The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 845 Attack on Hufeng County

After pondering slightly, Zhou Yu instructed the lieutenant: "Order the entire army to reduce the marching speed, and at the same time give orders to the Jinyiwei, so that they can get the situation of the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom at all costs!"

There is something wrong with the situation now, and Zhou Yu does not plan to attack directly for the sake of safety.

After all, this battle is of great importance. Once the south is not perfect, it will have a fatal impact on the battle situation in Nagasawa City.

It will even destroy the kingdom's plans, so you must be careful.

In addition, this is his first time leading troops to fight, if there is any accident, the impact on him is self-evident.

The lieutenant went down immediately to give orders.

More than two hours later, the information of Jin Yiwei came.

But when Zhou Yu saw the information, the whole person was a little stunned.

Because the information actually said that the 300,000 sailors of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom did not make any preparations at all, and they were basically in the camp, as if they did not know that their army was coming.

How can Zhou Yu dare to believe this?

Now the Nanyan Kingdom and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom are at war, and the spies from both sides go deep into each other and try their best to get news of the enemy country.

There's no reason why the people of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom didn't know that their navy had moved their troops.

But now, this situation leaves Zhou Yu speechless.

If this news hadn't come from Jin Yiwei, Zhou Yu wouldn't have believed it at all.

But now, Zhou Yu immediately ordered to go, the army accelerated, and must take the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom Naval Camp in one fell swoop.

Soon, the navy warship speeded up and went to Hufeng County.

More than an hour later, Hufeng County appeared in front of the navy led by Zhou Yu.

"The whole army obeys the order, attack!"

Zhou Yu held a saber in his hand and ordered loudly.

"Boom boom boom!"

A loud noise rang out from the battleship in the forefront.

It was issued by a catapult transformed by Luban on the deck of the warship.

Pieces of stones the size of grinding discs were launched, and with a cracking sound, they smashed directly at the warships at the port of Hufeng County.

Immediately, these warships suffered heavy losses, and many of them were smashed and sank under the port.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, enemy attack!"

After Zhou Yu launched the attack, the navy of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in Hufeng County discovered the enemy, and the soldiers shouted loudly.

Some soldiers were overwhelmed and ran around.

In the huge naval port, the soldiers in charge of defense did not think of defending it for the first time.

Only some messengers immediately went to the residence of the county master of Hufeng County to inform the county master.

Because of the uniqueness of the navy, the navy general of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is the county master of Hufeng County.

Zhou Yu stood on the tallest building boat, looking at the soldiers of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in the port, with a disappointed expression on his face.

He got the news and knew that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom navy was bad, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

Facing the attack of the enemy navy, the first time he did not defend under the leadership of the general to prevent the enemy soldiers from landing, but fled in a panic.

This made Zhou Yu, who had the idea of ​​​​using this battle to train his troops, extremely disappointed.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhou Yu waved his hand and said, "Go on and speed up the landing. Be sure to land before the soldiers of the Hufeng County camp arrive."

Although disappointed in his heart, Zhou Yu would not miss such a good opportunity.


The lieutenant went down immediately to give orders.

Under Zhou Yu's order, the navy of the Kingdom of Nanyan did not stop, and proceeded quickly under the cover of the catapult.

This way, it was unexpectedly smooth, and they were basically not hindered by anything.

Soon to the shore.

"Covered by the warship, ahead of the troop carrier, the bowmen and bed crossbowmen keep up, and land at the fastest speed."

"Hurry up."

Under Zhou Yu's order, the navy generals at all levels of the Nanyan Kingdom led their soldiers and quickly landed according to the order.

"How come so fast?"

Ke Yichang, the county chief of Hufeng County, finally got the news and rushed over.

He saw that the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom had already landed, and his face was full of panic.

In addition to arranging the soldiers in the navy camp,

There are also more than 5,000 soldiers guarding this port. How could the enemy start to land?

However, as a navy general of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, he reacted very quickly, and he realized the danger after panicking.

Once the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom came ashore, then Hufeng County was basically half occupied.

With a hurried wave of his hand, Ke Yichang said loudly, "Send the navy camp and ask them to come over as quickly as possible."

After a brief pause, he gritted his teeth and said loudly: "The guards of the county master's mansion will immediately rise to the top. Be sure to delay the enemy army and buy time for the support of the naval camp."


Under the order of Ke Yichang, the five thousand guards of the county master's mansion quickly rose to the top.

The 5,000 guards were Ke Yichang's real personal soldiers. They were very powerful in combat and could be said to be the most powerful army in his hands.

With them on top, they blocked the few soldiers who landed in the Nanyan Kingdom, which made the subsequent landing of the army much slower.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yu, the commander of the building ship, frowned, waved his hand, and said loudly, "Send the bow and crossbowmen to cover the enemy indiscriminately, and be sure to eliminate all enemies."


"General, once the archers cover indiscriminately, it may cause their own soldiers to be accidentally injured. We..."

Before the lieutenant could finish speaking, Zhou Yu interrupted directly, saying, "We must occupy both sides of the port before the arrival of the support of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom's naval base, so that the warships can enter the port smoothly and threaten the lake with the catapults of warships. Fengjun naval base camp, so that they can not support."

"Once they get to the shore, the Kingdom's army will have to pay at least ten times more casualties if they want to land. We can't wait."

"Send the order, the crossbowmen will fire arrows immediately!"

To be handsome, you should focus on the overall situation!

Zhou Yu knew very well that if there is no sacrifice now, more people will be sacrificed later.

Besides, the crossbowmen under his command are all trained, even if there is accidental injury, it will be very small.

The lieutenant said no more, and immediately gave orders.

The bowmen standing on the battleship were ordered to fire arrows immediately.


Thousands of arrows were fired, instantly making the sky dark.

When Ke Yichang on the shore saw it, his expression changed suddenly, and he yelled: "Damn the general of the Nanyan Kingdom, he is so ruthless, and the two armies are fighting with arrows. Isn't he afraid of hurting his own soldiers?"

But soon, his face turned pale.

The rain of arrows poured down, instantly taking away the lives of a large number of soldiers.

But these soldiers were all his escorts, and basically no soldiers from the Nanyan Kingdom were accidentally injured.

"Nan...Are the bowmen of the Nanyan Kingdom so accurate?"

Ke Yichang murmured.

Bows and crossbows have always been the main means of attack in wars. For naval battles, bows and crossbows are more important.

As a navy general of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, Ke Yichang knew very well how difficult it was to train a group of accurate bowmen.

There were less than 1,000 people in his entire navy camp.

But now, this archer who fired thousands of arrows has managed to minimize accidental injuries. One can imagine how strong these archers are.

"General... General, what should we do now?" The lieutenant beside Ke Yichang asked in a trembling voice.

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