One was wearing a long white dress with a veil on his face, making it difficult to see his features.

But a noble temperament is prominent, giving everyone an irresistible sense of oppression.

Her passing caused the people around to bow their heads involuntarily, as if a courtier saw the emperor.

The other one was dressed in a light green warrior outfit and had a good appearance, but looked at Lu Feng with a very unfriendly, hostile look.

Lu Feng looked at the two and threw an exploration technique on them, and quickly got the information back from the system.

Fu Xinyue: Supreme Elder of Baiguo College.

Realm: Semi-Saint Early Stage.

Nickname: Fairy Sword.

Weapon: Fairy Sword (Holy Low Grade)

Martial Arts: Fairy guides the way.

Magical Powers: Ode to the Fairy.

This is the message of the woman in the long white dress.

Yan Ruyu: Disciple of Baiguo College, Second Miss Yan Family of Liyang Dynasty.

Realm: Grandmaster Jiuzhongtian peak.

"Sure enough, they are."

After receiving the feedback from the system, Lu Feng sighed in his heart.

He originally planned to save the trouble and avoid them directly, but he didn't want to, they had already prepared everything.

However, to his surprise, this fairy sword Fu Xinyue turned out to be a warrior in the semi-holy realm.

The Half-Saint Realm is like the Half-Emperor Realm. Generally speaking, it is not recognized by warriors, but such a realm does exist.

The difference is that only the warriors in the semi-sacred realm will choose to become the warriors in the semi-sacred realm if they find that they are almost not promoted to the saint.

Because they become warriors in the semi-sacred realm, their strength will be greatly enhanced, and they will also have the means to control some warriors in the sacred realm.

Like martial arts, although it is not as good as a real sage realm martial artist, it is also very helpful for the improvement of combat effectiveness.

However, once a warrior has entered the semi-holy realm, it will be a thousand times more difficult to break through to the holy realm.

It's almost impossible!

Therefore, unless you are sure that you cannot break through to the realm of sainthood, or normal warriors will not choose to enter the realm of semi-sacred, because that means basically giving up the possibility of further martial arts.

Just like Gu Changtian, the ancestor of the ancient family, if he wants to become a warrior in the semi-sacred realm, he can definitely do it, and he can do it hundreds of years ago.

But he wanted to become a warrior in the realm of sainthood, so he did not choose to enter the somewhat nondescript realm of half-sage.

However, it is undeniable that the warriors of the semi-holy realm, although the combat power is not comparable to the real warriors of the holy realm, but they are by no means comparable to the ordinary emperor Jiuzhongtian peak warriors.

At least, an ordinary semi-sacred warrior, the combat power is at least equivalent to five emperors, nine peak warriors.

The strength of the fairy sword Fu Xinyue is very strong, but it is also expected by Lu Feng.

After all, he was already mentally prepared after knowing that the strength of this fairy sword was at least the peak of the emperor's Nine Heavens.

Even prepared for the worst, this fairy sword is a warrior of the holy realm.

Fortunately, she is not a warrior of the holy realm!

When Lu Feng was looking at the fairy sword, the fairy sword Fu Xinyue was also looking at him, and she was a little curious. She was very aware of the imposing pressure brought about by her practice, and the martial artist whose realm was lower than her did not dare to look directly at her.

But she didn't want that the emperor of the small kingdom of Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, not only looked directly at her, but also had no fear in his eyes, which made her a little curious. Like those rumors, it is possible that this Lu Feng is an ancient formation mage. ?

It's just that she didn't know that Lu Feng had the power of an emperor, and although Fu Xinyue's aura was extremely oppressive, to him, it was just a little trick.

How can the majesty of the mere half-sage be compared to the majesty of the first emperor of the ages that Lu Feng obtained?

Even Jia Xu Liujiannu and others have been with Lu Feng for a long time, under the influence of the emperor's might, there is no embarrassing scene under this sense of oppression.

"Your Majesty, you go first,

We block her. "

Zhen just said a sentence, and he moved with the figure of the Six Swordsman, standing in front of Lu Feng, staring at the fairy sword Fu Xinyue not far away.

If she made a move, they would definitely resist desperately and buy time for Lu Feng to escape.

But Lu Feng shook his head and said in a low voice, "I didn't intend to cause trouble, but since the trouble was brought up by myself, what reason do I have not to solve this trouble?"

"Go, follow me out of the city!"

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and turned around and walked outside Shanghai City.

He is very clear that if he wants to do something in Shanghai City, once he uses his means, other forces will know his specific details and will definitely take action against him.

Therefore, he had to leave Shanghai City and look for opportunities to do it outside Shanghai City.

Hundred Kingdoms Academy has hatred for the family of their own and their close disciples of the elders of the Fairy Sword in the name of doing it themselves, and the Fairy Sword protects them short.

If other forces follow them to leave the commercial sea city and want to take action, it will not work without a name.

The reason is simple, because they had an alliance before.

Although the alliance does not restrict their members from fighting with each other, but if there is no name that can be used, the members will fight with each other. Isn't this a joke for the dynasty?

Although the ancestors of these forces now form a superficial balance with the dynasty because of the information of the emperor's ruins.

But this kind of balance needs to be formed by the alliance of all other forces in Yuzhou except the dynasty.

It is impossible for them to break this balance, unless they want the dynasty to see the alliance broken.

Therefore, for Lu Feng, leaving Shanghai City and fighting the fairy sword Fu Xinyue is the best strategy.

This ensures that no third-party forces intervene.

As for whether the Fairy Sword would follow him out, he was not worried at all.

Because if Fairy Sword really wanted to do it in Shanghai City, he would have done it long ago when he came back from outside, so he didn't have to wait until now.

Lu Feng took the lead, and the Six Swordsmen took their swords and followed closely behind.

Although Jia Xu was a little worried in his heart, he didn't ask any further questions and quickly followed.


Seeing this, Yan Ruyu tilted her head to look at her master.


Fairy Sword said lightly, and followed Yan Ruyu.

Lu Feng's speed was not fast, and he walked for half an hour before leaving the Shanghai City.

He deliberately showed it to the other forces in Shanghai City, and let them watch the Supreme Elder of Hundred Nations College behind him.

Because Lu Feng thought of one thing, they knew that the Supreme Elder of Hundred Nations College followed them out, but in the end they couldn't come back, that expression must be quite wonderful.

"Princess, Lu Feng and the people from Baiguo College have left Shanghai City."

In an attic of the royal manor of the Liyang Dynasty, Zhang Jiaqi was standing here, and behind her, a woman in black stood respectfully.

PS: I have been running outside during the day these days, and I came back late at night, sorry. I will get up early tomorrow and go to Chengdu, and I will go home after eleven o'clock in the evening, so I don't need to go to other places often.

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