ask Your Majesty about this matter?"


Xun Yu sighed softly and said, "Your Majesty is now in Shanghai City. Due to the confidentiality of the intelligence system, Jinyiwei has not made a teleportation array directly to Shanghai City. It takes a few transfers in the middle."

"When I got this news, I already arranged for Jin Yiwei to pass the news to His Majesty, but it is estimated that it will take a day or two before His Majesty can receive it."

"But now we don't have much time, so we can only decide for the time being, and then pass on our arrangements to His Majesty."

When Liu Ji heard it, he sighed, but there was nothing he could do.

"Also, Admiral, give Yue Fei an order to prepare him. Once Zhou Yu defeats the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, he will ensure that the troops of Neiyang County can board the ship as soon as possible, and then go to the northeast of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. First-line landing." Guo Jia said to Gao Shun at this time.

Gao Shun nodded.

"Liu Ji, you go back to the fifteenth county of Bailan immediately and let Lian Po take precautions against Dunchuan City. Since the Liyang Dynasty has made a move now, it is very likely that they will make an all-out shot to guard against the masters who have appeared in the Jinshui Kingdom in the near future. ." Xun Yu said to Liu Ji.

Liu Ji nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back right away."

Xun Yu didn't say anything more. After making their own arrangements, everyone dispersed.

Gao Shun and Guo Jia returned to Qiushan City to prepare for the attack on Qiushan City's side.

Although the main attack direction this time is Zhou Yu's navy, Qiushan City also needs to attack to ensure that there will be no accidents.

Two days later, Zhou Yu's side is fully prepared, and the Wang Guo navy is ready to go!

On the Plain River, more than 300 huge warships improved by Luban slowly sailed.

There are a total of 300,000 sailors sitting on it!

The largest ship among them is where Zhou Yu is.

Looking at the undulating water surface of the Pingyuan River, Zhou Yu's heart was also full of waves.

This is his first time leading troops to play, and directly as the coach!

"I, Zhou Yu, will definitely not disappoint His Majesty's trust this time!"

The look in Zhou Yu's eyes was very determined.

You must know that when Lu Feng set up a navy army and wanted young Zhou Yu to be the main general, many generals raised objections.

Because Zhou Yu was only a small son of a noble family at the time, he had never led an army to fight, and even had no experience as an official.

But Lu Feng directly suppressed all objections and forced Zhou Yu to be the commander. Facts have proved that his choice was right.

Although, this is because Lu Feng is the one who summoned Zhou Yu.

But Zhou Yu didn't know this. In his heart, Lu Feng was Bole, and he was that horse.

Maxima is common, but Bole is rare.

Therefore, Zhou Yu was very attentive in training the navy, so that he was able to train a group of inexperienced recruits into a capable navy in a short period of time.

Today, the 300,000 navy army he leads is not all the navy army of the Nanyan Kingdom, but only one third.

But it is the most elite one-third of the Nanyan Kingdom's navy.

Zhou Yu was determined to take advantage of this good opportunity to completely defeat the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom's navy and make a name for the Kingdom's navy.

"General, we still have about three days before our warship arrives at the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. Would you like to go and rest first?" The deputy general came to Zhou Yu and said.

"It's okay."

Zhou Yu waved his hand and said, "This is the first time the Kingdom's naval forces have gone on an expedition, and this general is standing here, accompanying the soldiers."

The lieutenant said nothing more.


"Your Majesty, you are back."

After two days of recovery, Lu Feng's energy was much better, so he immediately rushed back to Shanghai City.

Just when he returned to the inn, he saw Jia Xu with a worried face.

"Wenhe, what happened?" Lu Feng asked immediately when he saw Jia Xu's expression.

At the same time, there was a bad feeling in my heart.

"Your Majesty, Liyang Dynasty..."

Jia Xu said with a bitter face, "The Liyang Dynasty has dispatched troops!"


Lu Feng was slightly startled, and immediately asked, "When did it happen?"

"According to the news from Jinyiwei and Wenruo, it should be that after we arrived in Shanghai City, the Liyang Dynasty dispatched troops, and the leader of the army is Yan Yangfei, the general of the Liyang Dynasty's township!" Jia Xu replied.

"It's actually this time?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, which made him doubt whether Zhang Jiaqi told Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of Liyang Dynasty, about his true strength.

But thinking about it is impossible, Zhang Jiaqi is very scheming, there is no doubt, but the origin of the soul is in the hands of Lu Feng, he can kill Zhang Jiaqi at any time.

Unless Zhang Jiaqi is really willing to give up his life for the Liyang Dynasty, or it is absolutely impossible to do so.

For a martial arts genius with deep scheming and a high chance of becoming a saint, life is above everything.

Besides, if Zhang Jiaqi really told what happened that day, he would have died many times by now.

And the shot is definitely the dynasty.

Because the dynasty would not allow an uncontrolled genius to appear in Yuzhou and affect its own rule, which can be seen from the dynasty's call-up order.

As such, there is only one possibility left.

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