The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 834: Jia Xu's Proposal

"It seems that the Liyang Dynasty is the Nanyan Kingdom that can't see that it is going to monopolize the southwest of Yuzhou." Lu Feng said slowly.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? Should we go back now?" Jia Xu was very anxious.

Lu Feng pondered for a while, but shook his head and said, "In the kingdom, there are Xun Yu, Liu Ji, Guo Jia and Changsun Wuji in Wen, Gao Shun, Meng Tian, ​​Yue Fei and Lian Po in Wu, and they have discussed this matter. After that, I will definitely be able to come up with an idea, so don’t worry.”

"Now we need to do something else."


Although Jia Xu was in a hurry, he saw Lu Feng's expression without much worry. His Majesty the emperor, who knew his allegiance, must have something in his heart, so he didn't ask any more questions.

As for what he was going to do now, he didn't ask more, but he could guess something in his heart.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Jiaqi asks to see you."

At this moment, the words of Zhen Gang came from outside the door.

"It came just in time."

Lu Feng chuckled lightly, and after letting Jia Xu go to the training room inside the room, he said to Zhen Gang, "Let her come in."


Soon, Zhang Jiaqi walked in.

The first thing she said when she saw Lu Feng was: "Lu Feng, how is it? Did it succeed?"

She obviously cares about that.

Although Lu Feng killed Gu Changtian, since he already knew that Zhang Jiaqi had another purpose in this matter, he would definitely not tell her the real result.

Shaking his head regretfully, Lu Feng said, "It failed, let Gu Changtian run away with Gu Wenqian."

"What? Can't kill Gu Changtian even with 'flaming flames'?" Zhang Jiaqi said in shock.

"There is no way, Gu Changtian is a warrior at the peak of the emperor's Jiuzhongtian. If it wasn't for the 'flaming flames' you gave me, I might not be able to come back." Lu Feng sighed.

"Then has he discovered your identity?" Zhang Jiaqi asked again.

"I have ancient Xuanwen to cover up, and he didn't find my trace."

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he was looking at Zhang Jiaqi. As he thought, Zhang Jiaqi heard a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Although fleeting, it does exist.

This made him even more certain that in this matter, Zhang Jiaqi must have planned to kill with a knife.

And, judging from her appearance, she might also want Gu Changtian to find out that it was him, and then find trouble for him later.

It's just a pity that Gu Changtian is dead now, and her idea will never be realized.

After covering it up, Zhang Jiaqi said, "Lu Feng, do you still remember what I told you last time about what Yan Ruyu of Baiguo College wanted to deal with you?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"I don't know if you haven't been in Shanghai City these few days. Hundred Kingdoms College has already arranged for spies to spy on Nanyan Kingdom. Not surprisingly, they are waiting for you to show up and then take action against you." Zhang Jiaqi said.

Hearing this, Lu Feng frowned slightly, this trouble seemed inevitable.

But soon he shook his head and said, "Okay, I know about this, thank you."

Zhang Jiaqi nodded and said, "Now, I have already helped you who should help you. You remember your own words, and you need to help me in the Dynasty Recruitment Order."

"Don't worry, I, Lu Feng, keep my word. I said to help you, and I will definitely help you." Lu Feng said lightly.

Zhang Jiaqi got Lu Feng's assurance, and without saying anything, he turned and left the inn.

"Wenhe, what do you think about what Zhang Jiaqi said?" Lu Feng asked after Zhang Jiaqi left.

Jia Xu walked out of the training room and said, "Your Majesty, I dare not hide it. These days, there are indeed some people watching us outside the inn."

"It seems she didn't lie to me."

Lu Feng smiled lightly and said, "I just don't know if the fairy sword of Baiguo Academy is really for Yan Ruyu's revenge, or for some other purpose."

"Your Majesty, if you have to say that there is something that Hundred Kingdoms College admires, it is only the ancient profound formation."

Jia Xu said in a low voice, "Could it be that Hundred Kingdoms Academy got the news that your Majesty is proficient in ancient profound formations?"

"Maybe I can hear some rumors,

But no one can confirm it before seeing the real use of it, and now they think that there is a door of forgetfulness standing behind me, and they are even more afraid to do it rashly. "

Lu Feng smiled lightly and said: "I need to thank these forces for their thoughtful and thoughtful characteristics, otherwise, they may have already shot at me, especially the dynasty."

The bigger the power, the more they will consider the consequences. Whether it is the Dynasty or the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, they will not rashly attack Lu Feng until they are sure of the depth of the relationship between Lu Feng and Wangqing Daomen.

Because this may offend a top force from Wuzhou, the consequences are not what they can bear.

Although, these are just their wishful thinking, but for Lu Feng, such an idea could not be better.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say." Jia Xu said after a pause.

"Come on, no matter what you say, I forgive you for not guilty." Lu Feng said.

He knew Jia Xu, if it weren't for something that might offend him, he would have said it directly, rather than asking first.

"I thank you, Your Majesty."

Jia Xu replied respectfully, and then said, "Your Majesty, I think that in some matters, for the future of the kingdom, Your Majesty should avoid future troubles, even if it leaves some bad influences, it doesn't matter."

Jia Xu was talking about the last time Lu Feng released Zhang Jiaqi.

At that time, when Jia Xu knew that Lu Feng did not directly kill Zhang Jiaqi, but chose to control her, he felt that there were some hidden dangers in his heart, but because from the perspective of a courtier at that time, he hoped that the loyal one would be able to remember the kindness, and Not a cold-blooded emperor.

But now combined with these things, especially knowing the terrifying consequences of Lu Feng's identity as an ancient array mage being determined by those in the dynasty, he felt that this was a bit inappropriate.

As the left prime minister of the kingdom, it was a very wrong thing not to insist that His Majesty behead Zhang Jiaqi at that time.

Therefore, he will only bring it up now.

Looking at the situation now, Zhang Jiaqi didn't want his soul source to be crushed by Lu Feng, so he didn't say anything about that day.

Therefore, in order to avoid future troubles, he feels that now is a good opportunity to kill Zhang Jiaqi directly, so as not to leave another hidden danger.

Lu Feng understood the meaning of Jia Xu's words, but shook his head and said, "Zhang Jiaqi couldn't die that day."

Turning his head and looking to continue, Lu Feng continued, "If I killed Zhang Jiaqi that day, then when we arrive at Shanghai City, who will testify to us that the two emperors of the ancient family and the Yan family's fifth-level warriors are dead?" Fissure in space?'"

"Just relying on us, neither the Gu family nor the Yan family will believe it, and the Liyang Dynasty definitely has the means to know whether Zhang Jiaqi is alive or dead."

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