The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 842 The Sword Cuts the Half-Saint


Lu Feng ignored Fu Xinyue's shock, his mind moved, and the power of the dragon contained in the dragon's magic image was poured into the kendo's profound text.


Infused with the power of the huge dragon, some cracks appeared on the Xuanwen of Kendo, which was originally used by Lu Feng to stabilize and fluctuate even more, and it was about to collapse.

But at this moment, Lu Feng's mind moved, and he controlled Kendo Xuanwen to stab at Fu Xinyue.


At the moment Kendo Xuanwen stabbed out, a terrifying aura suddenly permeated from Kendo Xuanwen, filling the world.

That breath has actually reached the level of the Emperor's Nine Heavens!

"Do not!"

Fu Xinyue cried out in horror as she watched Kendo Xuanwen stab.

If it is normal, it is equivalent to a blow from the emperor's ninth-level martial artist. She can't even look at it, and she can wipe out thousands of things like this with a wave of her hand.

But now, under the devouring of the space crack, she has reached the limit.

This attack, which she would not care about on weekdays, completely became her death key.

In her terrified eyes, Kendo Xuanwen stabbed her martial arts law.


The martial arts, which was full of cracks, shattered instantly.


The martial art form was forcibly smashed, and a terrifying backlash was generated in Fu Xinyue's body, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The power of devouring space cracks without the martial arts to compete with it exploded in an instant, directly swallowing Fu Xinyue.

"Do not!"

Fu Xinyue screamed in horror, and under the gazes of Lu Feng and the others, his body was swallowed up by the crack in the space, and in the blink of an eye, it was broken into pieces.

Her soul wanted to escape from the space crack, but before she left, it was completely swallowed up by the swallowing power of the space crack.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Fu Xinyue, a semi-holy realm warrior, and gaining 350 million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of the host's level, the current realm is the eighth heaven of the holy king."

"Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of the host's level, eliminating all negative states of the body."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading a semi-holy realm warrior for the first time, and rewarding a chance to summon."

The system prompt sounded in Lu Feng's mind.

A generation of semi-sacred powerhouse Fu Xinyue died and disappeared in this world.

Not even the body was left.

To be honest, Lu Feng's heart is still quite complicated. He is as strong as a semi-sage, but he will eventually fall, um... or fall into his own hands.

But after the complexity was over, he was relieved.

Here, if Fu Xinyue is not dead, he is dead. Now that Fu Xinyue is dead, he is alive. This is the best result.

"This time the harvest is still very good."

With a smile on Lu Feng's face, his level was raised again, and he was one step closer to the emperor of martial arts when he reached the Eighth Heaven of Saint King.

Moreover, the effect brought by the level increase is also huge, allowing him to completely recover the spirit and energy that was damaged in the last battle with Gu Changtian.

And he also got a summoning opportunity, which was beyond his expectations.

The only thing that is a little helpless is that the next time I want to increase the level of experience, I need too much.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Feng looked around and left here with Jia Xu and Liu Jiannu to set up a spirit stone teleportation formation.

Less than ten minutes after he left, the space of this place fluctuated, and two old men appeared here.

It is the Royal Shuangjue.

"There are traces of space cracks appearing."

One of them frowned slightly and said: "Besides, there are traces of the fairy sword and martial arts of Baiguo College. She should be killed. Who is the one who shot?"

"The news reported by the spy earlier, Fu Xinyue left Shanghai City with Lu Feng, the purpose is to find out whether Lu Feng is an ancient array mage, but now he was killed, this matter must have something to do with Lu Feng. Difficult. Could it be that he is really an ancient formation mage?" Another said.


The person who spoke earlier shook his head and said, "Even if he is an ancient formation mage, it is impossible to kill Fu Xinyue, a semi-sacred powerhouse,

Not surprisingly, it should be the Saint Venerable Powerhouse of Forgetfulness Daomen. Only the Saint Venerable Powerhouse can kill a half-sage in a very short period of time. "

"It seems that Lu Feng is very important in the eyes of those old guys in Wangqing Daomen. He even dispatched a Saint Venerable powerhouse to protect him. This matter must be reported to Big Brother as soon as possible."

The emperor Shuangjue looked at each other, nodded, and their bodies flickered and disappeared.

A quarter of an hour after they left, a few people flew from the place.

The breath that pervades their bodies are all warriors at the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens.

They are not the existence of the powerful saints, and they can't feel that there is a space crack in this place, but they can see the spies they sent out, and the body of Yan Ruyu, a disciple of the Hundred Nations Academy.

This discovery made their faces ugly.

Yan Ruyu was a disciple of Fu Xinyue, the Supreme Elder of Hundred Nations College, and left Shanghai City with Fu Xinyue, the semi-sacred powerhouse, but now the corpse appeared here.

Who could block Fu Xinyue's face and kill Yan Ruyu?

Moreover, there is very little fighting atmosphere hidden in the spatial fluctuation of this place, which proves that there has been a battle in this place, but the time before and after will not exceed three minutes.

In such a short time, the battle was over.

If Fu Xinyue wins, Yan Ruyu's body will definitely be brought back to the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, and the spies sent by his own forces will not die, so Yan Ruyu cannot possibly kill them.

But now he is dead, and Yan Ruyu's body is also here.

The only possibility is...

Several people looked at each other and saw fear in each other's eyes.

Because this might be... Lu Feng killed Yan Ruyu! Or the person behind Lu Feng killed Yan Ruyu!

Forget about the door!

This made them all have to think carefully about their attitude towards dealing with the Nanyan Kingdom next.

For the sake of Lu Feng, Wangqing Daomen dared to kill even the Supreme Elder of Hundred Nations College, and made it clear that they wanted to truly support the Nanyan Kingdom.

That is the top power in Wuzhou, not to mention the powerful Saint Venerable, even the late Saint Venerable Powerhouse exists, and it is not something they can afford.

Now, each of them still has a better attitude towards the Kingdom of Nanyan, and let's figure out what the purpose of Wangqing Daomen is.

Several people had their own ideas in their hearts, and their bodies quickly flashed back and left here.


Hundred Nations College.

A flustered elder ran into the training room where Dean Tong Jingyi was.

"What's the matter?"

The space in the training room fluctuated, and an old man in a Chinese robe appeared here.

"House... Dean, the Supreme Elder Fairy Sword she... She..." The elder trembled, his voice trembling, and he dared not say it.

"What happened to the new moon?"

Tong Jingyi became anxious, and immediately said, "Tell me quickly."

"Elder Fairy Sword's soul... The soul orb is broken." The elder said with a trembling voice.


Tong Jingyi was stunned for a moment.

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