The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 847 Layout of Tonglu City

"Cough cough... So I'm still a genius!"

Lu Feng looked embarrassed.

After thinking about myself, from the moment I got the power of the emperor, the power of the soul in my body has been growing wildly, and after obtaining the supernatural power of the mind, the power of the soul has grown tremendously, far beyond its own realm.

These Lu Feng himself are very clear.

However, he did not expect that the power of his soul would actually surpass his own great realm.

This surprised him, he hadn't even thought about it himself.

"Since that's the case, there's no need to waste this magic control technique."

Lu Feng chuckled, the magic of controlling the gods is a good thing, if you can really control a warrior of the eighth or nineth heaven of the emperor, then the high-level combat power of the Nanyan Kingdom will be even more.

It's not like it is now, the only person who can truly be called a high-level combat power is himself who has used some forbidden Xuanwen techniques.

Soon, Lu Feng directly opened his mind and practiced the art of controlling the gods.

In the evening, with the help of the system and the mind, Lu Feng had successfully practiced the art of controlling the gods.

"Your Majesty, Gu Wenqian is here."

After Lu Feng successfully cultivated for a while, Jia Xu's voice came from outside the door.

"Let him in."


Soon, Gu Wenqian walked in under the leadership of Jia Xu.

"My subordinates pay tribute to my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

When Gu Wenqian came in, he knelt down and bowed to the ground.

He put his position in the right place.

This made Lu Feng a little surprised. The head of the Guxuan Firm is also a smart and decisive person. He knows that if he wants to control the power of Guxuan Firm, he must listen to himself.

So this attitude is amazing.

With a slight smile, Lu Feng glanced at Gu Wenqian and said, "Tell me about all the high-end combat power that the Gu family has now."


Gu Wenqian responded and immediately said: "The strongest combat power of the ancient family, Gu Changtian, was killed by His Majesty, and now there is only one remaining emperor in the ancient family, Gu Chen, who is at the peak of the eighth-level heaven, belongs to the high-end combat power."

"There are three other ancestors of the Seventh Heavenly Emperor who are in seclusion all year round, seeking breakthroughs, unless the Gu family is at the moment of life and death, or they will never leave the seclusion."

"Also, even after exiting the customs, I will obey Gu Chen's orders. As for the other warriors in the middle stage of the emperor, they also obey Gu Chen's orders. For the remaining warriors in the early stage of the emperor and the saint kings and below, I can 100% Hundred orders."

Gu Wenqian did not hide it, and informed the Gu family's situation.

"So, as long as you eliminate Gu Chen, the emperor's eighth-level heaven, you basically control the entire Gu family?" Lu Feng said lightly.

"That's what Your Majesty said."

"If that's the case, then things will be fine."

Looking at Gu Wenqian, Lu Feng said again: "Go down and find a way to lead your ancient family's eighth-level Heavenly Martial Artist Gu Chen to a remote place, hide from the eyes and ears of others, and leave the rest to me."

"Subordinates obey!"

Gu Wenqian responded first, but quickly said: "Your Majesty, now there is one less Gu Changtian in the Gu family, it can be said to the outside world that Gu Changtian is practicing in seclusion, but if there is one less Gu Chen from the Eighth Heavenly Emperor, then there will be one less. At that time, other power base friends may guess that the ancient family has changed greatly, maybe it will..."

"You don't need to worry about this."

Lu Feng waved his hand and said, "Just do what I say."

"Subordinates obey."

Now Gu Wenqian didn't say anything anymore, he respectfully responded, and turned around to make arrangements.

It's just that he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

In order to regain the power in the family from the elders, he chose to betray the family and join Lu Feng.

But if the strength of the Gu family is greatly damaged, the Liyang Dynasty will definitely not let such a piece of fat go, and even if he takes back the power himself, it will be meaningless.

He really wanted to persuade Lu Feng to come step by step, not to kill that Gu Chen, and let him operate through the status of the head of the family.

At that time, there is Lu Feng behind the support, and the ancient elders group does not have the support of Gu Changtian,

In ten years at most, he will be able to turn the Gu family into his one-word hall.

This is naturally much better than rashly doing it.

However, he knew very well that Lu Feng couldn't listen to him, and he couldn't exchange ten years for the control of a business.

Therefore, I didn't open my mouth to say these, but I was very worried in my heart.

After Gu Wenqian went down, Lu Feng ordered Liujian Slave to make preparations to guard against other emperor realm warriors in the Gu family.

Two hours later, Lu Feng received a secret order from Gu Wenqian through the Jinyiwei spy, and he had successfully led Gu Chen, the emperor of the ancient family, the eighth heaven, out of Tonglu City.

The chosen place was in a poisonous forest outside Tonglu City.

Lu Feng led the people to directly use the coordinates of the teleportation array given by Gu Wenqian, and arrived at the place in an instant, waiting for Gu Wenqian to bring Gu Chen to arrive.

"Gu Wenqian, are you sure that the ancestor is retreating here?"

Gu Chen followed Gu Wenqian away from the Gu family and came to this poisonous forest outside Tonglu City, but there was some doubt in his eyes.

This poisonous forest can also be regarded as a must-have around Tonglu City.

For some unknown reason, this forest is full of poisonous gas, even if a warrior of the emperor realm enters it, it will be poisoned if you are not careful.

Gu Chen really couldn't figure it out, how could Gu Changtian retreat here.

If it wasn't for the news that Gu Wenqian told him, he would definitely not believe it.

It's just that he would never have imagined that Gu Wenqian had been lying to him all the time, that Gu Changtian was not in seclusion, but was killed a long time ago.

Right now, it is his Gu Chen who falls into the calculation.

Gu Wenqian is worthy of being the patriarch of the Gu family, and faced a question from a warrior at the peak of the eighth heaven of the emperor, without any panic, he said neither humble nor arrogant: "Before the ancestor and I chose to detour back to Tonglu City in order to avoid the Liyang Dynasty, but I still didn't expect to encounter the ambush of the Liyang Dynasty."

"After some battles, the old ancestor was seriously injured, and then he escaped with me. Because he was afraid that the Liyang Dynasty would arrange for someone to wait for him to enter the city in Tonglu City, he chose to retreat in this poisonous forest to heal his wounds."

"Because the poisonous gas in this poisonous forest is a threat to the warriors in the realm of the emperor, it is a good place to hide. Moreover, in order to avoid accidents, the ancestor let me just tell the people in the family that he found a place to retreat."

"Until not long ago, the ancestor passed the news to me through the secret method. His injury has improved a little, and there is something to explain to the elder, so I brought you here, the elder."

Gu Chen didn't notice anything wrong, nodded and said, "Well, let's go in now. As for the Liyang Dynasty..."

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Gu Chen said coldly: "I'm about to break through the Emperor's Nine Heavens. After I break through, our Gu family will no longer be afraid of the Liyang Dynasty! At that time, I must let them take care of this matter. Pay the price!"

Alas, it's a pity that you don't have this opportunity!

Gu Wenqian heard it, and sighed in his heart, Gu Chen's departure is more fortunate than fortune.

But he didn't plan to remind Gu Chen, but took Gu Chen into the poisonous forest.

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