The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 846 So I'm a Genius

The escort had just gone up to meet the enemy, and before the real effect could be exerted, more than half of them were taken away by a wave of arrows.

This made the lieutenants around Ke Yichang panic.

Ke Yichang was bleeding even more at this time.

It took him several years to complete the formation of the escort, but now, he has lost more than half of it in less than a moment. These are all his efforts.

More importantly, the escort army was useless and could no longer block the landing of the Nanyan Kingdom army, which was the real disaster for Hufeng County.

Slowly raising his head and staring at the young general of the Nanyan Kingdom standing on the deck of the tall building, Ke Yichang had to say that he was a powerful man.

If a general were changed, he would definitely not dare to order the bowmen to fire arrows when the two armies were standing together.

Not even an accurate bowman would dare.

Once a large number of accidental injuries are caused, even if the general wins, he will be sued by those civil servants when he returns to the DPRK, which is very uncomfortable.

But the young general of the Nanyan Kingdom did not hesitate at all. Ke Yichang, a naval general of the enemy country, admired his courage.

Just in admiration, he could not wait to kill this young general.

Because he killed more than half of his own guards.


When the lieutenant saw that Ke Yichang did not speak for a long time, he shouted again.


Taking a deep breath, Ke Yichang spoke slowly and said, "Send the order, withdraw the troops!"


The lieutenant went down immediately to give orders.

The remaining escorts were ordered to retreat quickly.

There were more than 5,000 people when they first came up, but when they retreated, there were only less than 2,500 people left.

Huge loss.

More importantly, Ke Yichang knew very well that when he retreated, not only the guards retreated, but the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom retreated.

Once the army of the Nanyan Kingdom goes ashore, it will definitely press on it step by step. Coupled with the warships entering the port, the firepower of the Nanyan Kingdom's warships can pose a threat to the navy camp.

It is difficult to hold Hufeng County.

It's just that Ke Yichang can't do anything about it.

He only hated that he didn't get any information before, and he didn't arrange for elites to guard the port.

But now, he can only send people to report to the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom that the enemy navy is attacking and ask for support.

On the boat, Zhou Yu smiled when he saw the enemy retreating.

When the enemy army retreats, the friendly army can at least occupy both sides of the port, which can ensure that the subsequent army can continue to disembark from this port.

This is the best time to win the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in one fell swoop!

"Speed ​​sent news to General Yue Fei, telling him that the port of Hufeng County had been taken, and asked his army to come over immediately." Zhou Yu said to the lieutenant.

Zhou Yu's subordinates are all navy troops, and landing operations are no problem, but it is impossible to use these 300,000 new navy troops to attack the hinterland of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

The Rainbow Leopard Kingdom was famous for its infantry. No matter how confident Zhou Yu was, he wouldn't think that his navy who had not trained for a long time would be able to compete with the elite infantrymen of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

He had already won the port, and the rest should be left to Yue Fei and the elites of Neiyang County under his command.


Lu Feng has not yet learned what happened in Hufeng County.

He took Jia Xu and Liu Jiannu, and after killing Fu Xinyue, he immediately set up a teleportation array through the coordinates of the teleportation array and headed to Tonglu City.

After a turnaround, we finally arrived at Tonglu City.

Lu Feng found a small inn and took people to live in.

Jin Yiwei's spies have already gone to inform Gu Wenqian to let him come to the inn this evening.

And Lu Feng took this opportunity to prepare to summon.

Killing Fu Xinyue unexpectedly got a summoning opportunity.

He wasn't going to keep it.

"System, turn on the summon!"

"Ding, the call is in progress!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining the magic power control magic!"

"God Control Art: The supernatural power of supernatural power to control the soul can completely control the martial artist whose soul power is weaker than the caster's own, no more than three at most.


"Level: Heavenly top grade."

"Type: Soul Divine Ability."

"Restriction: The power of the cultivator's soul must be stronger than one's own realm."

Hearing the system's prompt sound and watching the introduction of the God Control Art, Lu Feng was a little speechless.

He didn't expect to summon such a magical power.

He possesses the supernatural power to control the soul. It was the supernatural power he obtained by killing the barbarian wizard in the last battle of Jibeiguan, but it was of no use. He himself did not practice it at all.

In the end, it was given to Jin Yiwei and some spies to practice, which were all useful to them.

But he didn't expect that in the future, he might be able to summon this supernatural power.

This God Control Art can completely control a warrior whose soul power is weaker than his own. It seems to be good, but in fact it is very tasteless.

The reason why it is tasteless is not because the number of control is too small, but because the requirement of this practice is that the power of the cultivator's soul must be stronger than his own realm.

Among the warriors on the Kyushu Continent, the most powerful souls are alchemists, talismans, array masters, and puppet masters.

The loss of the puppet master can be counted.

Only Alchemists, Talismans, and Array Masters are left, because these three professions have high requirements for soul power if they want to succeed in cultivation.

But no matter how high it is, the power of the cultivator's soul cannot exceed the great realm of the martial artist itself.

For the warriors of these three professions, it is already a genius if the power of the soul can surpass the three small realms of the warrior itself.

Able to exceed five realms, that is a peerless genius in this profession that will not last for ten thousand years.

Taking alchemists as an example, if there is an alchemist whose soul power exceeds the five realms of the martial artist's own realm, Dancheng, one of the top forces in Yuzhou, will grab it even if he tries his best.

Even for this genius, dare to fight the dynasty to the death.

Because once such a genius appears, there will be a chance to cultivate an existence of at least a saint-level alchemist, who will be famous all over the world in this Kyushu continent.

How can you be afraid of the Yizhou Dynasty?

But this kind of genius is almost non-existent.

Lu Feng's own soul power is very strong, far exceeding his own realm, but he does not think that his own soul realm is a big realm that exceeds his own realm.

That is impossible!

"Chicken ribs, tasteless ribs, tasteless ribs!"

Lu Feng sighed helplessly, this God-controlling technique looks good, but it's useless if you can't practice it?

It is boring to eat, and it is a pity to abandon it.


"Ding, the host's current soul realm is the Emperor Jiuzhongtian, and he can practice the art of controlling the gods."

But at this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's mind.


"This Nima is very embarrassing..."

Hearing the system prompt, Lu Feng looked embarrassed.

I just said that this magic trick is tasteless, but the system tells me that I can practice?


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