When the navy entered the Evil Dragon River and cooperated with Yue Fei's army to block the army of the Liyang Dynasty, Lu Feng needed a strategist by his side.

Jia Xu is very suitable in this situation.


Tong Jingyi, dean of Baiguo College, in the practice room.

At this time, Tong Jingyi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with excitement, and said, "Are you sure that the Liyang Dynasty has attacked the Nanyan Kingdom?"

"This is absolutely true! There is absolutely no falsehood!"

The middle-aged man said: "This is the news that we arranged from insiders of the Liyang Dynasty, and he saw with his own eyes Le Chongjin, the general of the town of the Liyang Dynasty, went to the Zonglan Kingdom, intending to control the Liyang Dynasty. At that time, there were 1.5 million troops in the Zonglan Kingdom."

"And Zhang Licheng, the king of Zhenbei of the Liyang Dynasty, also began to gather a large army near Tonglu City of the Liyang Dynasty. In that direction, only the southwest of Yuzhou can move troops."


"And what?"

Tong Jingyi asked immediately.

"The news came back from the spies that the Liyang Dynasty sent people to unite the small kingdoms in the west of the Nanyan Kingdom that were not yet occupied by the Nanyan Kingdom, in an attempt to connect the armies of these small kingdoms and attack the Nanyan Kingdom from the west. Put pressure on the Nanyan Kingdom." The middle-aged said.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Tong Jingyi was a little surprised and said, "As one of the ten dynasties, the Liyang Dynasty still needs the help of others to deal with a small Nanyan Kingdom? Has the Liyang Dynasty's strength declined so much?"

The middle-aged man didn't answer, just stood beside Tong Jingyi.

Tong Jingyi pondered slightly, and said, "However, the Liyang Dynasty is very powerful. It allows the Nanyan Kingdom to fight on multiple fronts. No matter whether the army of the Zonglan Kingdom has any results in the end, the Nanyan Kingdom that fights on multiple fronts will not last long."

"Because the Nanyan Kingdom is a nouveau riche, without any background, it is not enough to be an enemy of the Liyang Dynasty."

"Then Dean, what should our Hundred Nations College do?"

"of course yes!"

Tong Jingyi's eyes flickered with cold light, and said, "Elder Xinyue died because of Lu Feng, this revenge must be avenged!"

"Originally, I planned to wait until after the Great Emperor Ruins to seek revenge on Lu Feng, but now there is such a good opportunity, how can I let it go?"

"When you contact the people of the Liyang Dynasty, you can say that our Hundred Kingdoms College can lend Zhao She to them. With Zhao She's ability, you can completely lead the coalition forces of those small kingdoms, and you will definitely be able to strike a thunderous blow for the Nanyan Kingdom!" Tong Jingyi cold voice.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard it.

Zhao She is the head of the Zhao family, a military family under the name of Baiguo Academy, and was the most outstanding student of Baiguo Academy fifteen years ago.

His commanding ability is very strong.

Ten years ago, he was a general in the Eastern Xia Dynasty. He once led an army of 1.5 million in the Eastern Xia Dynasty, resisted the 3 million attack of the Dafeng Dynasty and the Guda Dynasty, and destroyed the Dafeng Dynasty and the Guda Dynasty. the goal of.

It is precisely because of this battle that Zhao She's name began to spread in Yuzhou, and he was directly invited by the dynasty.

More Dynasty star-gazers commented on Zhao She, this person has the style of a famous general through the ages!

It is precisely because of this that Baiguo College did not agree to let Zhao She go to the dynasty.

After all, the Hundred Nations Academy is basically the opposite of the Dynasty. Let a capable person with the style of the famous generals of the ages help their enemies. Unless everyone in the Hundred Nations Academy is stupid, they will never do this.

Moreover, in order to prevent such a talent from becoming its own enemy in the future, Baiguo Academy directly called Zhao She back from the Eastern Xia Dynasty, and he has always been in the family.

Stay for ten years!

For ten years, under the obstruction of Baiguo Academy, Zhao She had no chance to show his edge on the big stage of Yuzhou.

After all, Baiguo College also wants to control such talents in its own hands and plan for its own future.

Ten years have passed, and no one knows how powerful Zhao She is now, but what is certain is that it is definitely stronger than ten years ago.

The middle-aged man did not expect that Tong Jingyi would send Zhao She directly now.

It is conceivable how much Tong Jingyi hates Lu Feng and his Nanyan Kingdom. This shows that Zhao She will lead the alliance of those small kingdoms to consume Nanyan Kingdom on the western front!

Zhao She definitely has this ability.


The middle-aged man glanced at Tong Jingyi and said, "President, Zhao She has been very dissatisfied with the fact that Baiguo Academy has restricted him from joining the WTO. At this time, if he is released to lead troops to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, will Zhao She lead the troops directly? betray?"

"He doesn't have the guts!"

Tong Jingyi sneered and said, "He is the head of the Zhao family, and the Zhao family is in the Baiguo Academy, unless he wants more than 3,000 people in the Zhao family to die without a place to be buried, or he will never betray."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man felt a chill in his heart. He didn't expect Tong Jingyi to have such an idea. This was completely different from the amiable Hundred Kingdoms Academy Dean before.

It's just that he is just a small servant, and he doesn't dare to talk much.

He hurriedly responded and went to give Zhao She an order.

The middle-aged man quickly arrived at the Zhao family's mansion at Baiguo College and told Zhao She about Tong Jingyi's order.

Zhao She is a heroic middle-aged man, dressed in Confucian robes, like a scholar.

After he heard the order, he respectfully bowed and said, "Zhao She knows, and immediately rushed to the coalition army."

"There is General Lao Zhao."

The middle-aged man saw that Zhao She didn't say anything, and he was relieved, saying: "The dean has already explained before coming, the coalition is located very close to the Dazhou poisonous forest, and there is a Guxuan business in the Yang Dynasty. There is a teleportation array in the business, and General Zhao can go directly to the location of the coalition forces through the teleportation array."

"Guxuan Business?"

Zhao She pondered slightly, and said, "Guxuan Business and the Liyang Dynasty royal family have a deep conflict. Will you be willing to help the Liyang Dynasty royal family this time?"

"General Zhao didn't know, that Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, was arrogant. He not only offended the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty, but also stole the treasury of Guxuan Commercial Bank, making Guxuan Commercial Bank a laughing stock among the high-level forces in Yuzhou. "

"Now the ancestor of Guxuan Business, Gu Changtian, can't wait to kill Lu Feng, so he will definitely help. In addition, if there is a dean, Gu Changtian will give this face whatever he says." The middle-aged man explained.

Zhao She hadn't been out in Baiguo Academy for ten years, so he didn't know much about the outside world.

Now that he heard the middle-aged man's words, he nodded and said nothing more.

"General Zhao, hurry up and say goodbye to the clan, and then we will head to Tonglu City. The dean has already explained the matter to the people from the Guxuan Firm." The middle-aged man said.

"Okay, I'll go say hello to the clan, and then go."

After speaking, Zhao She turned around and entered his manor, and saw an old man after a while.

"Father." Zhao She shouted respectfully.

The old man looked at Zhao She, sighed softly, and said, "I have heard the matter. The Kingdom of Nanyan is not easy, and Lu Feng's generals are even more difficult. Are you sure?"

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