The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 841 Hit You To Doubt Your Life

At this time, if the magic flame and the red flame collide and explode, it can make the unstable space form a terrifying space crack and swallow everything.

At that time, they will be able to use the space cracks created by the three to kill Fu Xinyue.

But he didn't want to, he underestimated the powerhouse in the semi-holy realm.

I thought that Fu Xinyue would be killed instantly under the devouring of the space crack, but she didn't think that she was able to resist the devouring power of the space crack, left that space, and came to herself and others.

It's a little troublesome now, if Fu Xinyue can't be swallowed by the space crack before the power of devouring the space crack grows again.

At that time, the devouring power that grows again will devour a larger scope, and it will no longer be the case. The engulfing power is only aimed at Fu Xinyue that came out of that space.

It also includes Lu Feng, Jia Xu, Liu Jiannu and others.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fu Xinyue also discovered this at this time, and laughed wildly, like a crazy woman.

He mocked Lu Feng: "Lu Feng, you didn't expect this seat to be able to endure for so long under the devour of this space crack?"

"As long as the power of devouring that this seat persists to the cracks in space grows again, the power of devouring will not just swallow me alone, and then you will all die, and neither of you will be able to escape!"

"Haha, since this seat is sure to die, don't try to escape, hahaha!"

Fu Xinyue was basically insane at this time.

In fact, she was almost really insane.

Being played like a monkey by Lu Feng, whose real realm in her eyes is only a grandmaster, and now he can only wait to die, this is simply a great ridicule for her aloof semi-sage.

She Fu Xinyue has been a genius since she was a child. When has she experienced such a thing?

Now, she can only wait to die, which is a huge blow to her.

But fortunately, fortunately, he was able to take Lu Feng, the ancient formation mage, to be buried with him.

It is not too embarrassing to say that he also perished with an ancient formation mage.


Lu Feng sighed lightly.

He thought that using the space formation, the magic flames and the raging flames would not need to be done by himself, but now he still needs to do it himself.

The only good thing is that now Fu Xinyue has reached the limit, and he must wholeheartedly deal with the devouring power of the space crack.

Otherwise, the slightest slack will be instantly swallowed by the cracks in space.

This is an opportunity for Lu Feng.

Lu Feng still had the confidence to kill a demigod who had reached the limit and could not fight back.

But then he had to do his best, and he could no longer have any hidden strength.

So before that, some flies have to be dealt with.

"Really just, kill without mercy!"

Lu Feng said lightly to Zhen Gang.


Zhen just responded, and the figures of Liu Jiannu and the others suddenly disappeared.

Soon, there was a scream around.

It was the spy sent by those forces in Shanghai City to investigate the news.

Lu Feng had secretly ordered a few people from Zhen Gang to lock these people and kill them before Lu Feng was able to kill Fu Xinyue, who had reached the limit, without worrying about his strength being known to other forces.

After a while, just a few people came back.

The spies around have all been killed.

Although Fu Xinyue was fully resisting the devouring power of the space crack, she was able to know what Lu Feng said.

He sneered suddenly and said, "Lu Feng, what if you kill them? You are dying now!"


With a sigh, Lu Feng looked at Fu Xinyue and said, "I really don't know how you became the Supreme Elder of Hundred Nations College, how could you be so stupid?"

"In which space did you say that I was going to die over and over again, but I still didn't die. Now you say that my death is imminent, but look, who is really dying now?"


"never mind,

I have no interest in talking nonsense with you. I will send you to see the King of Hell as soon as possible, and I will also deal with other things earlier, so as not to waste time! "

Interrupting Fu Xinyue's words, Lu Feng moved his hand, and a sword-shaped Xuanwen appeared in front of him.

Kendo Xuanwen!

The strength of Lu Feng, who has reached the seventh level of the Holy King, condensed the kendo Xuanwen with greater power, enough to instantly kill the warriors of the fourth level of the emperor, and even the warriors who can hit the fifth level of the emperor.

But it is still unable to pose a threat to the warriors in the semi-holy realm.

However, if you add some others it will be different!

"True martial arts!"

Lu Feng let out a low voice, and with the real martial arts, his realm was raised to the first level of the emperor.

"The fifth sword of Zhenwu Sword Art!"

Qian Jiang's sword, the sword energy traverses, and a sword is cut out.

But this sword did not slash at Fu Xinyue, but slashed at Kendo Xuanwen.


Kendo Xuanwen let out a burst of sword sounds, trembled slightly, and slowly absorbed the fifth sword.

At the same time, the aura of Kendo Xuanwen also increased sharply, but the fluctuations were very large and unstable.

Lu Feng's movements did not stop.

"Broken Blade!"

Another sword cut out.

Half of the sword qi slashed on the kendo Xuanwen.


The trembling on Kendo Xuanwen was even worse, as if it was about to collapse, but the fluctuations above were even more terrifying.

Even the warrior of the seventh-level emperor, Duan Shui, could not help but change his face when he felt the terrifying aura contained in the Xuanwen of Kendo at this time.


Lu Feng still didn't stop moving in his hand, quickly made a few handprints, condensed into a mysterious text in the void, and fell into the kendo mysterious text.

In an instant, Kendo Xuanwen's situation on the verge of collapse was better, but it was limited, and it would collapse if it didn't last long.

But for Lu Feng, it was enough.

"Dragon Statue!"

When the Flood Dragon Dharma was displayed, the Flood Dragon condensed behind Lu Feng, and a high-pitched dragon roar came out, making the surrounding space feel a sense of oppression.

"Martial Arts Statue!!!"

Fu Xinyue saw the Flood Dragon behind Lu Feng, her face changed dramatically, and she said in shock, "How could you condense the Flood Dragon? Are you a warrior in the realm of sainthood?"

But as soon as these words came out, she herself directly vetoed: "Impossible, you can't be a warrior in the realm of saints, if you are warriors in the realm of saints, you can kill me directly without using such means. ."

Fu Xinyue, who was in a panic, even changed her name from 'this seat' to 'me'.

She kept saying, "How can you condense martial arts? Who are you? What kind of martial artist are you?"

From the master realm in his eyes at the very beginning, to the fluctuating emperor's first-level martial artist, to the current martial arts law.

Fu Xinyue suddenly realized that the Kyushu continent she knew was a little different.

How could there be a martial artist who is not a saint to condense the martial law? That's impossible!

But it was this impossible scene that happened in front of her eyes, which made her instantly doubt her life.

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