Under Zhou Xiangjun's order, the thirty or so powerful puppets under her command rushed up immediately, trying to surround and kill Lu Feng and others.

Lu Feng looked at it and said lightly, "Don't abolish these puppets, just destroy the formation that motivated them!"

There is no doubt that these thirty or so weakest puppets are equivalent to holy king warriors, and they are a very strong fighting force.

For the current Nanyan Kingdom, what happens to be lacking is high-end combat power.

If you can control these puppets in your own hands, then the high-end strength of the Nanyan Kingdom will be greatly improved.

Although Lu Feng is not a puppet master, he is an ancient formation mage. If he gives him some time, he can completely figure out how to control these puppets that have been refined.


Behind him, the Six Swords Nuli Sword was unsheathed, and the sword light flashed.

But in the blink of an eye, those formations that were equivalent to those mobilized by holy kings and warriors were completely destroyed.

The remaining puppets, whose combat power was equivalent to that of the emperor's initial stage, also suffered heavy losses in the face of the siege of the Six Swordsmen.

As Lu Feng's realm has risen to the first level of the emperor, the realm of the six sword slaves has been unsealed to the maximum, reaching the realm they originally possessed.

Apart from the fact that Water Break is the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens, Zhengang's strength has reached the Sixth Heaven of the Emperor, and the strength of the other four have reached the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor.

For these magic puppets, it is an overwhelming advantage.

If it wasn't for Lu Feng's order, these magic puppets wouldn't last for thirty seconds.

But now, it doesn't last long.

Under the siege of the Six Swordsmen, just over a minute later, all the puppets beside Zhou Xiangjun fell to the ground.

All the formations that motivated them were destroyed.

Lu Feng was very satisfied with the result, and brought these puppets back to let him explore and find a way to control them, so he could use them again.


He looked at Zhou Xiangjun with his usual eyes, but he felt a little strange in his heart.

The puppets under his command were killed and injured so badly, how could he still be indifferent? It's also a person.

"Don't you feel bad?" Lu Feng asked.

"These puppets are too weak. If they die, they will die." Zhou Xiangjun shook his head slightly and said, "Nothing to feel bad about. Besides..."

After a short pause, she stared at the Six Swordsmen and said slowly, "You have brought me so many better puppet raw materials, why should I feel distressed?"

"Puppet ingredients?"

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes, stared at Zhou Xiangjun, and said slowly, "Do you have a puppet master under your command?"

"Do not……"

Zhou Xiangjun shook his head, stared at Lu Feng, and said, "Actually, I am the puppet master!"

When the voice fell, the mask on Zhou Xiangjun's face turned into an inky black light, and penetrated into Zhou Xiangjun's body. Her eyes immediately began to change and became dull.

But after a moment, it recovered again.

Zhou Xiangjun is really beautiful without the mask.

The face of melon seeds is picturesque, and the skin is as white as snow.

The face is absolutely beautiful.

Coupled with the lofty charm in his eyes, he looks like a queen.

Don't have any flavor.

If it was normal, Lu Feng might have taken a few more glances, but now he just frowned. He could clearly feel that after the inky black light entered Zhou Xiangjun's body, there was something in her body.


Lu Feng threw an exploration technique on her again.

Soon, the information will come back.

Zhou Xiangjun: The youngest daughter of Zhou Qilin, the emperor of the ancient Zhou Dynasty.

Race: half-human half-demon

Realm: The Emperor's Sixth Heaven Peak

Occupation: Puppet Master (Heavenly High Grade)

Martial Arts: Zhou Tian Xingchen Sword Art (Holy Grade High Grade)

Magical Powers: Charming Eyes (Saint-level high-grade, can control the martial artist whose soul realm does not exceed his five small realms for his own use, the time lasts for a quarter of an hour.)

The information fed back is one more job than just now.

A puppet master, or a top-rank puppet master!

"It surprised me."

Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, he did not expect Zhou Xiangjun to be a top-rank puppet master.

The previous exploration technique did not detect Zhou Xiangjun's occupation, it seems that the mask hides Zhou Xiangjun's occupation.

"Five thousand years."

Zhou Xiangjun spoke slowly, as if telling, "Because of my half-human, half-demon physique, it took me three thousand years to cultivate to the third level of the emperor."

"Then I realized that if I wanted to avenge my father and emperor, it would take at least 10,000 years to cultivate to the middle stage of Saint Venerable by myself."

"At that time, the vicissitudes of life will be meaningless."

"Therefore, it took me two thousand years to make myself a puppet master, and at the same time, I also cultivated to the sixth level of the emperor."

After a short pause, Zhou Xiangjun looked up at Lu Feng and said, "I thought my identity as a puppet master would only be revealed when I faced the dynasty, but I didn't expect that you have brought me some good materials today. ."

"A warrior at the peak of the emperor's Jiuzhongtian, with a puppet technique, and then cast it with a Xuanwen forbidden array, there is a 30% chance of becoming a psychic puppet on a par with the Holy Venerable."

Zhou Xiangjun's eyes gradually turned to the broken water, his eyes were very strange.

To be honest, Lu Feng looked weird at this scene.

Why does that look like a strange look at Xiaoluo Li?

If Shuan Shui was not blind, he would still understand looking at Zhou Xiangjun like this, but you Zhou Xiangjun, a beautiful woman, looked at the old man Duan Shui with such eyes.

this scene...

It's unacceptable!

"Zhou Xiangjun, don't waste your time, let your shadow master come out! Without him, you will die even if you are a puppet master." Lu Feng said.

"He's out!"

Zhou Xiangjun looked at Lu Feng again, with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

At the same time, the panicked voice of Water Breaker entered Lu Feng's ears.

"Leap into the sky!"

Lu Feng almost instinctively used the three-step third realm, and his body moved sideways, letting go of the position he just stood.

At the moment he just avoided, the ground suddenly exploded, and a burly man broke out of the ground.


Lu Feng stared at the big man, feeling a little scared in his heart.

If he hadn't heard the water cut off, he would have realized that something was wrong, and left the place like a conditioned reflex.

Maybe this half-sage will kill him directly.

Lu Feng has always had confidence in himself, but he doesn't think that with a body, he can stop a semi-sacred attack.


Zhou Xiangjun was stunned for a moment, and some did not react. She never expected that she would deliberately reveal the identity of the puppet master in front of Lu Feng, distracting Lu Feng's attention, and then let Shadow Zun sneak attack in secret.

In the end, he still didn't kill Lu Feng in an instant.

More importantly, how could Lu Feng be able to teleport?

Isn't this a method that only the powerful saints can control?

What happened to Lu Feng?

"This should be the Shadow Venerable!"

At this time, Lu Feng looked at the big man, frowning slightly, because this big man was very strange.

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