"Zhang Jiaqi said that she sneaked into the space shuttle, but the dynasty's methods cannot be inferred normally, and it is impossible for them to find out."

"If Zhang Jiaqi was killed that day, and then we arrived at Shanghai City alive, the people of the Liyang Dynasty would definitely be able to guess that it had something to do with us. At that time, we would face not only the Yan family and the Gu family, but also the Liyang Dynasty. This behemoth may have entered hell the moment we arrived at Shanghai City."

With a sigh, Lu Feng said, "So, this is one of the reasons why I didn't kill her directly in the first place."

"As for now..."

After a brief pause, Lu Feng continued, "You should have seen what happened to Gu Changtian. Zhang Jiaqi's scheming is very deep. She can't just let Zhen take her life."

"She came to me to cooperate and help her in the imperial call-up order, and directly told me the retreat route of the ancient family led by Gu Changtian, and said it very clearly, considering that the ancient family would publicize the identity of the ancient magician, so That's it."

"But who knows, isn't she threatening me?"

Turning his head to look at Jia Xu, Lu Feng said, "Zhang Jiaqi is not as simple as it seems on the surface. When she told me about this, she was also telling me that she could also reveal my identity."

"I do control the origin of her soul now, but she must also have some means. If I rashly kill her now, the means she leaves will most likely reveal my identity."

"This risk cannot be taken!"


Jia Xu looked at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty, is it possible to keep Zhang Jiaqi as a potential threat? This hidden danger is very likely to make us very passive at a critical moment."


Lu Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "This matter is too complicated for you to think about."

"The reason why I have so many scruples now is nothing more than because I am not strong enough now, and I cannot confront the dynasty, the Hundred Nations Academy and these dynasties head-on."

"But if I wait until I am strong enough to confront them head-on, my identity as an ancient formation mage will be revealed, not only will it not cause me any trouble, but it will give me a unique appeal in the world."

"Whether it's Yuzhou or other places, the ancient magicians are basically spread in legends now, and the current magicians, many people are desperately looking for the ancient magicians, want to explore the mysteries of the ancient magicians ."

"When the strength is sufficient and my identity is revealed, it will attract the followers of many magicians. At that time, the strength of the Nanyan Kingdom will show an explosive increase."

"So, in the end, it's still strength that decides all of this. Only my strength is needed. The strength of the Kingdom of Nanyan is raised, Dynasty? So what, he can destroy me?"

Jia Xu was silent when he heard Lu Feng's words.

He is very aware of the truth that strength determines everything on the continent of Kyushu.

However, among the dynasty, there are more than one or two warriors who have the realm of sainthood.

Want to have the strength to confront the dynasty head-on, easier said than done?

That is the existence of a warrior who possesses the realm of Saint Venerable!

Jia Xu didn't know why Lu Feng was so confident when he said this, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Because in his understanding, Lu Feng really never said anything big.

Now that His Majesty is saying this, it must be absolutely certain.

Of course Jia Xu didn't know that Lu Feng's confidence came from the emperor system he had.

After returning this time, Lu Feng will definitely solve the trouble of the Spirit Sword Sect. At that time, he will be able to complete the main quest of "Endless Death", and he will get a lot of summoning opportunities.

At the same time, the level will increase a lot.

He is now a warrior of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable, and if he raises a few levels, he will be able to reach the realm of the emperor.

At that time, he will be able to explore some secret techniques recorded in ancient Xuanwen,

As long as he can control the Guxuan Divine Sword independently, relying on the space blocking formation attached to the Guxuan Divine Sword, plus some other means, even if he is facing the Holy Venerable Powerhouse, he has the confidence to fight.

At that time, he will naturally have the strength to fight against the dynasty.

This is why Lu Feng dared to let Zhang Jiaqi's potential threat exist, because he believed that his strength would increase beyond everyone's expectations.


Lu Feng took Jia Xu Liujiannu and others to rest in Shanghai City for another day. After Lu Feng's consumption of energy had recovered to 70-80%, he was ready to leave Shanghai City and go to Tonglu City.

However, when it came to the teleportation formation, Lu Feng got a very bad news.

The teleportation array in the commercial sea city was closed for some special reasons, and it will take at least a month to open it again.

But after a month, it's almost time to open the Dynasty Summoning Order, and Lu Feng still has time to solve the trouble of Lingjian Sect?

He didn't have so much time to spend in this commercial sea city.

"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with the situation. There are a lot of spies from the Hundred Nations Academy around." Zhen just came to Lu Feng's side and whispered.

Lu Feng frowned slightly, and the martial artist's perception spread, and it turned out that there were many more spies from the Hundred Nations Academy around.

"Hehe, it seems that the special reason for the closure of Shanghai City's teleportation array is Baiguo College."

Seeing such a situation, Lu Feng knew what was going on after a little thought.

There is no doubt that it is the Supreme Elder Fairy Sword of Hundred Kingdoms Academy who is about to start.

She didn't want to take action against herself in Shanghai City. The reason was very simple. She was the Supreme Elder of the dignified Baiguo Academy. If someone knew that she would do it in Shanghai City with her, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, it would be difficult for Baiguo Academy to deal with it.

After all, the current Lu Feng was also one of the allied forces that resisted the dynasty before.

Although the alliance was a bit nondescript due to the intervention of the dynasty, the alliance still exists when the oath of qi and blood is present.

Therefore, this fairy sword is going to force himself out of Shanghai City, and then look for an opportunity to do it.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Jia Xu asked.

Although he is a poisonous man and has excellent strategies, he can't think of a good solution for the current situation.

Lu Feng pondered slightly and asked, "Can Jin Yiwei's teleportation array work?"

If he could avoid the fairy sword of Baiguo Academy, he would definitely choose to avoid it.

Because there is no need to fight to the death with a warrior who is at least the peak of the emperor's Nine Heavens, it is not wise.

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "The teleportation array constructed by Jin Yiwei is to ensure that the information is not leaked. The teleportation array can only transmit messages, not people, but there are coordinates of the teleportation array to the nearest city. Your Majesty, you can construct a teleportation array, and then …”

"That's too late!"

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, Lu Feng suddenly spoke.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the front, where two people and two women appeared.

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