"As a military general, the first consideration should not be whether you are sure, but whether you have a chance to stand on the battlefield!"

Zhao She's face turned solemn, and said, "Father, I have been away from the battlefield for ten years, and I haven't stood on the battlefield for ten years. This is a humiliation for a general."

"Now there is such an opportunity, whether I have it or not, I will do my best!"

"In that case, you... be careful with everything!"

The old man sighed lightly, he knew his son, what he said was what he said, and he would definitely do what he said.

It's just that as a father, he was a little worried after all.

And he also knew in his heart that Zhao She could not go without the order of Tong Jingyi, the dean of Baiguo Academy.

Who made their Zhao family belong to the military family of Hundred Kingdoms Academy, for them, the order of the dean of Hundred Kingdoms Academy is equivalent to the order of the emperor, and they have to listen!

Zhao She didn't say anything more. After arranging the affairs in the family, he followed the middle-aged man to Tonglu City immediately.

In Tonglu City, Gujia Manor.

Gu Wenqian looked at the elder of the Baiguo Academy standing in front of him with a strange expression.

Someone just reported that the elders of Baiguo College had something to see him, and he was still curious about what was going on.

But he didn't expect that the thing was to let him open the teleportation array near the poisonous forest in Dazhou, and then teleport Zhao She over, and let Zhao She lead the troops to attack the western front of Nanyan Kingdom.

Others don't know about Zhao She, but Gu Wenqian knows it.

Strictly speaking, Zhao She is a hero of the same period as Gu Wenqian.

The two are still brothers in Baiguo Academy, but their development is different. Zhao She later went to the Eastern Xia Dynasty and made a name for himself, but in the end, he was restricted to the Zhao family by Baiguo Academy. born.

Gu Wenqian returned to the family and became the head of the ancient family.

Generally speaking, this kind of busy Gu Wenqian has no reason to refuse. After all, it was Baiguo College who opened the door, and this face must be given.

But now the situation is unusual.

The current Gu Wenqian is on the same boat as Lu Feng, and asking Zhao She to deal with Lu Feng and the Kingdom of Nanyan is not dealing with himself?

How does this work?

At the same time, he secretly said luck in his heart. Fortunately, he followed Gu Ziyi's suggestion and built a teleportation formation at the Dazhou poisonous forest on the southwest side of Yuzhou.

The purpose is just to see if we can develop some business opportunities in the poison forest.

And now, because of this teleportation formation, Hundred Nations Academy obediently came over and told him the plan, allowing him to master all the actions of Hundred Nations Academy.

This also means that Lu Feng controls all the actions of Baiguo Academy!

But if this matter is not handled well, it will easily expose Gu Wenqian.

After pondering slightly, Gu Wenqian asked, "What does the royal family say about this?"

"The dean has already contacted the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty. The royal family is eager for someone to lead the coalition forces of those small kingdoms. It has already agreed." The elder of the Hundred Kingdoms Academy looked at Gu Wenqian and said, "Now it's up to you, Patriarch Gu."

After a brief pause, he continued: "The humiliation imposed on the stock price by Emperor Lu Feng of the Nanyan Kingdom is too deep and too deep, doesn't the Gu Patriarch want revenge?"

"Of course I want to retaliate, but this is not something I can decide."

Gu Wenqian shook his head and said, "I hope you wait a moment, elder, I will go to the place where the ancestors retreated and ask the ancestors to make decisions."

"It's troublesome for Patriarch Gu."

The elders of Hundred Nations College said respectfully.

Gu Wenqian immediately turned around and walked behind him.

Gu Changtian was dead a long time ago. Naturally, he couldn't ask Gu Changtian for instructions. He wanted to pass the news to Lu Feng, and then follow Lu Feng's arrangement to decide the matter.

It's just that the elder of Hundred Nations College didn't know this. He watched Gu Wenqian go back with a smile on his face, thinking to himself that Gu Changtian would definitely agree.

Then Zhao She, who was extremely capable of commanding troops, suddenly parachuted into the small kingdoms' coalition forces, leading the troops to attack the western front of the Nanyan Kingdom directly, and the Nanyan Kingdom scurried away.

Simply delicious.


If he knew that Gu Wenqian had been in the same boat with Lu Feng long ago, he probably wouldn't be smiling like this.

"Your Majesty, Gu Wenqian urgently reports."

On the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom, Zhen Zhen just came to Lu Feng's side and said respectfully.

"Gu Wenqian?"

Lu Feng's eyes narrowed, Gu Wenqian now has an urgent report, 90% of which is related to the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty.

"Bring it up."

Zhen just took out a jade tube and handed it to Lu Feng.

"Space jade tube."

The space jade tube was specially made for Jin Yiwei by Lu Feng using ancient Xuanwen. The number is limited and it must be used in emergency situations.

When the space jade tube uses the teleportation array, it can be teleported in place instantly without any time interval.

Gu Wenqian used the space jade tube to pass the news, it must be something extraordinary happened in Tonglu City.

Lu Feng immediately opened the space jade tube and checked the news inside.

Lu Feng was a little surprised when he knew that it was the Hundred Nations Academy who sent the leader to help the Liyang Dynasty, but he was only surprised.

He and Hundred Nations Academy have had an undeniable hatred for a long time. Now that there is such a good opportunity to fall into trouble, it is normal for Hundred Nations Academy to not let it go.

On the other hand, when Lu Feng looked at the name of the leader sent by Hundred Kingdoms Academy, his heart seemed a little dignified.

Zhao She!

In the history of China, there was a Zhao She, a famous general of Zhao State during the Warring States Period.

Not many people may know about Zhao She, but his son is a familiar character to Chinese people.

'Talking about soldiers on paper' Zhao Kuo!

To say that Zhao Kuo is also quite unlucky. He has studied military books, and even his father Zhao She can't compare, but he has never had actual combat experience.

The first battle of leading troops was the Battle of Changping.

The most important thing is that the enemy general he faced was still the number one general in the world at that time 'Slaying God' Bai Qi, and he was also the top three famous generals throughout China.

The fledgling Zhao Kuokong has unparalleled theoretical knowledge, and when he encounters Bai Qi, who has been victorious in a hundred battles and has rich practical experience, failure is doomed.

If Zhao Kuo met Bai Qi, the God of Killing, if it wasn't his first time leading troops, and if he was given a few years or more than ten years to hone his theoretical knowledge into practical combat experience, he might become a famous general.

It's just a pity that he met Bai Qi and was directly killed...

In his previous life, Lu Feng was just curious about Zhao Kuo, who was talking about soldiers on paper. He went to learn about some of his information, and finally learned that Zhao Kuo's father, Zhao She, was also a famous general in the Warring States Period, and was one of the eight famous generals of the Six Eastern Kingdoms at that time.

The other seven were: Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Dai Tuo, Ni Liang, Wang Liao, Tian Ji, and Lian Po.

Of these seven people, Wu Qi and Sun Bin are the most famous, but Tian Ji and Lian Po are also quite powerful. Lian Po ranks among the four famous generals, and Tian Ji is a famous general of Qi State at that time, and Sun Bin and Wei Wei used to save Zhao He. The name of the reduction of the stove is left in the history of the youth.

The rest Ni Liang, Dai Tuo, and Wang Liao were not as good as Wu Qi and others, but they were not weak.

Zhao She was able to rank among the eight famous generals of the Six Eastern Kingdoms with them, which was enough to show that his ability was not weak.

Moreover, he once led troops to defeat Qin State in the "Fight with You".

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