The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 866 Do you want to cooperate? But do I want to?

Lu Feng didn't answer Zhou Xiangjun's words, but looked at the palace and said aloud, "I didn't expect your father to put a secret space here!"

The secret space is a unique space in the Kyushu continent.

It is rumored that before the ancient times, there is a longer period called 'Eternal Ancient'.

In ancient times, there were two worlds in the Kyushu continent, one was the martial arts world and the other was the secular world.

Later, a war broke out in the world of martial arts, and the entire world of martial arts collapsed. The entire world of martial arts collapsed, and some of the spiritual veins in it fell into the secular world, which instantly increased the spiritual energy of the entire secular world to a terrifying situation.

In addition, these spiritual veins and the mundane world began to merge later, and the dragon veins appeared, which suddenly made the world's spiritual energy in the entire mundane world no less than the collapsed martial arts world.

Some warriors who survived the collapse of the martial arts world began to use the dragon veins to form sects, recruit disciples in the secular world, and teach martial arts. From that period, the martial arts of the secular world began to develop.

This period is called the Age of Enlightenment by some warriors, and is between the ancient and ancient times.

And the secret realm also began to appear during this period.

The secret realm was originally some fragments left by the collapse of the martial arts world, scattered all over the mundane world, and it was only possible to find it by a saint who had understood the rules of space.

And the reason why these fragments did not collapse with the collapse of the martial arts world in the ancient times was because there were some spiritual veins in them.

It may be a low-level spiritual meridian, or it may be an intermediate spiritual meridian or a high-level spiritual meridian.

It is the existence of the spiritual veins that can keep these world fragments from dissipating in space.

But even so, these remaining fragments are full of space storms and can no longer be inhabited.

In that so-called Enlightenment Age, some powerful warriors discovered that these world fragments could be refined into stable spaces.

This space is called the secret realm.

Some warriors found that cultivating in the secret realm can easily mobilize the spiritual energy of the world.

And because these fragments are left from the turbulent flow of space, the spiritual veins inside contain the rules of heaven and earth. Once the fragments are refined into a secret realm, you can easily comprehend the rules of heaven and earth in the spiritual veins of the secret realm and improve your strength.

This is no less attractive to the warriors of the Holy Venerable and the Emperor than a **** appearing in front of a lecherous wolf.

As a result, many saints and even emperors began to search for these world fragments all over the world, and many wars broke out during the period, causing heavy casualties to those powerful warriors who originally survived in the world of martial arts.

But there are also many warriors who have found numerous world fragments to refine into secret realms, so as to understand the rules of heaven and earth and improve their strength.

Later, in the ancient times, the ancient times and the recent ancient times, there were many saints looking for fragments of the world of martial arts.

But the fragments are limited, more and more are found, and in the end the fragments are getting rarer and rarer.

Lu Feng did not expect that Zhou Qilin actually found a world fragment and refined it into a secret realm.

Although the spiritual vein in this secret realm is only an intermediate level spiritual vein, it is not simple.

"I don't want to say more about my father, now I just want to know if you are compatible with me?" Zhou Xiangjun stared at Lu Feng and asked.

Lu Feng still didn't answer, instead he said: "The change of the Evil Dragon River started thousands of years ago. It is rumored that a huge monster fell from the sky and fell into the Evil Dragon River, so the water snake in the Evil Dragon River was let down. It has mutated into a 'Flood Dragon' with the body of a Flood Dragon, but it is still the essence of a water snake."

"Coincidentally, this rumor started at the time of the collapse of the ancient Zhou Dynasty. If I guessed correctly..."

After a slight pause, Lu Feng stared at Zhou Xiangjun and said, "This secret realm space should have been moved by your father, Emperor Zhou Qilin, from another place at that time by means of a profound formation master!"

"The so-called monster that fell from the sky,

It's not a monster at all, it's this secret space! "

Zhou Xiangjun frowned slightly. When he was about to ask, Lu Feng said again: "If I guessed correctly, this secret space should be under the Evil Dragon River!"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"It's easy!"

Lu Feng stared at Zhou Xiangjun and said, "The mutated water snakes in the Evil Dragon River should have been created by you through some special means in order to avoid being discovered in the secret space under the Evil Dragon River."

"Using the mutant water snake to turn the Evil Dragon River into a place that no one dares to approach, once someone comes to investigate, you will let the puppets around you drive them away, so as to ensure that the secret space under the Evil Dragon River will never be was discovered."

"And those who have been driven away will only think that the Evil Dragon River has been occupied, and will not think much about it. In addition, the Evil Dragon River is located in this barren place in the southwest of Yuzhou, so it will not attract the interest of other major forces. , has completely become the perfect hiding place for this secret space."

"This palace is still saying that!"

Staring at Lu Feng, Zhou Xiangjun said coldly, "What are you trying to say?"

"I just want to know what mutated water snakes mutated because of what. Now it seems that there is an answer. Just like my guess, this is what you guys came up with." Lu Feng said with a smile.

Zhou Xiangjun had some doubts in his heart, not knowing what Lu Feng meant by these words.

But her intuition told her that she shouldn't say more about it.

He just said: "Our enemies are all the Ji Dynasty, but with our separate strengths, it is absolutely impossible for us to be the opponents of the Dynasty. We can only cooperate so that we can..."

"I killed the subordinate of your emperor Liuzhongtian, and also killed Long Jiangyuan, the Beastmaster of the Beast King's Mansion. Don't you want to seek revenge from me?"

Lu Feng interrupted Zhou Xiangjun's words, looked at her with a smile, and said, "If you let them know about it, I wonder if you will be disappointed with your dynasty princess?"

"To cooperate, or not to cooperate!"

Zhou Xiangjun did not answer, but said in a cold voice.

At the same time, the thirty or so martial arts masters around her stepped forward, as if you would kill you if you didn't cooperate.

The Six Swordsmen beside Lu Feng moved slightly at the same time, ready to attack at any time.

Gu Chen is vigilantly feeling the surroundings, he has to guard against the powerful semi-sacred in the dark.

Lu Feng shook his head slightly and said lightly, "If your subordinates didn't kill our generals, then there is a chance that we and you might cooperate."

"but now……"

His eyes gradually turned cold, and Lu Feng stared at Zhou Xiangjun and said, "For the enemy, the best way is..."

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"

"I don't know how to lift!"

Zhou Xiangjun's eyes condensed with murderous intent, and said, "If that's the case, then let the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom disappear from now on!"


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