The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 844 The Impossible is the Opportunity

Shanghai City, the palace of the Liyang Dynasty.

In front of Zhang Jiaqi stood an old man, the ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty, Zhang Hengyuan.

"Jiaqi, Baiguo Academy has failed." Zhang Hengyuan looked at Zhang Jiaqi and said.

Zhang Jiaqi was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, "Fu Xinyue is dead?"

"Her body was not found, but according to the current situation, there is a 90% chance that she has been killed." Zhang Hengyuan sighed and said, "What are you going to do next in the case of your cooperation with Lu Feng?"

Just as Lu Feng had guessed, although the Liyang Dynasty wanted to get the treasure in the Great Emperor Ruins, it did not give up on Zhang Jiaqi.

On the contrary, they are still very supportive of Zhang Jiaqi.

In order to increase Zhang Jiaqi's chances of surviving in the Dynasty's call-up order, they followed Zhang Jiaqi's advice and gave her a top-grade formation 'Flaming to the Sky', which was then handed over to Lu Feng in exchange for Lu Feng and Zhang Jiaqi being in the Dynasty Cooperation in the call-up order.

Otherwise, no matter how noble Zhang Jiaqi was, he would not be able to give Lu Feng a high-level formation casually.

These were all agreed by the ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty.

It's just that Zhang Jiaqi didn't tell Lu Feng this.

As for today's affairs, Zhang Jiaqi also discussed with the ancestors of the dynasty.

Of course, she didn't say that the origin of her soul was in Lu Feng's hands, but only said that she wanted to use this incident to test the support of the Wangqing Daomen behind Lu Feng.

Then decide what kind of attitude to use to deal with the cooperation between the Dynasty's call-up order and Lu Feng.

The ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty never thought that Zhang Jiaqi, the younger generation they had always valued, would lie to them, nor did they doubt it.

In Zhang Jiaqi's plan, if Lu Feng was really beheaded, his soul source would definitely be in the hands of Baiguo Academy. At that time, he would tell the ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty that Lu Feng forced her to hand over his soul source.

You can even tell the story of Lu Feng's killing of Gu Guijiu and Yan Yinfan before. By then, Lu Feng has already been killed, and she has nothing to be afraid of.

Even if the ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty knew about it, they would at most blame her, and there could be no other punishment.

And she will also help her get the origin of her soul back from the Hundred Nations Academy.

However, Zhang Jiaqi did not expect that the Hundred Kingdoms Academy would fail.

That was a powerhouse who dispatched a semi-holy realm!

Even if it all failed, how much support did Wangqing Daomen give to Lu Feng?

Zhang Jiaqi felt a little regretful in her heart.

Lu Feng is not a fool. Even if there is no evidence to suspect her, he will definitely take precautions against her in the imperial call-up order, which is not a good thing for her.

Now that she heard Zhang Hengyuan's words, she pondered slightly, and said, "Ancestor, the chance of my life being saved in the imperial call-up order by myself is very small. I must get Lu Feng's help."

"After this incident, Lu Feng may have some doubts about me, so I need Patriarch to help me again to remove any doubts and precautions he has towards me."

"How do you want me to help you?" Zhang Hengyuan asked.

Zhang Jiaqi said, "I need the Heaven-level Formation Secret Book that Dynasty got from the ancient book last time."

Zhang Hengyuan frowned suddenly and said, "The formations recorded in the secret book are all formations from the modern era, and some even have traces of ancient formations in them. What are you going to do?"

"I don't want it."

Zhang Jiaqi shook his head slightly and said, "I plan to give it to Lu Feng."

"Give it to him? What is he holding it for? Is it hard to understand?" Zhang Hengyuan asked.

In fact, Lu Feng really understood it!

Zhang Jiaqi said silently in his heart, Lu Feng is an ancient formation mage, it would be strange if he did not understand the formation recorded in the secret book.

But she is definitely something you can't say, there is no way, the source of her soul is still in Lu Feng's hands.

So she said, "It's not important that Lu Feng doesn't understand it. What's important is that we can directly say that this is the secret book of the ancient formation. Anyway, Lu Feng himself can't tell the difference."

"And the ancient masters may not be very attractive to Lu Feng,

But the temptation of Wangqing Daomen behind him is definitely not small. Even if he is not willing to cooperate fully with me, the Wangqing Daomen behind him will definitely cooperate fully with me! "

Zhang Hengyuan suddenly realized, understood what Zhang Jiaqi meant, and immediately said: "Since this is the case, I will tell the elders about this matter, there should be no problem."

"Thank you old man."

Zhang Hengyuan nodded, looked at Zhang Jiaqi, and said, "There are still a little more than two months before the imperial call-up order. During this time, you should continue to go to the secret place of the royal family, practice more, and strive to break through to the fourth level of the Holy King. In this way, it is more likely to save lives in the imperial call-up order."


Zhang Hengyuan didn't say anything more and disappeared in front of Zhang Jiaqi.

Zhang Jiaqi murmured in a low voice after Zhang Hengyuan left for a while: "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, it seems that I still underestimated you, but I didn't expect Wangqing Daomen to let a strong man leave Wuzhou to Yu for you. state."

"Could it be that an ancient wizard who is less than 20 years old is really worthy of such training by a superpower standing at the top of the Kyushu continent?"

Whether it was Zhang Jiaqi or other Yuzhou forces, they all thought that Lu Feng did all this because he had the support of Wangqing Daoist.

Because Xiaomeng, a disciple of Wangqing Daomen, first traveled to the southwest of Yuzhou, and helped Lu Feng, plus they investigated the relationship between Nanyan Kingdom and Wangqing Daomen hundreds of years ago.

In their view, this is the most accurate inference.

There must be a door of forgetfulness behind Lu Feng!

But no one would have thought that there is no such thing as forgetfulness in all of this, and all this was done by Lu Feng alone!

And that's one thing these forces could never have imagined.

Because no one would think that a young man less than twenty years old can kill a semi-sacred powerhouse who has been famous for thousands of years.

it's out of the question!

It was this impossible thought in their hearts that gave Lu Feng the opportunity to move forward step by step.


On the Plain River, the huge fleet has been moving slowly.

On the boat, Zhou Yu stood on the deck, looking to the southeast.

That direction is the location of the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, Hufeng County.

There are 300,000 navy soldiers stationed in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. It is known as the most powerful navy in the entire southwest of Yuzhou except for the Jinshui Kingdom. It is also Zhou Yu's target of this battle.

"General, we are less than two hours away from the destination." The lieutenant said standing behind Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu nodded and asked, "Are there any spies who discovered the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom?"

"Report to the general, the last will obey the order of the general, and arrange a lot of small boats to explore around, but there is no trace of any enemy spies. They seem to have not taken any precautions." The deputy general said.

Zhou Yu frowned when he heard this.

There was something wrong with the situation. My own navy had deployed 300,000 troops. Why didn't the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom take any precautions? This is clearly wrong.

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